
Game Developer
Aug 26, 2016
It sounds to me that if the ultimate goal is to put out as much quality content as possible, the "next hire" (if someone else ever gets hired) should be a dedicated, professional Unity developer. Let SS7 do what he does best, write and draw, but let someone else worry about making the game work.

I understand he's said multiple times that this will forever remain a one man project, but damn it sounds like this is the one area where having another person working on it would dramatically increase the output while allowing him to maintain complete creative control.
We would have hired someone long ago if it would be feasible. SU keeps the lights on in our business, if we were to source out the programming at this point (with scheduled releases) all it would take for us to lose faith with the fan base is not come through on a build due to a hire. We have all seen this scenario play out in countless Patreon small teams already (future fragments, viper v, breeding season, simbros). If this was a few years back then I could see it working, but now it just isn't an option. Another issue is that SR7 has built this game with Fungus (visual scripting editor), meaning that a programmer would have to come in and work through 2.5 years of work to find out how he did things. We need to eliminate any potential set backs we can with this project due to its importance to our Patreon. In this game it isn't who is first it is who lasts the longest. So right now the idea is continue and improve the workflow as much as possible while we develop internal pipelines with our other hires (Newman and Locke). Once SR7 is done with SU (the game is designed to continue forever at this point) he will move on to another project with one or both of those other members.
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Game Developer
Aug 26, 2016
found the problem right there, all VSE's are garbage for large projects. there as never been a good VSE in existence. problem has already been made tho too late to fix it now.
He gets by amazingly well so far. But yes moving forward we would use something more optimized. Also all games outside SU will release complete. Not sure if we would take on another early access game once SU is finished. What you can do outside the early access model is really nice.
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May 31, 2017
He gets by amazingly well so far. But yes moving forward we would use something more optimized. Also all games outside SU will release complete. Not sure if we would take on another early access game once SU is finished. What you can do outside the early access model is really nice.
Early access isn't the issue so much as being able to effectively put out content in a timely manner unfortunately a visual editor can't replace a skilled coder in speed and accuracy. as far as your example of breeding season being an example of bringing people in as a bad idea that's kind of wrong there were several problems Primary one was Management, the reason breeding season ultimately imploded was poor management that and the idiot lead thought it was a good Idea to give the artist all rights to the art assets for the project (which by the way never happens ever except this one time. again bad management) the other was Direction the lead was effectively a Knucklehead who knew how to code in flash to some extent but would often meander and give crap instructions. But SR7 and you seem to have a good fix on direction, and SR7 as an Artist seems to be able to put out content in a fast and timely manner, the only issue just keeps coming back to implementation of said created assets in a timely manner.

I.E. just sucks you guys have 2/3rds of a winning and working solution for future projects.

oh and been going over fungus's documentation it is possible for a coder to come in as long as they follow it's coding standard which they pretty nicely layout all the hiccups if you are trying to do it without the visual editor. tho at this point probably just be easier to find someone proficient in using it.


Game Developer
Aug 26, 2016
Early access isn't the issue so much as being able to effectively put out content in a timely manner unfortunately a visual editor can't replace a skilled coder in speed and accuracy. as far as your example of breeding season being an example of bringing people in as a bad idea that's kind of wrong there were several problems Primary one was Management, the reason breeding season ultimately imploded was poor management that and the idiot lead thought it was a good Idea to give the artist all rights to the art assets for the project (which by the way never happens ever except this one time. again bad management) the other was Direction the lead was effectively a Knucklehead who knew how to code in flash to some extent but would often meander and give crap instructions. But SR7 and you seem to have a good fix on direction, and SR7 as an Artist seems to be able to put out content in a fast and timely manner, the only issue just keeps coming back to implementation of said created assets in a timely manner.

I.E. just sucks you guys have 2/3rds of a winning and working solution for future projects.

oh and been going over fungus's documentation it is possible for a coder to come in as long as they follow it's coding standard which they pretty nicely layout all the hiccups if you are trying to do it without the visual editor. tho at this point probably just be easier to find someone proficient in using it.
That was what I was trying to get at with Breeding Season. The fact that geographical restrictions exist with these projects and that we don't have the funds or means to sue someone if they did keep all the assets puts the power solely in the hands of the contractor and not us. All the projects I listed had a problem with a team member that actually stopped development for months. Lastly Patreon was at a different place back they also, it was more pay for hype then progress. You could literally get away with a fucking commissioned art that looked like a screenshot and get 2k funding in a week. Now things are changing.

SR7 used to be in direct communication with the Fungus dev team. They played SU and didn't even think fungus could do half the stuff SR7 has done with it. Right now it does what it needs, the project is just very large and that is the bottleneck right now.
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Active Member
Sep 22, 2017
You can get your slutty rogue fix in Rogue-like:Evolution ;)
Played this some time ago, liked it. Now i am only waiting for some updates, last i heard added emma frost, so i'm looking forward more action with x-girls :biggrin:.
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Jun 3, 2017
You can get your slutty rogue fix in Rogue-like:Evolution ;)
I liked this game initially, the art is fantastic, but unfortunately because there is no story, I thought it got boring really quickly.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
Right now it's just the winner, but we have discussed potentially adding in some other favorites that didn't make the cut.
Thanks for answering! I always wondered if at some point later SR7 will add costumes for the hire able female villains or get them to work at the GS or MB! Just a suggestion from a random voice on the internet XD


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Sep 13, 2017
Can someone give me the updated day ?
Sorry bad eng
If you are talking about what day the new update drops, it will be the last day of this month. January 31st probably at night since Sunset always squeezes in some work on launch day.
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Jun 16, 2017
So i just started the game again. Did the whole Grodd thing and ended up in the island. Now i don't want to sound like a dick but......HOW THE FUCK DO I GET OUT OF THIS PLACE?
I mean its been so long. It was fun with frost in the beginning but now i just wanna leave.
In terms of progress had 1st talk with Amanda Waller a couple of days ago.
What next? Plz help


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2017
keep progressing in days and eventually you get out. you meet with Roulette twice. have some scenes with Ivy check the showers, etc.
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