
Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2018
How do you get the new Supergirl and Batgirl scenes? Not just the leash scenes.
The scenes are merely just that by using leash on batgirl and going to supergirl, they all unlock that way there's no actual scenes for example a team up in the bordello or glamour slam areas or even free roam instructing them...although seems like Lex has gotten Babs pretty corrupted so the idea is definitely possible for the additional team ups.


Jul 23, 2017
No, it is NOT irrelevant to the point. When he did the monthly updates it was due the fact that, back then the coding wasn't as complicated.

Yes... he chose to use that... at a time when SU was intended to be vastly smaller and only contain the Glamour Slam and the Meta Bordello...

Back then he wanted to make a small game, used the back then up to date version of Fungus and it ballooned out of proportions. Fungus creates, from what I understand, the Coding from "A to B" by itself, so probably part of the reason why the stuff was faster back then. But the size of the game that it has NOW is so large that the creator of fungus was surpirsed that the game worked. ANd he can't update the version of Fungus. he tried.

"He refuses to change it"... he hired somebody to DO THAT... and that guy didn't deliver and behaved badly... And now, if SR7 would do it himself, he'd need to... right, put everything else on hold. And then you don't get an update for SU for a year minimum. Geee, i wonder how this thread would look in that case? Maybe "SR7 really is milking it! No update in 6 months! Suuuure, he's working on the rebuild! And idiots believe that!"

A minor time waster in this is, that due to either fungus or unity, the dialogues can't be just copy pasted into a new build, so they all have to be rewritten (though aside of time wasteage that might not be that bad... the word "Retard" is quite overused imho, especially when, for Lex, it imho isn't really in character)

And when the rebuild is released: "What? NOthing new?! what did he waste time on?!"

People always complain to some degree. I know that. I complain a whole lot about, for example, Total War: Warhammer, and especially the direction Kislev takes in 3 (Kislev Reborn, a mod for 2, is much better imho). However, this thread has 1333 pages... and I'm fairly certain that, if the circle of shitting on the game was deleted... it'd be down to 500, +/-.

And the moment anyone says anything positive that ISN'T "But hte artwork looks good." Or tries to take a different PoV on a topic: "COPE! COPE HARDER YOU SHEEP!!!"

Not having an incentive to lie doesn't mean that they tell the truth. They make their theories and reurgitate it so much together that, for them, that's the truth. "SR7 is lying and that's the truth and everything to the contrary is a lie and if you believe it, you're a stupid, gullible sheep." That wouldn't change if SR

Though in regards of "lying", i use bracketts here, because I am willing to give the benefit of the doubt for a misunderstanding here, a while ago a post with the following text was posted:

"Game is free because the minute he charges for it, he is going to have DC literally on his ass, as he is ussing characters he doesn't own. And it was the whole decission, so it is not "Pirating" it because the base concept of the LAWSUIT he had involves it being free".

There never was a lawsuit. There was a cease and desist ABOUT THE TITLE, back then Injustice Unlimited... and to the great embarassment of WB, that was one of the first things to show up when somebody googled for "Injustice" when the game came out.

And while it's not "Pirating" in the traditional sense, there is a public version, and there are the patreon versions. The final game will be free, but early access to newer builds is locked behind pay.

Did the person lie? Or just misunderstand that? I'm not going to make a call here, but people throwing out claims, without being able to proof it, claiming absolute truth and certainty behind them and going "everything else is a lie!" also leads to stuff like Flat-Earth when repeated just enough...

No, it's factual. And in anyway, for you and a good number of others who then go on about how they don't even pay for the versions that are behind a paywall because updating sucks, "coping" is anything short of "I stopped paying, pirated it, pissed on his greatparents grave and set an efigy of him on fire."

If the game fucks all of you so much... why do you keep BOTHERING with it? Why don't you just say: "Meh..." and leave it be? Or check in on it once every year and then get the most update to date version with the content of multiple updates?

Or, considering how many people here constantly go on about how SR7 is lying his arse off about coding issues, since you lot seemingly are genius level code monkeys... why don't YOU go ahead and offer SR7 to do the rebuild?

Right... either because you don't have a clue about coding... or because "meh, don't wanna." Or... because then you wouldn't be able to BITCH about it, because you'd be PART of the problem.
Lmao, why are you so mad?
Stop dick riding SR7 so hard, it's cringe.


