Forget Forgot

New Member
Jun 4, 2017
I want to apologize for my poor wording that has offended some people. I know that lower quality was not the right way to say what I wanted to say. My goal was to post my opinion, see if others agreed, and if so then the devs could do with that knowledge what they saw fit. If others didn't agree, which I fully understand is the case, then I would stop there.

Again, I apologize for the poor choice of words because this game is definitely not low quality.


I want to chime in on the animation front as well. As they were a major point of contention with many of you a mere 4 months ago. When SR7 decided to dabble in animations and aftereffects it was purely out of professional curiosity and to keep his creative juices flowing. He decided to implement them into SU because "Hell I worked on them for a while so why not share them". The problem that was created was one of precedent. Now he was doing animations, and people expected them (so we thought). We had a ton of conversations regarding direction of animations, but we couldn't get around the idea of "people complain of no content, they need that cell content (animations)". We tried to free time up, we tried to do many things, this is why content was light on many updates mid this year. We bet the house on animations and it fell through. In Sept we realized the content you all were wanting for wasn't what we thought it was (animations), but rather completion. Suspending animations in favor of progression was the single most important move we have made in the last 2 years. There is a buzz on our team now, SR7 is doing god level quality work (bonus pack shows), Locke has dialed in our communication along with working on our OC project, our mods are much more active, we flipped our development around this update and you still had a ton of content. We are not nearly where we want to be just yet, but we are getting there.
Only thing i can say after the last half year is.

Like i previous said, my confidence was at a all time low last year but right now i am even thinking about raising my Pledge to $50.
Just keep doing what you guys are doing, it's working and like you guys already said everybody is happy and customer satisfaction is going up with every update these days :)
Only thing that could make this game better for me is a cameo of Felicity Smoak where you can blow her into space or something(Not realistic and kidding of course ;) )


Mar 21, 2018
Quick question- is there someplace where a complete list of actions/costumes achievable for each girl is listed? Having difficulty figuring out which girls have scenes in the bordello private and/or exhibition rooms, and it's difficult to tell if you've finished unlocking all the cell options for any given girl. Simply a listing of the bits which exist in the game would be an enormous help.

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Quick question- is there someplace where a complete list of actions/costumes achievable for each girl is listed? Having difficulty figuring out which girls have scenes in the bordello private and/or exhibition rooms, and it's difficult to tell if you've finished unlocking all the cell options for any given girl. Simply a listing of the bits which exist in the game would be an enormous help.
It's something we don't have in-game atm but we're aware its one of the game's biggest weakness and are looking to make QoL (quality of life) improvements that will solve the issue. (Not as simple to fix at this moment as some may think.)

In the mean time, we can tell you that the girls who have private room interactions are: Batgirl, Miss Martian, Artemis and Terra. And, as of the most recent update, Terra is the only one with Exhibition scenes.

As for the cell options. A couple of our fans have made very helpful guides that may answer those questions for you - including
KaiserST who's shared a very helpful and succinct infographic made by a fan of ours called @redknight00 .


Bush Rustler
Aug 23, 2018
I've always been really interested in style emulation and I do love Bruce Tims's style, so if I had any time at all I would have probably thrown my hat into the ring to help with animations. I would probably have done it for free as well because I'm just that much of a nerd for it. Alas, I don't have the kind of time to commit to other people's projects, I'd probably just end up fanning the flames of entitlement and letting everyone down. Heck, I don't even know where my lightbox or any of my pegbars have gone.
But yes, I understand how painstaking the animation process can be. Especially when it comes to getting quality animations done and not just some 2-second loop. So I certainly won't be grumbling over a lack of animations.
If they are to come back, I would definitely be interested in seeing some dancing getting animated. I always felt Roulette's ass wiggling would be a sight to see.
+1 for content over animations though.


