Unity - Something Unlimited [v2.4.6] [Gunsmoke Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Read the full review and other game reviews here: https://hentaireviews.moe/2019/11/13/dc-comics-porn-game-review-something-unlimited/

    Story: 4/5 (it's simple, but can be pretty funny at times!)
    Gameplay: 2.5/5 (it's kinda dull, but could be worse)
    Graphics: 5/5 (fucking amazing, not much else to say)
    Music/Sfx: 0 (why doesn't it have any??? it could make the game so much better)

    Overall, honestly, this game definitely has one of THE BEST art styles of any game I've seen on this website. The CGs are fucking amazing as you can probably see in the image previews and those aren't even the best ones in the game. And the best part is, even if it's unfinished, this game has tons of content!
    But, the game is far from perfect, since the gameplay isn't the best and it doesn't have any music or sound effects of any kind.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1684328

    This games' art is simply stunning. The idea of playing the evil genius while capturing heroines is simple, yet effective. It's everyone's dream to make Wonderwoman obedient to your orders.

    The cartoony art style is as if made by the artists of the show themselves. The games make you feel as if you're an evil genius yourself, with a masterplan to take over the world.

    The scenes are also of astounding quality, and I am sure most people have played at least a few scenes multiple times.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best projects here so far.

    Very professional artwork. Looks like it came straight from Superheroes comics.
    Simple animations and static pictures combine perfectly. Many customizations of characters.
    Many different locations creating a semi-open world. Some locations can also be customized.
    Updates are done regularly and most of them are a significant improvement from the previous version.
    Storytelling is decent with developing tendencies of not only main but also side characters. Choices do mater. Fans can influence content. Its perfect evil genius erotic fun project.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Old(also favorite) story, but very good atmosphere. Sometimes you don't know how to continues story because all storyline go auto if you visit some of location. You can stuck for sometime but if you look for improvment of story it's normal. Art nice and cool, i think in future many things can done in game. Good game .:cool:
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely a great game, the style and look of the game are really top shelf.
    The mechanics are mostly solid with some hiccups when updating older versions. The only downsize? It's REALLY hard to keep track of what is left to see; you'll find yourself having to watch the same scene over and over not knowing if repetitions is gonna unlock the next step in the story or if you're just wasting time.
    Even so a sexy fun time all around, absolutely worth trying.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite female characters all in one game...:sneaky:

    This game is fully captivating and interesting. All the characters in the game are LEGIT. No one seems to remotely act out of character. I love it. I can, and have, spent hours at a time playing it. 10/10
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of content and the sex scenes are great with many different types of sex scenes, the comedy is also well done, i do wish the vault would allow the complete scene to be seen, it does not include the dialogue but that is just a minor issue. Only other issues are some scenes are not repeatable and some scenes you may see something you do not want to see but that can be fixed by exporting the save and if you fail just upload the save.
    The characters used in the game are some of the best characters and that is a plus, also you gotta love the Cheshire and Artemis stuff along with Killer Frost, Livewire scenes.
    Many scenes have funny dialogue.

    Art, renders. 9.5/10
    Sex. 9/10 needs more animation, rimjobs
    Story. 10/10 many great dialogues
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story and great artwork. A must for comic/superhero fans. The only downside is that the the releases are a couple months apart and moved away from animations to still drawings in order to try and speed more of them up.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Got to give it five stars, the art is perfect porn parody, the game play is fun and knows it's source material, and it's development has been consistent. Some of the cheats/mods definitely help improve the play experience and the walkthrough and guides are almost necessary but that is all minor to it just being a solid adult game that fills it's niche about as perfect as we'll get. Easily in the top 3 or 4 comic adult games.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of best cartoon&parody game I've played. Art is very good, all girls are sexy and cute, even the story is not so boring as I would expect. The only con here can be a grinding process, and there is never enough of both Lois and Harley.
  11. 4.00 star(s)



