Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
I've got to say, the increased level of dev transparency, communication, and expectation setting is truly impressive and appreciated. Thank you to the entire GG team for setting such a high standard.
You're welcome and we appreciate the kudos/recognition. We hope to not disappoint and promise to maintain as best we can. ^^

Serra Angel

Aug 22, 2018
I have the same problem. I started a new game to be able to unlock Terra and I can't get the Yacht event to trigger - I've completed the Prison event twice but talking to Roulette daily yields nothing. Either the RNG gods are cruel as fuck, or there are additional requirements other than having to play the Prison event.

I got the Yacht event to fire on my earlier save where I had done pretty much all content except Terra. Maybe cloning Audrey is key somehow, since you haven't done that yet but I did on my earlier save? I'll try exhausting her content and see if anything changes.
Try talking to Roulette @ the club (y)


Sep 2, 2017
Ok everyone, re: my guide. I have realized the registry bugs in play and have decided, since my Save Slot 1 is so old it never triggered Terra properly and my other 2 were just redone to get bugfree new content, I might as well go for broke and wipe my registry responsably (with some help from Archer, thanks man).

I will have a more thorough and accurate guide to Tala soon, including screenshots of stuff that is bugged and not working properly (hopefully). See you then but until then enjoy the guide :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Edit: I'm dumb and assumed Windows, for other OSes, no idea. Sorry :frown:

The saves are all in the Registry rather than a folder (annoying).
You can clean out the registry entries by opening regedit (win+r 'regedit'), and navigating to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Someguy\Something Unlimited​
View attachment 86302

Take care not to delete anything else. When you relaunch the game this should be recreated from scratch.
Quoting this from way back in page 148, but this tells you how to find/delete your save files.
Be fucking careful, regedits can fuck your system if you fuck up.

Might want to add the basic tutorial to the OP, cuz I bet we're gonna get a flood of people asking in the near future.
More than usual, I mean.
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Mar 2, 2018
As for the second unlock button, that is used to get the heroines into the brothel, I mean, the Meta Bordello.

This is meant to be kept on the down-low, and if they go in willingly, that would just explode everything in the game into the open. At least, that's how I think of it.
Umm you need to click that? The only unlock I knew of was the first to reset them to normalish
I get the level 6 on the upgrade and send them over no problem.

carlos a.

New Member
Aug 6, 2018
I have a problem with the game I unzip it from the rar file and it gives me error of all files some help because the problem?


New Member
Jan 2, 2018
Anyone have a 100% gallery save for 2.19? I'm missing a few scenes and restarting sounds like it won't solve the problem


Jul 31, 2017
Last update, I tried to get Terra but the option to capture her never showed up. Can anyone help me out?

Forget Forgot

New Member
Jun 4, 2017
I am surprised with the acceptance of the new "direction" the game is taking. I like that they want to focus on the characters they have now and finish them before adding new girls. I don't like that they are stopping animations. I know what you are thinking, they said, "Until the game is closer to completion," but let's be real, there are 26 characters, one completion per update, that's close to, if not over, 2 years before the game is "Close to completion." If something isn't voiced over this, we will not be seeing animations in this game again. They continuously get more and more patreons and are making a lot of money, and are now deciding to go ahead and make a lower quality game. This game is one of the highest liked games on this website, and one thing it has in common with every game above it in likes, and quite a few below it, is that it was animated. I personally think they are getting rid of the most important thing that gave it its success, to pump out more content that honestly you can find with a simple google search. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of NSFW pictures of each one of these characters on the internet already.

Mercy's animations are mind blowing. This game has some of the best in the biz by far. Now, all of a sudden, they want to get rid of that for faster, but much lower quality, content release. I am actually quite sad and a little disappointed. But, honestly, if this opinion is the minority then there isn't much I can do about it but move on. I am truly hoping this opinion is not the minority so that we can continue to get amazing content quality from this game, instead of pictures.