Mar 21, 2018
@Gunsmoke Games - Thank you for the fast response! If I were to make a suggestion about your QOL enhancement, it seems as if the easiest way to do that would be to simply... display the scene labels in the gallery, rather than each one simply saying "locked", and just rely on color for players to know whether a scene was still locked or not. Of course, looking at the gallery screens, I have a hard time reconciling what I believe I've actually unlocked/seen with what appears to still be locked, so I may try downloading a "complete save" to see if there's really that much content still locked. On the user you say created an infographic, I looked at Kaiser's posts, and I see a save he's posted, but didn't find the infographic. I did find the spreadsheet that's linked in the first post, from Samdan, though it's a few versions back. Was that what you were referring to?

Edit: I poked around a "nearly complete" save, and see there's still a ton of purple "locked" gallery buttons. If there were one color for implemented/unlocked, another for implemented/locked, and a different color for not implemented/locked, and the labels for implemented/locked were displayed, that would probably achieve the QOL improvement you're talking about. Of course, it would be really nice if we could actually replay the scenes including their (current) dialog from the gallery, that would be... a lot nicer than just looking at the static images, as a ton of the interest comes from the dialog.

Thanks again!


Sep 2, 2017
Quick question- is there someplace where a complete list of actions/costumes achievable for each girl is listed? Having difficulty figuring out which girls have scenes in the bordello private and/or exhibition rooms, and it's difficult to tell if you've finished unlocking all the cell options for any given girl. Simply a listing of the bits which exist in the game would be an enormous help.
Are you looking for a vault checklist in the game or a companion list on a Word Doc?


Mar 21, 2018
@RobertoCasas - I'm after a list of the achievable scenes for the various characters. I've now seen the infographic @KaiserST (re)posted, and the spreadsheet linked under extras in the first page. I'd say the spreadsheet is more what I'm looking for, though it's quite a number of releases back (1.6). I may try my hand at transcribing that spreadsheet and updating it... and making the spreadsheet available to others who could help maintain it, at least until the developer implements something in-game.
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I want to break free
Staff member
Apr 30, 2017


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
I started a game again and I do not get the image of mercy blackfire that is owed to the ice woman

Richard Wells

Jun 26, 2017
I undestand your concerns but let's be realistic, this game is made by only one person. That person is responsible for making all of the art, coding, writing, debugging and whatever else is needed in a game. Also according to SR7(the game developer) himself a single animation takes around one week. Proff below.

View attachment 190488

So abandoning animantions sucks? Yes it does, as you said there were amazing, however I'd rather have more content in general (as 2.1.8 and 2.1.9) that several small updates with only promisses of incoming animations. It's a choice that I'm happy the developers took and is the best path for this game.

After the Yatch event and already seeing the normal sex and anal scenes, click on Tala when she is meditating.

This guy gets it, animantions aren't worth the effort, specially on a 2D game when they are even harder to make.

If you guys want to see the new images here is my save, it has most of the content unlocked.

Thanks. Did not know you could get her to respond when she's meditating. Sunset did a good job at hiding it.
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Jun 6, 2018
so yhe next update is coming in 2 months? and does anyone know which heroine is going to be focused on?
Miss Martian, according to :

here’s the upcoming roadmap for SU:
2.1.9 – Terra (November 30th)
2.2.0 – Miss Martian (January 31st)
2.2.1 – Artemis (March 30th)


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
My guess for the next build

MM completed

Roulette Leash Scenes

More Yacht scenes ( Veronica sex, Raven sex etc)

Blackfire Leash Scenes

Scenes I personally would want:

Mercy leash scenes (How will Lex convince her to do that?!)

TT Raven blowjob/sex/anal

Catwoman content

Cheetah cumshot scene


Aug 15, 2018
We're sorry if you think animations are where the quality in SU lies. We don't believe so, and we're fairly certain most other people don't either.

If all you cared about where the still images then sure, we get it, but we're not making games for that demographic.

Also, SR7 is not an animator and he'd be the first one to say as much. That's why the animations were taking a week or more to do and even he wasn't fully satisfied with them - another issue that caused them to be setback and in turn set everything else back.

