
Aug 15, 2017
As someone who has been an adamant SU fan since shortly after it's initial release I'll say the one thing I (and I think many others as well) would really love to see are more emphatic, exaggerated facial expressions during H scenes.

Some expressions (such as the dazed/pleasure entranced look stargirl/batgirl show in the private room) are great, but also a tad over-used. Many others are fairly bland (simply smiliing or look like they are laughing/talking) though. It'd be great to see some more expressions that fit having amazing sex as opposed to say just an enjoyable conversation. Their sexual experience is supposed to be amplified x1000 fold from Luthor's machine, so they should look like they have never had a better time in their life. Throwing in some blushing or getting red from pleasure/other emotions for example, would be awesome. Maybe their heads are cocked back with their mouth open & eyes rolling back. You get the idea :)

It would also be great to see more emotionally diverse expressions. Some of the girls would likely be tighter/not used to things like anal, or even be surprised/mad about it, so it'd be nice to see more expressions/sex talk showing discomfort, surprise, anger, pain, embarrassment, fear, etc. to keep it fresh and more real. Not saying the game is completely devoid of these things, but that they could be expanded/improved/added to. Anyone agree?

Love everything about the game, but would love it much more if these things were added in spades!


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
I insist I need help the blackfire and mercy scenes as you can take out the kilos with killer frost the new emepce help is gladly started but it does not come out

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
I started a new game and it is bugged. But here are a few things from the thread that helped me.

Getting the Poison Ive/Batgirl scene to trigger.

Press and hold Shift + Space to fast forward through scenes.

And just like last time the yacht scene refused to trigger.

Everything is now labeled Level or sharedassets so I don't think this works anymore unless someone knows which one controls the yacht event.

But this is the second version in a row that the yacht even refuses to trigger and I would really like to know why.

Also just like last time the Marcy/Killer Frost scene refuses to trigger. And this is a new playthrough since the new version.
We wrote a long post that's front and center on our Patreon for everyone to read that's literally titled "Known bugs...". We'd really appreciate it if people would take a few minutes to read our announcements before complaining about stuff we've already directly addressed.

We're sure many others who do take a moment to stay informed would appreciate it as well.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2017
Thanks. Did not know you could get her to respond when she's meditating. Sunset did a good job at hiding it.
You can fucking what?
Man, I figured that was just her version of "Too busy to talk to you, come back later"
Messing with her while she's in a trance sounds like it has potential for all sorts of fun.

I hope we can do it to Raven too, eventually.


Jun 29, 2018
I've got one (possibly) stupid question - I see many people here talking about leash scenes, and here I am, playing every build for at least a year, also starting a new game a few times, and still couldn't unlock even one leash scene. So.. What am I doing wrong? How can I unlock them?


Oct 1, 2018
We wrote a long post that's front and center on our Patreon for everyone to read that's literally titled "Known bugs...". We'd really appreciate it if people would take a few minutes to read our announcements before complaining about stuff we've already directly addressed.

We're sure many others who do take a moment to stay informed would appreciate it as well.
Fair. Just read that post. Not being tech savvy can someone tell me how to find the SU SOMEGUY registry? Even if Someguy is my name almost everything is labeled a level or shared asset. I don't see anything close to SU Someguy or SU my name.

Though with a bug fix planned "soon" and a new version before Christmas I may be better off just waiting.


Mar 21, 2018
OK, so I think I've run through most of the content. Pretty darn impressive, despite "training" games not usually being my thing. The big strength I think is in the writing, with the artwork really impressive as well. Many, many kudos for producing this.

Reading a bit on patreon, sounds like we're getting more storyline in the near future, but I'd like to mention a few things I'd like to see.

  • A bit more cross-connection between systems- costumes unlocked in lex-corp cells are unavailable in glam-slam or the bordello, and vice-versa. Activities during the Yacht event have very little impact on anything else (how about unlocking Jinx/Morganna/etc as villains after badonkery on the Yacht?) etc.
  • Taking more lex-corp cell and henchwomen storylines to the point of actual copulation..... though I acknowledge this may be held back because of inter-related storylines... it's just there's so many characters and so few of them you can actually plonk... stop teasing us, darnit!
  • Some in-game means of figuring out whom we can put in private rooms/exhibitions/lex-corp cells. Relying on outside guides for this is disheartening. Mentioned this before, and I know the developer has acknowledge this, just looking forward to it a great deal.