Apr 5, 2017
I am surprised with the acceptance of the new "direction" the game is taking. I like that they want to focus on the characters they have now and finish them before adding new girls. I don't like that they are stopping animations. I know what you are thinking, they said, "Until the game is closer to completion," but let's be real, there are 26 characters, one completion per update, that's close to, if not over, 2 years before the game is "Close to completion." If something isn't voiced over this, we will not be seeing animations in this game again. They continuously get more and more patreons and are making a lot of money, and are now deciding to go ahead and make a lower quality game. This game is one of the highest liked games on this website, and one thing it has in common with every game above it in likes, and quite a few below it, is that it was animated. I personally think they are getting rid of the most important thing that gave it its success, to pump out more content that honestly you can find with a simple google search. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of NSFW pictures of each one of these characters on the internet already.

Mercy's animations are mind blowing. This game has some of the best in the biz by far. Now, all of a sudden, they want to get rid of that for faster, but much lower quality, content release. I am actually quite sad and a little disappointed. But, honestly, if this opinion is the minority then there isn't much I can do about it but move on. I am truly hoping this opinion is not the minority so that we can continue to get amazing content quality from this game, instead of pictures.
I undestand your concerns but let's be realistic, this game is made by only one person. That person is responsible for making all of the art, coding, writing, debugging and whatever else is needed in a game. Also according to SR7(the game developer) himself a single animation takes around one week. Proff below.


So abandoning animantions sucks? Yes it does, as you said there were amazing, however I'd rather have more content in general (as 2.1.8 and 2.1.9) that several small updates with only promisses of incoming animations. It's a choice that I'm happy the developers took and is the best path for this game.

Does anyone know how to trigger the Anal 2 scene with Tala, by any chance?
After the Yatch event and already seeing the normal sex and anal scenes, click on Tala when she is meditating.

I never found the animations to be very good to be honest. A few of them are passable but not worth it if they require a large investment of time. I'd rather they focus on adding content to existing characters or even adding new characters (like villains on the yacht, not more heroines since most are still not even close to done).
This guy gets it, animantions aren't worth the effort, specially on a 2D game when they are even harder to make.

Anyone have a 100% gallery save for 2.19? I'm missing a few scenes and restarting sounds like it won't solve the problem
So...Anyone have the new images from the new version?
If you guys want to see the new images here is my save, it has most of the content unlocked.



I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017
I'm on the side of no animation, they were never wort the effort IMO. If it were all the same or even only a small increase in the work it could be, but as it is, SR7 could make various images in the time it takes for one animation, and let's be honest they are not very good (which is perfectly understandable for a non-animator). In fact, if I'll probably drop my pledge if there's a time they stop moving forward to work on the animations, because they were never the hook of the game.

@KaiserST you sure Tala's anal 2 is only after the yacht? I should add that to my guide if it's true.

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Quoting this from way back in page 148, but this tells you how to find/delete your save files.
Be fucking careful, regedits can fuck your system if you fuck up.

Might want to add the basic tutorial to the OP, cuz I bet we're gonna get a flood of people asking in the near future.
More than usual, I mean.
The issue is getting fixed in the upcoming bug fix version, 2.1.999 - as stated in the recent post, so we don't really feel the need to add any sort of tutorial for this. We understand registry edits for the ill-informed and non-comp-savvy are quite dangerous and are making it a priority to ensure it's unnecessary for the average player.

(If ya'll want to share saves and try to edit them, that's completely up to you. Although we don't recommend it.)

Furthermore, it's too late in the game for SU's save system to be revamped - ya'll really need to understand that SR7 isn't much for coding - but we can assure you that all of our games moving forward will not use registry saves.

I am surprised with the acceptance of the new "direction" the game is taking. I like that they want to focus on the characters they have now and finish them before adding new girls. I don't like that they are stopping animations. I know what you are thinking, they said, "Until the game is closer to completion," but let's be real, there are 26 characters, one completion per update, that's close to, if not over, 2 years before the game is "Close to completion." If something isn't voiced over this, we will not be seeing animations in this game again. They continuously get more and more patreons and are making a lot of money, and are now deciding to go ahead and make a lower quality game. This game is one of the highest liked games on this website, and one thing it has in common with every game above it in likes, and quite a few below it, is that it was animated. I personally think they are getting rid of the most important thing that gave it its success, to pump out more content that honestly you can find with a simple google search. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of NSFW pictures of each one of these characters on the internet already.

