Unity - Something Unlimited [v2.4.6] [Gunsmoke Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game was so good it made me go and watch DC animations.
    seriously one of the best games in the scene right now, despite the annoying UI (which they are trying to rework) everything is perfect here.
    game is still incomplete as I'm writing this, but devs seem to be doing a good job, graphics and arts are just on point, you feel like it's straight out of a DC franchise, the story is great, game mechanics could be better but it's not something unbearable, they added in-game cheat system which is pretty neat.
    Also pretty nice of them to choose Lex Luthor, he's a great protagonist for this game.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    game has some flaws, but is constantly updated and new content added so can't really complain. A lot of characters were implemented early on, but they weren't really given much content and were mainly just window dressing. Over time, that's changed and they started fto flesh out a lot of older characters. Still not perfect and still has it's flaws, but dev keeps adding stuff and game's good
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    It's pretty good. I have to imagine that if the game did not have cheat codes this would be unplayable, but luckily there are so here goes.

    Overall this game wins lots of points for originality of content & presentation. It looks amazing. The characters are written well and consistent to their canon personas.

    Gameplay is... a little weak. It's grindy in a way that can be frustrating. There's also massive RNG with the cell system that only makes things worse. However, I keep coming back. I've replayed this game from the beginning multiple times and it hooks me in despite the problems.

    Not to mention the gameplay ideas here are unique. Other games have copied them. The content is plentiful and keeps you invested long past the point most other games do.

    I imagine some DC fan considers this by far the best game on the site. It's not perfect, but it's a solid attempt and incredibly ambitious. Keep an eye on this developer because they have the potential to make a masterpiece.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Stoneage games

    The game has a great art style as expected from a dedicated developer. It keeps it fresh with every new update, been following the game since 0.7. This game is great and I can't wait to see what else is in store for future updates.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    All i have to say is great game
    But u should be able to save manually.
    It doesn't make sense to have auto save without manually save option
    Especially when u have so many options and girls.

    And please reduce the intro time and the transition scenes time
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love this game. Full of scenes and story to keep you entertained for a very long time. It has so much potential and I'm always looking to every update. The only downside is that it can be very grindy, however there is a cheat system in the game which can bypass this. Overall good story, great art, and really fuels the nostalgia fetish.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one the best adult game on this website. The art is awesome, animated scenes are so smooth(Art is better than the animated show XD) and Story is bit shady but who cares, we are here for fap The User interface of the game is good too. Give it a try without and worry.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm sure everyone was imagine this dc characters like that (comics and tv shows).
    After that game that possible :D

    Maybe this game have same scene every pov.
    But remember this ones are dc chrachters.When we are young everyone crushed on dc chrachters.

    In Game:
    Lois lane: Bj dude what was that animations?

    Story is not bad to.But for fap thats problem %70 people didn't read
    i guees not problem.

    When u ignore some animation moves Game is 7.5
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    This game is pretty fantastic for what it is: essentially a management game where you, as Lex Luthor, control a giant underground sex ring revolving around mind-controlled heroines. Obviously the biggest pro to playing the game is the art style, which just seems like a rejected Justice League animator wanted to flex their artistic muscle and this is how they did it.

    My personal biggest downside is that it doesn't feel like the game is super optimized. While the text speed being either relatively slow crawl or skip through everything and the overall grinding is annoying, I expect it from this kind of game. It may just be because the game is pretty much pushing the limit of what it should be able to do, but it does slow down for me occasionally.

    8.5/10 - I'd rate it higher, but if you're someone who doesn't like lots of reading and grinding, you'll probably hate this. If you're okay with it and have lots of patience, have a ball~
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    awesome! cant wait to see full version of the game.. this game has such a potential. great variety of characters and scenes also things you do like managements of your buildings.. such a great potential man. please dont waste. if developers sustain the updates day by day, this game will become new Summertime Saga!
  11. 4.00 star(s)

    Asia Argento

    To be honest, I enjoyed this alot and really dug the art style of it looking like an old WB cartoon from the 90s. The training is solid. Everything is based on lore. There is not much to hate... except the protag is Lex Luthor. Sigh. I kinda wish for a character gen. You can choose your mentality and background. Small character customization and go from there... but that would be a brutal dev change to this... I think this is great for fans of DC who want to ruin a character they have wanted to... but if you are kinda feh to the idea of a Lex Luthor Dom/Slave game, then this might not be for you...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Been a fan for some time. Art is exceptional.

    I just would like to see a lot more Mercy content,
    as she is supposed to be your main, most loyal henchwoman with a 'hidden relationship', like when she gets mad when you get bj from Harley and that list should rly continue.
    Also she has a very fiery temperament and she is not under the influence of your 'devices'(=feels like true character progression).
    It would combine pretty well if you could ask her to do stuff that you ask from other girls. And im not talking about just the scenes in the cell.
    For example you could ask her to help out the 'family business' and have her perform in the strip club and bordello for that day.
    I rly like the recent alley scene with her, but to be honest that should be an option to do no matter where you are, if she is selected as henchwoman.
    Even if you are in the middle of a conversation have her lick your balls, hell even have her jack off the Joker.
    And she or well other henchwoman shouldn't have a limit how many times you visit them a day.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game, been playing since the middle of 2017. Lots of great, hot sex scenes, storyline and characters have been superb as of late, always awaiting for new updates. Best DC hentai/sex simulator game if you're looking for a superhero brothel with harem.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Right off the bat I'm going to plainly admit I don't think that non-comic book fans or non-DC fans are going to get much mileage out of this. A HUGE part of the cerebral value to this game is knowing some or all of these heroes and villains from the DC universe. It's really the context of being familiar with the superhero genre that is required for this game to be outstanding, because the harem management is..ok to good, but not standout.