Bush Rustler
Aug 23, 2018
I've got one (possibly) stupid question - I see many people here talking about leash scenes, and here I am, playing every build for at least a year, also starting a new game a few times, and still couldn't unlock even one leash scene. So.. What am I doing wrong? How can I unlock them?
You need to buy the leash from Tala's magic shop first. That unlocks the possible scenes.
And don't forget to carry it with you. Assign it to your current inventory from your living quarters.

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
OK, so I think I've run through most of the content. Pretty darn impressive, despite "training" games not usually being my thing. The big strength I think is in the writing, with the artwork really impressive as well. Many, many kudos for producing this.

Reading a bit on patreon, sounds like we're getting more storyline in the near future, but I'd like to mention a few things I'd like to see.

  • A bit more cross-connection between systems- costumes unlocked in lex-corp cells are unavailable in glam-slam or the bordello, and vice-versa. Activities during the Yacht event have very little impact on anything else (how about unlocking Jinx/Morganna/etc as villains after badonkery on the Yacht?) etc.
  • Taking more lex-corp cell and henchwomen storylines to the point of actual copulation..... though I acknowledge this may be held back because of inter-related storylines... it's just there's so many characters and so few of them you can actually plonk... stop teasing us, darnit!
  • Some in-game means of figuring out whom we can put in private rooms/exhibitions/lex-corp cells. Relying on outside guides for this is disheartening. Mentioned this before, and I know the developer has acknowledge this, just looking forward to it a great deal.
We're glad to hear you're enjoying the game despite the genre not being your cup of tea. We appreciate the kind words. ^^

To address your points:

1. The costumes are one of SR7's biggest regrets. Do you have any idea how much time redrawing every single applicable scene to match every single costume takes? And you want to multiply it even further? Yeah, it'd be nice, but all of that art has to be drawn to make it into the game. It doesn't just magically appear.

2. The currently planned updates are called "completion" updates for a reason. We've spoken on this a million times in the past couple months. Not sure how much more transparent and vocal we can possibly be. They're coming.

3. Glad you noted we've acknowledged this and have mentioned we're working on it.

Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Fair. Just read that post. Not being tech savvy can someone tell me how to find the SU SOMEGUY registry? Even if Someguy is my name almost everything is labeled a level or shared asset. I don't see anything close to SU Someguy or SU my name.

Though with a bug fix planned "soon" and a new version before Christmas I may be better off just waiting.
It probably would be better to wait for the bug fix, as we're looking to get that out pretty much asap.

The "new version" before Christmas is a new public build, meaning 2.1.888, just to be clear.


Mar 21, 2018
@Gunsmoke Games -

1. On costumes and SR7's regret - oh, I have an idea, though I can't say I really know how much work is being talked about. I won't apologize for wanting the systems to feel more connected though. It's things like that which help really establish a sensation of a world, rather than disparate game systems. If all the scenes are hand-drawn from scratch, yeah, it's a really obnoxious amount of work. Some paper-doll/animation/skeleton systems could help reduce that, but I'm not an artist, and I don't know if SR7 is already utilizing tools like that or not. My hope is that possibly the upcoming"completion updates" could bring one or two "cross-costumes" where completing the cell storyline could unlock a costume or two for bordello/glam use and/or vice versa. IMO, that would be a great reward for completing the individual "trainings" for the characters.

2. I apologize if you feel you've already said this too many times. I did read the last couple "development update" posts before I commented, but I only recently picked up the game, so I haven't seen months of postings. I'll be looking forward to the upcoming updates.

3. I acknowledge your acknowlegement ;) - and I totally forgot to (re)mention one thing around this. It would be really really fantastic if the vault/gallery would allow replay of the final text associated with a given scene. As I mentioned, the writing is a lot of what really makes this game for me, and just viewing the images without their description..... doesn't do much for me.

Having played a "no-cheat" entry to the game, I managed to get through capturing all heroines and max-upgrades on all hideouts/systems by around day 110. Past that, the "endgame" seems to consist purely of transferring heroines into cells and playing through their cell storylines... and earning money becomes a complete non-issue. I'm guessing there's more events such as the yacht coming- I'll hope for the sake of ever seeing this game completed that they're actually smaller and less complex than the yacht. I'll be interested to see what arrives.

I assure you I'm not trying to be insulting or condescending, only hoping to provide useful feedback after experiencing what exists today.

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Serra Angel

Aug 22, 2018
As someone who has been an adamant SU fan since shortly after it's initial release I'll say the one thing I (and I think many others as well) would really love to see are more emphatic, exaggerated facial expressions during H scenes.

