
Active Member
Nov 2, 2016

ogr blanc

Active Member
May 15, 2019
Personally, I don't want any gameplay mechanics added. I don't get why people want gameplay mechanics. I play for the art, not the grind.

Plus, any time spent adding these gameplay mechanics takes time away from drawing new assets

If I wanted to play a fun dc game I would play arkham knight. If I wanted to play a puzzle game I would play a lego game.
gameplay mechanics are good, when they are done well. porn rpgs for example need good combat, the real problem comes, when the people making them decided that now, you cant progress because you gotta win some bs nonsensical puzzle they pulled out of their ass, while high as a kite.

also, when i say they need good combat, i mean, BASIC JRPG combat. instead of the outright retarded(sorry for the word, but its the only one that fits) ones where you gotta do some nonsense just to attack...

too many developers think they are making a persona game or a final fantasy, but end up delivering lunar dragon song...


Apr 12, 2019
a) no one really does any conversation on patreon since its just like a wall post
b) If your discord was filled with hate it'd be a pretty shittly run discord, you change the rules and hand out bans to avoid a negative atmosphere, thats literally a huge part of running a discord
c) The communication they provide is garbage, you tweet 1month ago "testing starts this weekend" and then a month after that "finally into testing" isn't good communication, GSG needs to actually learn to communicate properly which would likely entail owning up to their own mistakes, fuck ups and laziness constantly (or just spouting dumb lies) and accept the hate for a while until it grows into understanding

edit: d) It doesn't help when GSG replies just as much of an asshole to people, need to be the bigger person and learn/understand PR before you cry and yell back at people get mad


Jan 3, 2021
Honestly, yea, in my opinion that's one of the only problems with GSG with me. They don't communicate, if at all. The game itself is great, otherwise it wouldn't have as big of a following as it does nor would their patreon be doing so well. But the lack of any kind of news aside from updates or announcements on twitter or discord that just hellishly imply that they procrastinated just kind of drags it down by quite a bit.

I think they might just not want to outright say "Yea we got lazy.""We procrastinated, sorry, we'll get back on it." or even a "Real life got in the way, we'll get back on it when we can." purely just so that people don't stop paying on Patreon (which can happen for such mundane reasons.) Which is understandable, but almost everyone would prefer an announcement along those lines at the least, because they're all pretty normal reasons that can slow production to a halt for understandable reasons. We're only human after all, otherwise we wouldn't be so hung up about a porn game as we are xD.
Last edited:
Oct 31, 2019
I thought sunset hired a programmer according to some of last year's posts. But instead it turns out he was trying to fix the vault by himself

Also its interesting that he was tinkering with the vault, I suppose to add the dialogue to the scenes


Jan 23, 2018
I thought sunset hired a programmer according to some of last year's posts. But instead it turns out he was trying to fix the vault by himself

Also its interesting that he was tinkering with the vault, I suppose to add the dialogue to the scenes
Apparently the programmer got fired/quit because he wasn't doing much programming and spent most of his time stirring up shit on the discord. I think I also saw somewhere that some/many scenes live in the vault and get the dialogue applied during the event, which is why it has to work properly, but I could be imagining that.


Apr 12, 2019
Honestly lots of game companys fail and suck at PR and communication, my only real gripe is how they keep missing deadlines THEY set and that from the looks/sounds of it the code base is just a fucking mess and they are dead set on wasting months each update rather than just cleaning it up with a few months of work. Adding leash/other scenes to girls that already exist on others shouldnt be causing so many issues
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Jan 5, 2019
If delay continues and it's gone silent it may be the movie. Because it's pop culture at the moment. DC time kind of snuck up on him and maybe he's trying to stay off the radar. If that's what it is, can't blame him and that's probably really wise on his part.

On game in general, I'm not a huge fan of how things get added now by way of arbitrary and linear story stuff. It's nice sure but it's there and gone. A lot of the foundation laid probably won't get used. Personally I'm just holding onto one major desire for the game. I want you to be able to get Roulette and Tala in Glamor Slam. The recent leash stuff is encouraging.