Honestly, it's opinions like this that kept Smoke and Sunset from pausing animations sooner. Thankfully, most of our fans see the value in SU's core art and writing.

Message directly from Locke: Are you serious?! SR7's work is "low quality" just because it isn't animated? It's better than the majority of those "hundreds if not thousands of NSFW pictures of each one of these characters on the internet." It fits the original art style to a T and tells a story that perfectly captures the characters from the show to boot. You're certainly entitled to your opinion, but damn your viewpoint sounds hella skewed and messed up to me. It's the exact same art quality, just not moving - how the hell does that make it "low quality"?! (Rhetorical question, because it clearly doesn't.)

Animations were also never intended for the game in the first place either. We'll go back to them eventually, but not in a way that holds up progress like before. That wasn't in anyone's best interest. We're going to find a better way or get to a point where we can hire an animator to help out - not hold up progress for a week or two just to make 1 animation.

In short, you have no need for concern. We don't intend to do that.
My hot take:

There is no way I'd say the amazing art in this game is of the same quality as what you'd find trolling the net.

That said, I also feel like it's an understatement to imply the animations don't elevate the game a bit. Those early ones (which yeah, I bet took forever), like Lois, Mercy, Roulette, etc., were game changers because it really made you feel like you were playing the source animated series. Ultimately, I think that's the dream, at least for some of us.

So yeah, if I could choose (and who wouldn't?) I'd say animations and completion both! But obviously this is not practical given the resources necessary to make that happen, or at least not right now.

That's what takes me back to my post a couple pages ago about transparency and setting expectations. Would I prefer a HUGE update every two months with tons of animations? Yes, you bet! Do they make the game better? Some say yes, some say no, and I think that's probably fair.

But here's the thing. Does not getting many animations for the foreseeable future make the game bad or undesirable?

Absolutely not. Either way it's a great game.

So I guess what I'm saying is for me, it's just about readjusting expectations and being grateful for the amazing stuff we're getting.


Apr 7, 2018
How i get Terra again,guys? I have this "Terra's cell is empty at the moment" after clone her, now i can clone or do anything, it's like i lost Terra' route after clone her, plss help..:confused::confused:


Feb 24, 2018
bug report:
i went to clone terra, but when i just when i did Audrey's clone was ready, after audrey's scene terra's clone vial was gone and now i cannot get her back.
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Oct 1, 2018
I started a new game and it is bugged. But here are a few things from the thread that helped me.

Getting the Poison Ive/Batgirl scene to trigger.
1. Post Batgirl in the Bordello;
2. Post Ivy in the Bordello;
3. Remove Ivy from the Bordello;
4. Watch Babs' from Monitoring Room.
Press and hold Shift + Space to fast forward through scenes.

And just like last time the yacht scene refused to trigger.

On Windows. Fresh start 2.1.888 run. Went from day ~500 to 700 and still had no Yacht event, even with multiple Prison replays. Started another fresh game, went through enough to hopefully trigger Yacht event but again no dice. Downgraded to version 2.1.8 and tried with second save but still nothing. Eventually said to hell with it and went into the registry and finally got it to trigger. I changed the value of "suSlot01_yachEvent" from "6" to "1"

1) With SU closed, went into registry (Win+R-->regedit)
2) Went to SU files (Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Someguy\Something Unlimited)
3) Exported a copy of original to SU registry files to Desktop in case I broke something
4) Found "suSlot01_yachEvent........." and changed the value from "6" to "1", hit OK and closed Regedit
5) Started up SU (version 2.1.8, not sure if that mattered) and event started as soon as I went to Glamour Slam

I played through the event and loaded the save in 2.1.888 and was able to replay it. Can't guarantee it'll work for anyone else but you never know.
Everything is now labeled Level or sharedassets so I don't think this works anymore unless someone knows which one controls the yacht event.

But this is the second version in a row that the yacht even refuses to trigger and I would really like to know why.

Also just like last time the Marcy/Killer Frost scene refuses to trigger. And this is a new playthrough since the new version.
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