    History: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰
    Gameplay: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰ ✰
    Graphic: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭
    Sex Content: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰
    Creativity: ✭ ✭ ✭ ✭ ✰

    I would like to say that for me this is one of the best porn games I have ever played and I'm editing this review to talk about why I say this. This game doesn't have one of the best gameplays, because it is very tiring and there comes a time that ends up getting boring. But, the narrative of that game with the dialogues is great and the sex scenes with the girls is amazing.
    The developers and creators of this art are to be congratulated, because they managed to create fine art from DC heroines, all the girls it makes you horny just looking and there is a lot of sexual content and you will spend hours to unlock all content. Unfortunately this game has problems, problems with bugs, problems with interface, problems with gameplay. There are also some mechanics that lose their usefulness and others have no use and the game is still a long way from being complete. I would forget to say that the game is a little poorly organized and that makes the gameplay boring and tiring to play. I love this game, but I would like it to be more. This game for me is a masterpiece, no one will ever do the same or better. I see many games with the same style of art, not the same but similar and none come close to SU. I know that someday that game will be finished, but I hope that day comes with the full game with a lot of content, more than it already has. And if you have never played and are afraid it is worth it or not, download this game right away and don't waste your time, play and have fun.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    I'm not the biggest fan of DC or superheros in general, but this game still managed to impress me quite a bit. It has lots of content, sexy (and well drawn) characters, and a fairly interesting story. The brothel/base management can eventually become rather tedious but the cheat menu makes everything tolerable. The overall game design is a breath of fresh air compared to the endless amounts of RPGM and half-baked VNs that saturate adult games. There may be others out there similar to this but it's the first of its type that I've played. Well executed.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game for its genre.

    There are a lot of scenes that you can find as well as miss, which makes the replay factor high. The progression is nice, though the grinding can feel a bit tedious. But the costumes and dynamic dialogue make up for that.
    The money cheat definitely helps get the game going.

    The days go from me constantly clicking "next night" every 2 - 60 seconds to "Am I still on the same night?" You get a lot to do and enjoy, which is exponential.

    Many of the characters have the same reaction however to when you capture them, they appear in new clothing, or are encouraged to do new actions. "Lex Luther?!" "What the hell am I wearing?" "What did you do to me/my area down below?!" "Blowjob?! Sex?! A-anal?!" Of course the reactions are understandably expected (heroine has to do the dirty with a supervillain). And the more actions you do, the more submissive they get.

    But in the end you can make them "cum and eat cookies" thus making them "whoreos for oreos". Very nice touch 5/5
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Exceptional. Cannot get enough. The artwork is very close to the source material and there is more than enough content to keep me going. The only way this could be better is with faster updates, but that's pretty much the case with every game I like. Have been supporting whenever I can for a while now.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Still at WIP stage. Enjoying the progression to completion. Good character selection from the DCAU. I like the ability to redo events. Hoping there will be more events and content added to existing events. Bugs pop up from time to time, but are address and repaired quickly. :cool:
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 341329

    this game is pure art!
    the artwork is just amazing,the characters look like their animated versions and even improved
    i really like that each character has his/her own personality and it makes it a lot easier to get invested
    the only bad thing that i can say is about the grinding..but there is the option for a money cheat
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Great game, but the grinding is getting to be too much.

    However, my biggest complaint is a game labeled "animated" that started with a good bit of animated scenes has now made everything images only.

    Either they need to focus on individual storylines to make more animated scenes or delete the original animated scenes since its just a big tease at that point. "Hey we have these awesome animations....maybe there will be more..." but it never arrives.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Game with management system, simple quests (collect 5 items and start new event and etc in the same spirit), AAA game art (quality level close to Disney studios projects), friendly UI (almost). Too much grind, repeating scenes (don't know how to skip), very unclear progress in story (I have no idea what to do right now). This game requires at 999 hours for all achievement. 5 star for great art, сharacters, well-written dialogues. 2 star for borring gameplay and 1 star for unity engine. Huge thanks to developer for Harley Quinn and Terra.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    henry hopkin