As for delays in general.. well I won't say. But seems like a long time since Akabur would release a full game every once in a while punctuated by others showing up with debuts 50% - 70% complete.
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Jul 22, 2019
Honestly lots of game companys fail and suck at PR and communication, my only real gripe is how they keep missing deadlines THEY set and that from the looks/sounds of it the code base is just a fucking mess and they are dead set on wasting months each update rather than just cleaning it up with a few months of work. Adding leash/other scenes to girls that already exist on others shouldnt be causing so many issues
Not being great at communication is fine, like you said lots of even professional ones do, but man it's pretty awful to full on get into arguments with consumers about shit. That's never going to go well, no-one's going to get less mad because you go "Uhh technically I didn't say it was actively being done so we didn't lie".

Communication here is pretty easy anyway, just pop in and respond to questions sometimes, or post an update yourself once and people will absolutely love you, regardless of delays or how frequent your updates are (within reason obviously).


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2016
If you complain about the negativity of the communications, it is only YOUR

What you can't is take out 3 teasers and suddenly a few days after saying we have started the testing and several days after saying we have to do the whole vault from scratch because that is laughing at the public Damn if you have to test and remake the vault , do not dedicate yourself to adding new playable characters that nobody has asked, finish what is half and do not be a rat, pay a programmer to fix those problems with the game while you advance with it in a way parallel
if this game had real competition either for something similar but with Marvel (or even DC) or something trainer mod wasn't a scam I am sure that he would put his batteries to good use and he did things better but since there is no one to step on him, things like this happen
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Sep 7, 2019
a) was a joke. b) why so mad about it, also the joke is you don't need to actually DELIVER anything, yikes, joke went right over your head
a) and my was completely serious. How dare you to joke!
b) because I'm ENTITLED. To others ppl work and effort!

// sarcasm off

There very well may be discussion of motivation, incentives and work ethics. And communication skills. I'm less fond of mind-reading and intention-divining that all too often comes with it. I wish games I like had more content as much as other guy. But I don't see constant b1tch1ng and moaning that goes on in this thread for hundreds of pages as solution. Denying payment? Might work to some degree - if you actually are supporter - but may as well result in LESS motivation for creators. Competition might be answer, but for that you would need more people with talent to have incentive to work in this niche and somewhat un-glorious space, that you probably will not put on your CV.

I recently made decision to try to develop my own game. The idea developed in this thread actually, discussed some time ago. So I'm learning daz (sadly no talent to create 2d art), watching tutorials and started creating first characters and locations. Gathered resources and assessed what will be possible. Trying to update by knowledge of X-men and Marvell Universe. Planing to learn Unity because I want some kind of meaningful RPG progression and combat/action (turn based). And there is good chance that even if I'll make it, after months of work, it won't be any good, nobody will want to play. But, there is also possibility, that I will never finish it in the first place. It's a passion project that I want to release at this forum and not planing to monetize (for a number of reasons). But I'm already encountering obstacles, like assets that i would like to have but not able to find and it is discouraging. And you know what is also not very encouraging? Threads like this. I actually don't know if I have half the talent of SU creator. But the point (and this is actually THE POINT I'm trying to make) is not me, but other potential creators. SU is by far not the only game thread like this, with the constant stream of negativity toward creator.

I do fully believe in ability and need to criticize. And to express disappointment. And to vote with the wallet. But I don't like entitled attitudes. And I don't like people denigrating others people work by claiming, that it takes no effort and is easy, when they actually create nothing themselves. Mind you, I don't belie it the insane theory some seems to believe, that you need to "do something better" to criticize. And I have my criticism and ideas of improvement for SU too, that I expressed some time ago already. No need to repet over, and over again ad nauseam. But attacking creators characters, accusing them of dishonestly, laziness because you done some napkin math on how much content he supposed to be able to make is not constructive in my opinion. Not even, when, some other author is able provide larger amount, because humans people vary both in their talent and trait conscientiousness.

In this case, thinking that creating and updating something successfully is so easy that it takes no effort at all. I call BS. Go on and try. On the unlikely possibility, that you create something worth time playing, something good, I'll be more than happy to be wrong on my prediction, that will all your bravado you actually will never create nothing worthwhile in this space (and my efforts are likely to fail too). That was the point of the previous post that apparently went over YOUR head (you see this petty insult can be thrown both ways).
May 31, 2020
a) and my was completely serious. How dare you to joke!
b) because I'm ENTITLED. To others ppl work and effort!

