
Oct 6, 2017
Well.. there are the League of Shadows Hideout, Kaznia and that other Planet... I just have to ask again: If you dislike the stuff so much... why even bother with the game? I mean, criticising stuff you like is one thing, but considering the tone of the text and the general atmosphere in this thread... I wonder if people don't just stick around to use the game to vent all of their angera t the world into everything that happens with SU.
It's almost as if I was being sarcastic or something. However, I do agree with you on a lot of what you said in this post...

I myself suggested a different progression, at least story wise, for Mary Marvel, if she ever is added. You can find it somewhere in this thread.

The issue here is, in my opinion, the basic set up of the game, something where deviating much from it would make the other stuff feel off. Lex already is near omniscient with a way out of nearly every situation. Which is rather boring, since it takes a good bit of the reward feeling out of it. The Device is the key for the vast majority of characters, Mercy, Tala, Roulette and hirable villains aside. And the device is basically what is shaping how the characters develop.

With just the Slam and Bordello, Lex' hypercompetence was somewhat acceptable because there wasn't really character interaction, outside of the villains who were on board anyway (even though CW running a mind control brothel is OOC). The device effects were created to faciliate the Slam and Bordello scenes.

And then it was decided to add the Cells and trainer content.
Adding the cell content invited the worst of his fans, trainer tards, and sent the game down the wrong path.

The the roots of this issue are, like a lot of the game, to be found at the origin of the game: Again, it wasn't originally planned to to have the cells. It was Slam and Meta Bordello. Then the Cells were added and started to get a certain basic layout, with the main differences being the text and art.

And when one cells gets an extra treatment, you know people will come and demand such stuff to be added retroactively for other cells as well, one way or another. Maybe unless the character is a really big name. Examples: "Now that Fire and Ice have a double cell, i think we should be able to put Starfire over to Raven, and BG and SG together!" Or "I think Lois should have a more unique progression, with the device screwing with her at work! And Stargirl's progression should be that she's getting turned into a horny bimbo at school!" and so on. Especially with the large, and growing, number of characters it'll be difficult to find unique, FITTING, progressions for characters if you don't want to run into "THe last cell had a unique thing! And now the new one is the same old agian?! LAZY!!!"

Heck, just to differenciate the more... "innocent" girls I'd have said that Stargirl, Barbara, Supergirl etc. should've had anal before vaginal, trying to protect their virginity.

It's the basic progress chosen for the game... is it standard? Yeah... would some variety be nice? Yeah. Does it work and is, at this point, what most people expect? Yeah. I mean, imagine, just as example, WW getting a much different progression. One that takes longer for the player to go through and also just overall longer to finish and to get to Vaginal (I'm using this here as the final part, maybe with some made up magic mumbo jumbo god rule about a man claiming an Amazon whatever) it takes 3 updates because it's a long story that could've made a short game in itself... people would probably complain that it takes so long. That the stuff shouldn't be so different and more to the point etc.

And to break the mould, iirc SR also wants to focus more on having characters in events, rather than cells. Like Kaznia, Nanda Pabat etc.

I do hope that we'll get some cells that will deviate more from the norm myself, as i said, I'Ve made suggestions for different cell stories myself and am supporting Fire and Ice as a double cell, but to really diversify the cells, I think the game would need to be smaller... and probably on a different engine...
Aside from having such a hard-on for apologizing for Chumbloke, this is some good points. As it is, however, to me, the game is frankly irrevocably broken, and only remaking from the beginning in a functional proper engine and throwing out the cell content, or at least wrapping it up in another game (Darkseid Dicks Down the DC Damsels, there, that's a freebie for somebody to use). I've said it before, but to his credit I really don't think Gunsmoke even likes the "slave trainer" aspect of the game; all his work before now has been mind control and freely chosen moral degeneration. Unfortunately, the people who haven't given up on him are the slave trainer fans, which just like futa freaks, are a small minority more vocal than everybody else and make it their business to shoehorn in their preferred content to the detriment of everybody else.