    The concept is great and the art is also very appealing. The diverse number of females you can interact with, including some fan favorites and personal favorites, is what puts this game above average over most other games. However, it's way too grindly especially if you go the none cheating route. That's not the downside, because there are other games that are also grindly. My main problem with this is that the amount of "payout" for the amount of grind is very uneven.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    The secret worms

    Version reviewed: 2.3.95
    updated: 19/05/2023

    Something Unlimited by Gunsmoke Games Review

    Something Unlimited is a parody of Paul Dini & Bruce Timm "DC animated universe". The art is really accurate and very well done. There is animation but they stopped doing it because it was too much time consuming. Still, even without new animations the art is good.

    The story is well written and are accurate to the base material. You play as Lex Luthor who use his superior intellect to own every super-heroines and most of the bad girls too. It works well because it is written in a way that makes it believable.

    Main fetishes:
    Vanilla fetishes: nothing too degenerate, weird or extreme(for my standard ofc). Pretty much only human women(with differents skin/hair/eyes colors) with large breast and fit body.
    • Harem:
      you collect girls like you would with Pokemon's cards.

    • Corruption: Each girl has her own personality that your character will try to corrupt either by force or persuasion.
    • Mind control: Every girl you capture( with some exception) are implemented with a device that let your character control them. They can be put in a mindless state, working as a whore or keep control of their mind but not their body.
    • Male domination: You character is pretty much always in control of the situation and the girls.
    • Super-heroine and super-criminal: Every female characters and male characters is either a super-heroine or super-criminal.
    • Humiliation: A lot of the female character can be unwittingly or wittingly(or even unconsciously ) forced into doing degrading things.

    Minor fetishes:
    • Exhibitionism: Either by making them work at the bordello or making them walk naked in the street(So, Dancing, Stripping and Being naked in public).
    • Cosplay/Costume: Most of the girls have differents costumes available.
    • Lesbian sex: Some girls can have lesbian interaction with other girls, some of these are Femdom and/or incest(sisterXsister). They're is also a little bit of F/F/M scene.
    • Daddy complex: One girl see Luthor as his father which he is kind of but not really ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
    • Muscular woman: One or two girls are a little bit muscular, most are athletic/fit.
    • Furry: They're is one or two scene with a woman that is a furry but not much really.
    The gameplay is a mix of (easy) management system and visual novel. You recruit super-criminal to do heist either to kidnap super-heroine or making money, and you can also manage your bordello and put captured heroine to work into it to make money for you.
    At the beginning of the game you will need to grind a little bit but at some point you will be rolling in money without doing anything, so I don't find the grind to be a problem.
    Pretty much every mechanic of the game look unfinished or very basic which is a shame, the focus is clearly on adding new girls/ new sex scene or continuing the scenario. The gameplay could be better but it is not. Play the game for the sex scene or the scenario, not the gameplay.

    • A big roster of super-women to have sex with.
    • The story and world-building, like I said in the intro, the game seems to respect the material it's parodying, and make it believable that Lex Luthor is creating a Harem of super-women, for profit but mostly for fun.
    • The 2Dcg looks good and appealing.
    • A lot of contents to unpack, the story take some time, then you have new heroines to discover, then new scenes, then new costumes...
    • The Females characters have personality and are not mindless fuck doll(unless they are, when you put them in a bordello :) ).
    • Same for the MC, Lex Luthor look good, is intelligent and in charge. This game make you FEEL like you are Lex Luthor... The only problem is that he is bald but no one is perfect.
    • Sex scenes are alluring and sexy but a little too basic. Only choice you have is ejaculate in or out, and what costume the girl is wearing. Some are animated which is cool, but most are not.

    • Most of the girls look the same in sex scene or body type. When you take their personality, they are differents from each others, a shame it's not like that for their visuals.
    • The UI is meh, it doesn't look good and is not very well made and the city hub is unintuitive as hell, every thing is dark and look the same.