@Hrimfrost try reseting variable события_начальница_в_тц_результат_массаж to 0 using save editor, it should give you ability to get first massage scene again and with high enough massage skill let you progress further.
I had the same problem, unfortunately I have noticed it after the first massage scene (where I just said - I can't do it (due to lack of massage skill) and now I have checked in save editor and the Variable события_начальница_в_тц_результат_массаж is 0, but I still cannot get to the massage scene... this option is not displayed anymore for me at the gym...
Edit: just changing the variable Character_kate Open to 0 doesn't work... the guy at the gym doesn't propose the job to me.... must be another variable... :-(
EDIT2 : ok, took a peek into the QSP file and this is the proper statement that needs to be changed:
if $character_Kate['Attitude_to_GG'] >= 900 and $data['события_катя_массаж_цепочка'] = 0
So in save editor you need to look for "обытия_катя_массаж_цепочка" and not for события_начальница_в_тц_результат_массаж as suggested earlier.
Change the обытия_катя_массаж_цепочка to 0 and BAM!!!
"Ask what this Kweli" (proper translation Ask why she's hurting or where it hurts) and Kate's Massage option is back !