Message Maven
Mar 28, 2017
You guys get one thing wrong.
The cell content was in the game since the beginning.It just take some time(way too much time) to add the content.But still there is superheroine cell content from 5 and half years ago.Actually some superheroines get cell content before all 3 actions in GS.And we are not talking about the girls from Young Justice-Starfire,Miss Martian,Artemis and Terra that entered the game much later.
But of course it was dirty move to promote the update as Wonder Woman's update and not giving us at least full cell content for WW.Why the hell you will even start working on other characters before finishing all her scenes?There is no excuse for that.
Just get all her scenes done and then do whatever whoever you like.Or don't give us so many teasers with her on the first place.
Yes I am happy to get Audrey(my favorite among "normal" girls),but I was expecting much more for WW and SW.


New Member
Aug 5, 2020
Quite a lot of negative comments here so I think I'll chime in to bring my own little piece of balance to the issue. Creator(s), your work is greatly appreciated by some. I understand it is a paying job through patreons and so on, but still, ain't anything like this with these people out there and I am rather happy that this exists. Always could be better, could be faster, could be more of course, but what we have gotten is also very nice and I have personally enjoyed this a rather great deal. So, I hope you keep up the god's work. Thanks and salutations.
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Jul 23, 2017
*Yawn* You're not even able to actually create an argument, rathern than constantly reurgitate claims with no proof... which everyone should just take as the gospel because "We don't have a reason to lie!"

You're not refuting anything and just talking such a load of trash shit that I have to assume that you're wearing a diaper as mask.

You are a 12 year old pretending to be an adult... and you're getting supported by 6 to 10 year olds who look up to you, because you're "sooo grown up" Since you're... 12.

"Cope, cope, cope, scam, scam, cope, milk, cope, milk,milk,milk, cringe" repeat ad nauseam.

That's all you can brabbel on about. Reminds me of a meme...
View attachment 1528729

Because this is basically what it boils down to in this thread: "You're not shitting on it with us? You're a coping fanboy!!! COPE! COPE! COPE! COPE HARDER!!!"

If it's so easy, go ahead and DIY...

Well.. there are the League of Shadows Hideout, Kaznia and that other Planet... I just have to ask again: If you dislike the stuff so much... why even bother with the game? I mean, criticising stuff you like is one thing, but considering the tone of the text and the general atmosphere in this thread... I wonder if people don't just stick around to use the game to vent all of their angera t the world into everything that happens with SU.

I myself suggested a different progression, at least story wise, for Mary Marvel, if she ever is added. You can find it somewhere in this thread.

The issue here is, in my opinion, the basic set up of the game, something where deviating much from it would make the other stuff feel off. Lex already is near omniscient with a way out of nearly every situation. Which is rather boring, since it takes a good bit of the reward feeling out of it. The Device is the key for the vast majority of characters, Mercy, Tala, Roulette and hirable villains aside. And the device is basically what is shaping how the characters develop.

With just the Slam and Bordello, Lex' hypercompetence was somewhat acceptable because there wasn't really character interaction, outside of the villains who were on board anyway (even though CW running a mind control brothel is OOC). The device effects were created to faciliate the Slam and Bordello scenes.

And then it was decided to add the Cells and trainer content.

The the roots of this issue are, like a lot of the game, to be found at the origin of the game: Again, it wasn't originally planned to to have the cells. It was Slam and Meta Bordello. Then the Cells were added and started to get a certain basic layout, with the main differences being the text and art.

And when one cells gets an extra treatment, you know people will come and demand such stuff to be added retroactively for other cells as well, one way or another. Maybe unless the character is a really big name. Examples: "Now that Fire and Ice have a double cell, i think we should be able to put Starfire over to Raven, and BG and SG together!" Or "I think Lois should have a more unique progression, with the device screwing with her at work! And Stargirl's progression should be that she's getting turned into a horny bimbo at school!" and so on. Especially with the large, and growing, number of characters it'll be difficult to find unique, FITTING, progressions for characters if you don't want to run into "THe last cell had a unique thing! And now the new one is the same old agian?! LAZY!!!"

Heck, just to differenciate the more... "innocent" girls I'd have said that Stargirl, Barbara, Supergirl etc. should've had anal before vaginal, trying to protect their virginity.