    This is a gentle slow corruption of near the entire roster of DC heroines accompanied with an absolute load of renders and a good bit of scenario writing and decent gameplay. There is a delight of familiar characters, locations, outfits, backgrounds for people that have watched DC cartoons. If you're familiar with the character traits of some of them the dialogue pays off.

    Is the plot kind of eh and random? Is the gameplay repetitive at times and buying henchmen, selecting cubes, etc., potentially tiresome? Is the game hugely incomplete given the massive scope? Yeah I guess, these are typical in a harem management game. But I think it's still worth your while, especially if you're a comic book fan there is always some familiar detail from the characters that is lifted then perverted which is just so entertaining to watch play out, and that's an extra value this game has that most others don't.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Well I was a bit of a fan for DC Universe when I discover the Justice League animation, but in the last five years my attention drifted toward Marvel due to their Cinematic Universe.

    This game clearly brought my attention back to DC. While I was familiar with some of their characters, for some of them I had to do a quick search to remember their story and abilities, to better follow the games:

    - storyline wise this game is greate. While it can be redundant to visit each day to visit the characters in hope that a new element of their arc will be presented, the wait is worth

    - having Lex as the MC make perfect sense for me and I am glad that they went that way. Putting your alter ego as a MC would require the first part of the game to explain how you got all the resourses and relatioship with the characters (especially where there is a backstory: Louis, Marcy)
    - the art is very nice and I enjoyed having fun with the girls

    Game console:
    - what I do no like about the game console is that I was not able to save to the second and third slot. While the game is linear, I would have liked to save the game before the yacht or prison minigame.
    - also there are some consoles (girls outfit, cells) where a template was used and many cells are let empty: It was frustrating for me as I did not know if I discover everything or it is still something there to be found.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I am not here to judge anyone, but if you really hate successful women and want to turn them to sex slaves this game is for you.

    This game has some the best and the worst material I have ever seen.

    The graphics are as good as in TV. I am not super serious about super heroes but even I can see characters and dialogues are very well made. There are plenty of events and always something to do.

    But yeah... there is grinding... a lot of it. I can only wonder why devs made like this. You need money, a lot of it. Everything cost and is expensive. You have to micro everything, the girls is show will be less profitable over time so you have to manually rotate them. The girls also have devices you need to update constantly...
    But the worst thing is success % of missions. The base chance is 50%, you can increase it by hiring more expensive villains and buying items but still you might fail. This if anything is extremely frustrating, if you fail you have to keep clicking nights, swapping girls and attempting again. This multiple of times and I can only ask why?

    As in conclusion, you can try it but when you get frustrated dont expect game turning into anything better. This is your drink you wanted so bottoms up! In the end you could as well save many hours and just go to exhentai for a fab, everything has been uploaded there and you dont have to grind!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly love this game because it has a great story with an amazing amount of dialogue its funny exciting and the artwork is just astonishing.
    I mean you're playing and all of a sudden out of nowhere a teleport pop up in your office and a new story with a ton of chicks begin. there are a lot of girls that are stubborn at first then give in some already gave in, there are parties villains, heroes it is just so cool along with reset events, animations, various positions , outfits and so much more.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a game that's absolutely amazing to play for the first time, what with all of the backlog of sweet content that it has accumulated through its years of development, but once you consume all of that it can be a bit of a miserable experience to keep tasting the trickle of new content. Sometimes the content of a given update may not be your cup of tea, sometimes it may feel like a lot of time passes between updates, sometimes that amount of elapsed time works to erase the foundation of the story/characters/vibe that the game had accomplished through your first playthrough, reducing the new updates to simple, somewhat repetitive sex scenes devoid of context. That's why I've decided to not play every single update that comes out but wait longer between my play sessions, like maybe a year, and see if it works better that way. But truth be told, in your first playthrough the game has such a powerful and pleasureable effect that the latter experience hurts more probably because of drug-like abstinence symptoms or whatever. In any case, when the game's finished and commercially released in a complete fashion, I think it will be almost universally loved.

    On to the game itself:

    * It's the best at building the fantasy of you being a powerful villain mastermind that builds its own harem and gets away with it in the oblivious noses of the heroes.

    * It has great art style, faithful to the original animated series but slightly enhanced in its erotic aspects. Sadly (for my tastes) though, I feel that with each update boobs get a bit more larger than before. Some characters like WW are also definitely more ripped and bigger here than elsewhere.

    * Great animations for the first few characters, then still very good art (bar the boobs thing) for the rest.

    * There's attention to characterization/references that make the adult parody work and enhance the sex scenes.

    * A bit grindy. A bit RNG. A bit buggy. Buildings should be outlined in the main map. No sound whatsoever.

    * Sex dialogue and descriptions manage to be short and concise while being effective and in-character.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I confess that I never paid attention to this game, but in this period of isolation I decided to try. What a pleasant surprise, I played for hours and never got tired. Fun game, well rendered, delicious heroines and lots of content. It is worth being played. Congratulations Dev!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The art in this game is amazing just like the shows and comics and the animations that are in the game are very well done. The cast of characters is very vast but is missing a few of my personalty faves in Katana and Casandra Cain (Orphan ). The game play is very grindy but there is an option to cheat which should speed it up and a way to skip dialogue. The game is still a work in progress and gets updates im very excited to see the finished product please support the creator if your able to and check out the game