Jul 4, 2017
the leash scenes are the most boring, uninteresting, filler garbage sunset has added to the game, they're literally there so he can do less work while still claiming to have added new content.
The really sad thing is that his Patreons buy into this shit. I joined the server yesterday and just tried to talk to them to figure out this MAC version stuff and I let it slip that I was from F95. Bro they're just so brainwashed and pay for this shit blindly.


Jul 4, 2017


Jun 11, 2018
Still the same question: i somehow missed acquiring leash on my latest save. With cheats. Any advice?
You 100% sure that you checked Tala's store after upgrading it at least once?
Cuz otherwise, I'mma tell you to just start over.


Engaged Member
Nov 2, 2017
Is it effin nice to have, so that the girls aren't just in a vacuum and might just not exist unless Lex is there? Especially when it fits due to their backstory, connections, powers or (contrasting) personality?
nah, its boring as fuck. it's basically the same content every time, just with a different jpg. If sunset were really interested in expanding the cell content to not be confined, there are much better solutions.


Oct 6, 2017
nah, its boring as fuck. it's basically the same content every time, just with a different jpg. If sunset were really interested in expanding the cell content to not be confined, there are much better solutions.
If only there were multiple other locations in the game with unique characters and scenarios beyond manlet self-insert fantasies, but sadly we only have the cells with the same rote scenario for every character like every single other slave trainer game. Such a shame there's no other options for scenes beyond the same old repetitive boring power fantasies for incels like every other porn management sim, but unfortunately the cells are the only setting the game has.
Oct 31, 2017
Jokes aside, this was actually an original weakness that Wonder-Woman had.

Superman was weak to Kryptonite, she was weak to being tied up by a man. I am not even joking. Old times were wild. Naturally this weakness has since then been retconned and removed from the character as it is pretty awful all around.
Yup, William Moulton Marston was certainly an odd duck in the comic book circle, as I'm fairly certain that very few psychologists and/or university professors would even acknowledge the medium in the 1940's, let alone write for them. I will say that man definitely led an interesting life.

Has 2.3.4 been released for Linux, too? Anyone?
Not sure if anyone's gotten back to you yet, but from personal experience it runs well enough through Wine. 'Well enough' being that you're definitely going to get the Windows experience of it.

(Unsure of the required packages though, as I'm using my general VN prefix that is well overdue for a rebuild.)
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Nov 2, 2017
If only there were multiple other locations in the game with unique characters and scenarios beyond manlet self-insert fantasies, but sadly we only have the cells with the same rote scenario for every character like every single other slave trainer game. Such a shame there's no other options for scenes beyond the same old repetitive boring power fantasies for incels like every other porn management sim, but unfortunately the cells are the only setting the game has.
yeah, what a shame that sunset literally pays no attention to the other aspects of the game


Jan 17, 2018
What program did u use to get CGS :)?
Hi sorry for delay. I need some sleep between 2 fappings :giggle:
Theese are all screenshots, no program used, my bad...
But I also would like to find a way to extract pics directly from the game. They're often more complete.
Oct 31, 2017
But I also would like to find a way to extract pics directly from the game. They're often more complete.
Look up Unity Assets Bundle Extractor (not sure if one is allowed to link to githubs here). It takes a second to figure it out, but you'll be after the texture files (not sprites) and then it's Plugins -> Export to PNG after you've selected them, iirc. After that, you have to wait a bit since 2.3.3 had just shy of 10k files to export, and that can take a moment or two (haven't touched 2.3.4 yet.)

As for things being complete, well that's another kettle of fish. If you're talking about each individual frame of the older animations, or scenes that are effectively a single frame? Then yeah, fairly complete (minus BG obv). Any scene that has costume variance or shifting expressions/movements will be requiring a glue-stick as some assembly will be required. Floating heads, faceless bodies, random arms, etc. Hell, for one scene WW's left & right tits are separate assets (not kidding about it being near 10k files).

And of course I mustn't forget my favourite one at the moment, which I find pretty apt for the current state of this thread/update:
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May 17, 2020
Lmao, why are you so mad?
Stop dick riding SR7 so hard, it's cringe.
*Yawn* You're not even able to actually create an argument, rathern than constantly reurgitate claims with no proof... which everyone should just take as the gospel because "We don't have a reason to lie!"