// sarcasm off

There very well may be discussion of motivation, incentives and work ethics. And communication skills. I'm less fond of mind-reading and intention-divining that all too often comes with it. I wish games I like had more content as much as other guy. But I don't see constant b1tch1ng and moaning that goes on in this thread for hundreds of pages as solution. Denying payment? Might work to some degree - if you actually are supporter - but may as well result in LESS motivation for creators. Competition might be answer, but for that you would need more people with talent to have incentive to work in this niche and somewhat un-glorious space, that you probably will not put on your CV.

I recently made decision to try to develop my own game. The idea developed in this thread actually, discussed some time ago. So I'm learning daz (sadly no talent to create 2d art), watching tutorials and started creating first characters and locations. Gathered resources and assessed what will be possible. Trying to update by knowledge of X-men and Marvell Universe. Planing to learn Unity because I want some kind of meaningful RPG progression and combat/action (turn based). And there is good chance that even if I'll make it, after months of work, it won't be any good, nobody will want to play. But, there is also possibility, that I will never finish it in the first place. It's a passion project that I want to release at this forum and not planing to monetize (for a number of reasons). But I'm already encountering obstacles, like assets that i would like to have but not able to find and it is discouraging. And you know what is also not very encouraging? Threads like this. I actually don't know if I have half the talent of SU creator. But the point (and this is actually THE POINT I'm trying to make) is not me, but other potential creators. SU is by far not the only game thread like this, with the constant stream of negativity toward creator.

I do fully believe in ability and need to criticize. And to express disappointment. And to vote with the wallet. But I don't like entitled attitudes. And I don't like people denigrating others people work by claiming, that it takes no effort and is easy, when they actually create nothing themselves. Mind you, I don't belie it the insane theory some seems to believe, that you need to "do something better" to criticize. And I have my criticism and ideas of improvement for SU too, that I expressed some time ago already. No need to repet over, and over again ad nauseam. But attacking creators characters, accusing them of dishonestly, laziness because you done some napkin math on how much content he supposed to be able to make is not constructive in my opinion. Not even, when, some other author is able provide larger amount, because humans people vary both in their talent and trait conscientiousness.

In this case, thinking that creating and updating something successfully is so easy that it takes no effort at all. I call BS. Go on and try. On the unlikely possibility, that you create something worth time playing, something good, I'll be more than happy to be wrong on my prediction, that will all your bravado you actually will never create nothing worthwhile in this space (and my efforts are likely to fail too). That was the point of the previous post that apparently went over YOUR head (you see this petty insult can be thrown both ways).
Wow man
I hope when I complete to read this message the update will come out


Active Member
Feb 8, 2018
I mean, I agree but I think he may really be having trouble with the coding. So MAYBE he is actually trying and he needs the support
Man, if I would be making porn games for a leaving for 5 years like he is I would either learn how to do basic programing (this game is basic programing) or hire someone to do it for me.

Fact that he hired someone who scammed him indicate only that he did not supervise his employee. Not that all programmers are scammers :D He can get in touch with some game devs from Patreon or f95 and ask for trusted programmer.

Even if he prefer someone cheaper - knowing how novice programmers are paid I assure you there is a shitload of Russians/East Europeans/some other developing country people who will rewrite this entire game to Renpy as side-job in few months for a couple of hundreds/month.
Jul 23, 2017
I mean, I agree but I think he may really be having trouble with the coding. So MAYBE he is actually trying and he needs the support
I agree he might really be struggling with the code, which is understandable, but if that is the case, the "no communication = best communication" bullshit is still extremely delusional in my opinion
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Aug 7, 2018
I love the idea and artstyle behind this game. (Seriously it gets the DCAU style down to a T.)

However, this is probably the biggest example I can think of for bloat harming a game. The team really should have had a small overall concept, they then could have added expansions as time went on.

Fun, but I've basically lost interest until what is considered "final" 1.0 is released.
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