
May 26, 2018
"officially testing" is still complete bull
And then what after "finding" another bug or making up one for excuse
They're gonna be like "oh sorry another game breaking bug hoho delays hoho maybe next week hoho next month
See guys were working hard hoho"

What a complete hippo doodoo
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
SS is a better game ? Debatable. By every metric ? Hell no.
In in SU if you want the porn scenes it's not really hard(except if you don't use cheats, in that case yeah the game is pretty terrible). Yeah there is a gacha component where once a while you have to skip a day, how time consuming it is.
Nothing like a Point & Click where you're lost if you don't pay attention, where you have to always go to bed, wait for a precise day,... Sure it's that sort of game, but the time spend before you can get one porn scene is so absurd in SS.
So the art ? Nop.
The content ? Maybe, didn't bothered to finish it after I was lost because I didn't played for a while. But from what I've seen in terms of sex content, not really. (I mean sure it's nice and all to have great backgrounds to visit and all, but a lot of porn games forgets they are... porn games. If it was just for the diversity Innocent Witches would be the best porn game).
The story? It's a porn game, who cares ?(and tbh SS has not what I would call a good plot)

I mean sure, there is some points where I think I'm not really objective, but SS isn't that much of a great game, and SU is a good porn game, it's just the developer who is a disaster with communication.
Yes by every metric. Now give it up already.

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
about the SS vs SU debate, all i have to say is, characters have barelly any content. and in some cases, its just the same pose, diferent place. so many characters get vaginal only and that's it. and many of them is after literal hours of grind(and for what, one or 2 scenes at most).

i said this a few times, for porn games, characters need to have at least the "3 hole run". at the bare minimum. boobjob/handjob/footjob being nice extras. in SS most dont even get 2 of them. just look at the "teachers update" were all we got was a single bj and that was(while nice) from only one of the them, the rest was just basic sex.

say what you want from SU, but at the very least, we get ALOT of variations and alot of poses, could they add more? sure, i agree, but they at least offer enough to make most people happy.

with that being said... did something happened? wasnt the update supposed to come out 2 weeks ago?
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Sep 2, 2017
my two cents, because this is the first decent conversation on the game I've seen in a long time.
I played SS quite a bit and SU quite a bit, no I don't keep receipts, and I think I stopped laying both of em actively before 2021.
SU has way better art and a much larger storyline with far more variety between characters.
When you crunch the numbers, SS does have a similar number of characters as SU but only the lowest content characters match dialogue in volume - and that means SU characters like Savage's security guards and Penguin's henchwomen.
I'd say half of the characters in SU have fully realized dialogue while SS has maybe 6- maybe you could argue more if you include dialogue that's be rewritten with the original retconned out.

The art is, as many others have pointed out, no competition.

The game aspect is also no competition. SU does not have many gameplay elements, it's mostly a 'visit the right place for the right cutscene' run. SS has puzzles, exploration, more meaningful cash grind and clearer objectives to work towards.

imo, SS is the better GAME, SU is the better porn. nuff said.

Classic Krieger

Active Member
Aug 1, 2017
I thought they were already testing...
I'm betting on that He did literally no work all these 4 months and he procrastinated it all until he was already a month late AGAIN, and we'll see lots of copied and pasted graphics. AGAIN. I think again he's just doing damage control so that he doesn't loses another bunch of patreons all at once. Which will happen anyways in my opinion.

I dont know if this was sent already but this is what was said on the discord
Waiting until the "duh guys you are so negative, stop complaining and play other games" when it is obvious he has been lying for a whole month xD
Why am I not surprised he has an obvious second profile that's specifically built to praise himself and justify himself as if it was another person.


Aug 21, 2018
Soooo.... you're saying that you DO want Lex to bone Waller in-game? lol/Jk.

Who are we kidding, they'd make hers perky somehow too, not sure how, but they would.....
Lol that would be interesting for sure but with the current pace I'd rather have SR work on other heroines first.


Apr 12, 2019
Maybe I should write the kinkiest ever VN in ren'py, build a fanbase like SU or SS then just sit on my ass and reap all the money

It seems to be working for other porn games out there, I could do with 1000$ a month
I know python, lets go~! All we need is an artist that can copy paste the same body and has wrist problems


Jun 9, 2019
don't disagree for most elements, but the gap in art quality is pretty undeniable, ss isn't even close in that department. SU has pretty solid art, not top tier imo but ss is just really mediocre in a lot of scenes. It's not even the best in its own art style.
Wrong. Sunsetriders7 has no respect for anatomy. His best works are of images not in SU and those are still not as good as Dark Cookie's. SR7 can't do anatomy, lighting, color, or interiors, at least not as good as DC. SR7 animations are fucking terrible. They're clunky and unnatruaral and rarely have more than two frames. Don't get me wrong, I like both games, but if you thing that SR7>DC in the art department then you are fucking delusional.

SR7 is just aping Bruce Timm's artsyle and he can't even fucking do that right. His figures are so two-dimensional they look like they were carved into a sandstone wall by Egyptian scribes. I like Bruce Timm too, but jesus christ learn how to add some fucking form to the bodies. I don't want to fap to hieroglyphs.

DC is not perfect but he devolpoed his own style at least. His early stuff is pretty garbo ngl, but hes only getting better as time progresses.
Last edited:
Sep 7, 2019
Maybe I should write the kinkiest ever VN in ren'py, build a fanbase like SU or SS then just sit on my ass and reap all the money

It seems to be working for other porn games out there, I could do with 1000$ a month
Yes, please, you do that. If it's so easy for you and it will be so easy to deliver significantly larger quantity at at least comparable quality, I'm all kinds of offended, that you are not doing it already! Why are you wasting your talent like that and why are you so lazy to not want 1000$ for doing something that apparently takes no effort!


Active Member
Feb 8, 2018
I'm betting on that He did literally no work all these 4 months and he procrastinated it all until he was already a month late AGAIN, and we'll see lots of copied and pasted graphics. AGAIN. I think again he's just doing damage control so that he doesn't loses another bunch of patreons all at once. Which will happen anyways in my opinion.
You are right unfortunately. Next time we will wait 5 months for update and then additional 7 weeks for mystical "fixing the bugs" ;) Of course my save again will be broken by yet another critical bug that slipped past.

If those who are still his patrons will not learn that they have the only tool to change DEV's current toxic milking behavior then supporters number will dwindle to the point he will scrap this game unfinished.

They need to learn that DEV is perfectly OK with enormous delays. Patreon is also OK. If patrons will not care for this game and kick DEV's ass a few times - nothing will change.

So many games ruined by simple fact that people do not understand that sometimes by NOT PAYING those 1/2/5/10$ when DEV is milking will make the game update came out MUCH EARLIER and HAVE MORE CONTENT....

Unreal Bober

Nov 16, 2018
I am more than sure that the new update will not cost 4 months of waiting. there will probably be something like their usual update with a couple of extra scenes and zero new gameplay mechanics.
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