It's the basic progress chosen for the game... is it standard? Yeah... would some variety be nice? Yeah. Does it work and is, at this point, what most people expect? Yeah. I mean, imagine, just as example, WW getting a much different progression. One that takes longer for the player to go through and also just overall longer to finish and to get to Vaginal (I'm using this here as the final part, maybe with some made up magic mumbo jumbo god rule about a man claiming an Amazon whatever) it takes 3 updates because it's a long story that could've made a short game in itself... people would probably complain that it takes so long. That the stuff shouldn't be so different and more to the point etc.

And to break the mould, iirc SR also wants to focus more on having characters in events, rather than cells. Like Kaznia, Nanda Pabat etc.

I do hope that we'll get some cells that will deviate more from the norm myself, as i said, I'Ve made suggestions for different cell stories myself and am supporting Fire and Ice as a double cell, but to really diversify the cells, I think the game would need to be smaller... and probably on a different engine...
Monologue posting, oh yeah, you're mad/10


May 17, 2020
Monologue posting, oh yeah, you're mad/10
*yawn*, you truly are boring. Your MO is: "Post dumb shit. Then, when somebody actually raises points, throw in a less than 10 words post about "lol, you use many words! You mad!"

You are incapable of having an actual argument or raising actual evidence to support your brabbling. You reurgitate random theories and hearsay. And when somebody calls that out "Lol. You mad?"

One can easily use many words despite being calm, if annoyed, to lay out the usual circle jerk here. But of course... well, there is a nice german saying I know... "Getroffene Hunde bellen." "Hit Dogs bark." means People who feel like, for example, an argument actually applies to them will react to that. Often by vehemently attacking the person who forwarded it. And in this case, I'd argue that you truly got hit.

Honestly, comparing you to children does a disservice TO children.

It's almost as if I was being sarcastic or something. However, I do agree with you on a lot of what you said in this post...

Adding the cell content invited the worst of his fans, trainer tards, and sent the game down the wrong path.

Aside from having such a hard-on for apologizing for Chumbloke, this is some good points. As it is, however, to me, the game is frankly irrevocably broken, and only remaking from the beginning in a functional proper engine and throwing out the cell content, or at least wrapping it up in another game (Darkseid Dicks Down the DC Damsels, there, that's a freebie for somebody to use). I've said it before, but to his credit I really don't think Gunsmoke even likes the "slave trainer" aspect of the game; all his work before now has been mind control and freely chosen moral degeneration. Unfortunately, the people who haven't given up on him are the slave trainer fans, which just like futa freaks, are a small minority more vocal than everybody else and make it their business to shoehorn in their preferred content to the detriment of everybody else.
I hope you are aware that unmarked sarcasm not always travels well via text unless people know each other, or their opinions and knowledge on certain things, really well.

Wrong path is debatable. I know that for me the game would be far less interesting if the stuff would've been limited to "girls without character stripping or in the brothel".

There also is a major difference between "having a hard-on for apologizing Sunsetrider"... and pointing to multiple possible reasons when most of this place has a hard-on for just shitting on the game and the development. Everything the dev says has to be a lie, every claim for why it truly is like it is from here has to be truth.

Here's a simple point: At this point, there could be some reveal that proves most of SR's claims on the development issues etc. An independent reveal. Most people here wouldn't care, would continue to reurgitate their whole stories and continue.

And in anyway, if he'd end the game, for example after finishing WW: "Now?! There is so much more potential!"
If he'd stop to rebuild the whole thing: "He's milking it! He hasn't released a new version in a year and people still pay him!"
If he'd split the trainer part of: "2 games, so he can update both once a year."

Basically, at this point, nothing that he does would most likely change anything here.

The latter part about how there isn o "real" training I mainly attribute again to the Device and the fact that, due to the fact the JL plays a (background) most of the stuff is limited to isolated areas, like the cells. In most other trainers, the characters that get trained end up doing stuff "outside". Which actually could still be somewhat possible if the level 3 of the device would, if made available, allow to place girls at least in the Slam withotu having to downgrade the device. The girls could then have some at least some lines interacting with the customers

For most characters, the mind control is far more limited than what usually gets used under the term. Usually, mind control would go from Barbara at the start to Barbara's cell end nearly immediately. As is, the device amplifies their pleasure, stops them from masturbating, deletes the memory, causes them to show up at night, and Lex CAN use it to force them into sex.