Some expressions (such as the dazed/pleasure entranced look stargirl/batgirl show in the private room) are great, but also a tad over-used. Many others are fairly bland (simply smiliing or look like they are laughing/talking) though. It'd be great to see some more expressions that fit having amazing sex as opposed to say just an enjoyable conversation. Their sexual experience is supposed to be amplified x1000 fold from Luthor's machine, so they should look like they have never had a better time in their life. Throwing in some blushing or getting red from pleasure/other emotions for example, would be awesome. Maybe their heads are cocked back with their mouth open & eyes rolling back. You get the idea :)

It would also be great to see more emotionally diverse expressions. Some of the girls would likely be tighter/not used to things like anal, or even be surprised/mad about it, so it'd be nice to see more expressions/sex talk showing discomfort, surprise, anger, pain, embarrassment, fear, etc. to keep it fresh and more real. Not saying the game is completely devoid of these things, but that they could be expanded/improved/added to. Anyone agree?

Love everything about the game, but would love it much more if these things were added in spades!
Fucking WHAT?? Cum blast Lois in the face and tell me that's not a hilarious facial expression! I COMPLETELY disagree with pretty much everything you said above. (n)

*SIDEBAR* Why are there so many WHINERS about this game?? "It would be better if Wonder Woman had balls...." "They should add Pokemon..." (Obviously I made those complaints up for dramatic effect)

PLAY THE FUCKING GAME!! Be happy with what you get! The developers are working hard to make something for you to spank to in mommy's basement... ...FOR FUCKING FREE! Jesus CHRIST, nobody CARES if you want an extra lip tremble, or squeal, or what-the-fuck-ever!

Thank the developers for what they give you. Don't be a whiny bitch. Don't like it? Don't play the fucking game! :unsure:
*Steps off soap box*:mad:

*Clarification note* Everything I wrote after the (n) emoji is meant generally to the thread, not to the poster I quoted.
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Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
Fucking WHAT?? Cum blast Lois in the face and tell me that's not a hilarious facial expression! I COMPLETELY disagree with pretty much everything you said above. (n)

*SIDEBAR* Why are there so many WHINERS about this game?? "It would be better if Wonder Woman had balls...." "They should add Pokemon..." (Obviously I made those complaints up for dramatic effect)

PLAY THE FUCKING GAME!! Be happy with what you get! The developers are working hard to make something for you to spank to in mommy's basement... ...FOR FUCKING FREE! Jesus CHRIST, nobody CARES if you want an extra lip tremble, or squeal, or what-the-fuck-ever!

Thank the developers for what they give you. Don't be a whiny bitch. Don't like it? Don't play the fucking game! :unsure:
*Steps off soap box*:mad:
We appreciate where you're coming from, and Lord knows I (Locke) get snappy from time to time about some of the demands, complaints and whatnot too - so you can trust we understand where you're coming from, but at the same time we thrive off interaction and criticism. At the end of the day, we'd rather have an entitled whiny mob of people than crickets. Cause there's no worse response to creative pursuits than apathy.

Also, you really chose the wrong guy to snap on. @Robat was very respectful with his critique. Whether you agree with his points or not, it was very well-written and presented - and he simply stated what he'd like to see without even demanding that it happen. It's really a shining example of the type of criticism we'd like to see more of - and his post was shared and discussed among the team a lot more than most.

We really appreciate your passion and support @Serra Angel. Let's just try to keep things relatively civil and aim those sorts of cathartic outrages - if necessary - towards those who truly deserve it.

Serra Angel

Aug 22, 2018
We appreciate where you're coming from, and Lord knows I (Locke) get snappy from time to time about some of the demands, complaints and whatnot too - so you can trust we understand where you're coming from, but at the same time we thrive off interaction and criticism. At the end of the day, we'd rather have an entitled whiny mob of people than crickets. Cause there's no worse response to creative pursuits than apathy.

Also, you really chose the wrong guy to snap on. @Robat was very respectful with his critique. Whether you agree with his points or not, it was very well-written and presented - and he simply stated what he'd like to see without even demanding that it happen. It's really a shining example of the type of criticism we'd like to see more of - and his post was shared and discussed among the team a lot more than most.

We really appreciate your passion and support @Serra Angel. Let's just try to keep things relatively civil and aim those sorts of cathartic outrages - if necessary - towards those who truly deserve it.
Sorry. I added a clarification note. When I read it, it did look like a was attacking the poster I quoted, which was not my intent. I was trying to comment generally. Apologies, the post has been edited to reflect this intention/avoid confusion/make people upset personally.

*GAME IS AWESOME* Thank you~:giggle:
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