Mercy's animations are mind blowing. This game has some of the best in the biz by far. Now, all of a sudden, they want to get rid of that for faster, but much lower quality, content release. I am actually quite sad and a little disappointed. But, honestly, if this opinion is the minority then there isn't much I can do about it but move on. I am truly hoping this opinion is not the minority so that we can continue to get amazing content quality from this game, instead of pictures.
We're sorry if you think animations are where the quality in SU lies. We don't believe so, and we're fairly certain most other people don't either.

If all you cared about where the still images then sure, we get it, but we're not making games for that demographic.

Also, SR7 is not an animator and he'd be the first one to say as much. That's why the animations were taking a week or more to do and even he wasn't fully satisfied with them - another issue that caused them to be setback and in turn set everything else back.

Honestly, it's opinions like this that kept Smoke and Sunset from pausing animations sooner. Thankfully, most of our fans see the value in SU's core art and writing.

Message directly from Locke: Are you serious?! SR7's work is "low quality" just because it isn't animated? It's better than the majority of those "hundreds if not thousands of NSFW pictures of each one of these characters on the internet." It fits the original art style to a T and tells a story that perfectly captures the characters from the show to boot. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but damn your viewpoint sounds hella skewed and messed up to me. It's the exact same art quality, just not moving - how the hell does that make it "low quality"?! (Rhetorical question, because it clearly doesn't.)

I'm on the side of no animation, they were never wort the effort IMO. If it were all the same or even only a small increase in the work it could be, but as it is, SR7 could make various images in the time it takes for one animation, and let's be honest they are not very good (which is perfectly understandable for a non-animator). In fact, if I'll probably drop my pledge if there's a time they stop moving forward to work on the animations, because they were never the hook of the game.

@KaiserST you sure Tala's anal 2 is only after the yacht? I should add that to my guide if it's true.
Animations were also never intended for the game in the first place either. We'll go back to them eventually, but not in a way that holds up progress like before. That wasn't in anyone's best interest. We're going to find a better way or get to a point where we can hire an animator to help out - not hold up progress for a week or two just to make 1 animation.

In short, you have no need for concern. We don't intend to do that.


Jul 18, 2017
Yeah, ok.
Let me look into my glass ball to see what you have unlocked and what you have done to get 99%...

What do people expect when asking something like that...
There is a saying "there are no stupid questions" ... i used to believe that, until i signed up on this website :p
my download is stuck at 99% you don't have to be an a-hole about it


Bush Rustler
Aug 23, 2018
my download is stuck at 99% you don't have to be an a-hole about it
It seemed to me that you were talking about your in-game gallery progress was 99% complete and that you were missing a scene. In that context, his response seems pretty fair since nobody could know which scenes anyone else was missing with so little information.
If a download is stuck I can only suggest for you to cancel the download and try again, maybe from a different source.
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Game Developer
Aug 26, 2016
I want to chime in on the animation front as well. As they were a major point of contention with many of you a mere 4 months ago. When SR7 decided to dabble in animations and aftereffects it was purely out of professional curiosity and to keep his creative juices flowing. He decided to implement them into SU because "Hell I worked on them for a while so why not share them". The problem that was created was one of precedent. Now he was doing animations, and people expected them (so we thought). We had a ton of conversations regarding direction of animations, but we couldn't get around the idea of "people complain of no content, they need that cell content (animations)". We tried to free time up, we tried to do many things, this is why content was light on many updates mid this year. We bet the house on animations and it fell through. In Sept we realized the content you all were wanting for wasn't what we thought it was (animations), but rather completion. Suspending animations in favor of progression was the single most important move we have made in the last 2 years. There is a buzz on our team now, SR7 is doing god level quality work (bonus pack shows), Locke has dialed in our communication along with working on our OC project, our mods are much more active, we flipped our development around this update and you still had a ton of content. We are not nearly where we want to be just yet, but we are getting there.
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