Yes, mind control, but again, in most erotica that uses "mind control" it's usually far more direct and all-encompassing when used in that context.

Of course, the Bordello and the Slam are a different thing altogether. There the girls are completely mind controlled or on "Horny autopilot".

I'd say most of the stuff, again, is limited mainly due to the original set up and how it involved from there, rather than anything else.

The effects of the device had been more or less established and changing it later on probably would cause even more of a dissonance and a feeling of "The Device does EVERYTHING".

You think the issue is that the trainer stuff got added... i think without the trainer stuff it'd be a non very indepth management game with nice artwork. And really sterile. The characters are mind controled, that had been set up basically from the beginning. So... it'd be "place character, watch scene". yey. Since the characters are mind controlled, there wouldn't even be a real case of managing the girls. Unless you go with "They are all cosplayers", but be honest... using cosplayers would've immediately killed some of the alure of the idea and would've made an A-List supervillain as MC unnecessary (though I personally would've prefered an OC anyway.)... thoguh maybe that could have some more validity if you replace the MC with Roulette... more lesbian action and Protag.Roulette could've decided to reward some security personal or well paying customers by giving them a private session...

Sure, managing could've involved keeping suspicions low, but would that really have been interesting?

And may I point something out in general: Discussing the games issues like this is far more productive AND Far more interesting than just constantly going "It sucks! SR sucks!" "Yeah, dude!".


Jul 11, 2018
Quick question. When Gunsmoke says that they are planning on giving every girl a story arc, is that just the heroines? Or will the henchwomen be given arcs as well? What about the non-hench, non-heroine girls? Girls like…uh…who aren’t the bench girls…uh…I think…girls like Poison Ivy, Livewire, Jinx, that cheetah lady…basically the girls you can hire to raise mayhem around the town. And on that note, how do you get heat? I got to a point in the game where I didn’t really need to keep villains on the payroll because any heat generated by my heists was just so low. Will there be more random events that would require you to throw the Justice League off your trail? Like more nosy reporters or do-gooder cops.


May 11, 2021
Thanks for the CG's honestly might not even try to get the MAC version to work anymore the update doesn't seem to be worth the trouble. Will definitely wait till the next major update and enjoy the combined content. Thanks again!

Do you got a Mac version dude? Could you share it. Can't seem to find anywhere and don't wanna pay if its not gonna work. I can try to get it to work and get back to you
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Jul 4, 2017
Do you got a Mac version dude? Could you share it. Can't seem to find anywhere and don't wanna pay if its not gonna work. I can try to get it to work and get back to you
I don't have an updated MAC. What I've been doing is downloading the 2.3.3 version for mac available here and the new updated WIN file and just transferring the "Data" folder from the WIN one slowly into the mac version. If you transfer the "level" files from the data folder it makes it so the events trigger but there's no images. Once I try transferring anything else the whole thing just doesnt work just provides some purple text. Maybe you can get it to work!
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Oct 25, 2018
And on that note, how do you get heat? I got to a point in the game where I didn’t really need to keep villains on the payroll because any heat generated by my heists was just so low. Will there be more random events that would require you to throw the Justice League off your trail? Like more nosy reporters or do-gooder cops.
At some point that was supposedly a game mechanic tied with Lois Lane, but like many things in this game (animations, any sound effect, not missing a deadline, etc) was removed or ignored in recent updates.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2021

- One side is arguing that SR7 has a difficult job in doing any updates at all given the mess that the 'code' of the game is in.

- The other side is pointing out that he's got ~$15K per month coming in (net of Patreon fees) and should employ an actual coder to finish the rebuild in parallel so they don't soend two months debugging a monthly update.

- First side then retorts that he tried that and the guy f'ed about and didn't deliver.

- Other side then retorts that there's no shortage of people who can code something this basic and he should get someone else in. Anyone who has such a mess of legacy code and doesn't have a parallel project to replace it is crazy.

Am I missing anything?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2021
That's boiling it down, excluding the childish name-calling and (actually good) ideas for how to improve / expand the game
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