You're not refuting anything and just talking such a load of trash shit that I have to assume that you're wearing a diaper as mask.

You are a 12 year old pretending to be an adult... and you're getting supported by 6 to 10 year olds who look up to you, because you're "sooo grown up" Since you're... 12.

"Cope, cope, cope, scam, scam, cope, milk, cope, milk,milk,milk, cringe" repeat ad nauseam.

That's all you can brabbel on about. Reminds me of a meme...

Because this is basically what it boils down to in this thread: "You're not shitting on it with us? You're a coping fanboy!!! COPE! COPE! COPE! COPE HARDER!!!"

If it's so easy, go ahead and DIY...

If only there were multiple other locations in the game with unique characters and scenarios beyond manlet self-insert fantasies, but sadly we only have the cells with the same rote scenario for every character like every single other slave trainer game. Such a shame there's no other options for scenes beyond the same old repetitive boring power fantasies for incels like every other porn management sim, but unfortunately the cells are the only setting the game has.
Well.. there are the League of Shadows Hideout, Kaznia and that other Planet... I just have to ask again: If you dislike the stuff so much... why even bother with the game? I mean, criticising stuff you like is one thing, but considering the tone of the text and the general atmosphere in this thread... I wonder if people don't just stick around to use the game to vent all of their angera t the world into everything that happens with SU.

I myself suggested a different progression, at least story wise, for Mary Marvel, if she ever is added. You can find it somewhere in this thread.

The issue here is, in my opinion, the basic set up of the game, something where deviating much from it would make the other stuff feel off. Lex already is near omniscient with a way out of nearly every situation. Which is rather boring, since it takes a good bit of the reward feeling out of it. The Device is the key for the vast majority of characters, Mercy, Tala, Roulette and hirable villains aside. And the device is basically what is shaping how the characters develop.

With just the Slam and Bordello, Lex' hypercompetence was somewhat acceptable because there wasn't really character interaction, outside of the villains who were on board anyway (even though CW running a mind control brothel is OOC). The device effects were created to faciliate the Slam and Bordello scenes.

And then it was decided to add the Cells and trainer content.

The the roots of this issue are, like a lot of the game, to be found at the origin of the game: Again, it wasn't originally planned to to have the cells. It was Slam and Meta Bordello. Then the Cells were added and started to get a certain basic layout, with the main differences being the text and art.

And when one cells gets an extra treatment, you know people will come and demand such stuff to be added retroactively for other cells as well, one way or another. Maybe unless the character is a really big name. Examples: "Now that Fire and Ice have a double cell, i think we should be able to put Starfire over to Raven, and BG and SG together!" Or "I think Lois should have a more unique progression, with the device screwing with her at work! And Stargirl's progression should be that she's getting turned into a horny bimbo at school!" and so on. Especially with the large, and growing, number of characters it'll be difficult to find unique, FITTING, progressions for characters if you don't want to run into "THe last cell had a unique thing! And now the new one is the same old agian?! LAZY!!!"

Heck, just to differenciate the more... "innocent" girls I'd have said that Stargirl, Barbara, Supergirl etc. should've had anal before vaginal, trying to protect their virginity.

It's the basic progress chosen for the game... is it standard? Yeah... would some variety be nice? Yeah. Does it work and is, at this point, what most people expect? Yeah. I mean, imagine, just as example, WW getting a much different progression. One that takes longer for the player to go through and also just overall longer to finish and to get to Vaginal (I'm using this here as the final part, maybe with some made up magic mumbo jumbo god rule about a man claiming an Amazon whatever) it takes 3 updates because it's a long story that could've made a short game in itself... people would probably complain that it takes so long. That the stuff shouldn't be so different and more to the point etc.

And to break the mould, iirc SR also wants to focus more on having characters in events, rather than cells. Like Kaznia, Nanda Pabat etc.

I do hope that we'll get some cells that will deviate more from the norm myself, as i said, I'Ve made suggestions for different cell stories myself and am supporting Fire and Ice as a double cell, but to really diversify the cells, I think the game would need to be smaller... and probably on a different engine...
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