Update 06/06/2020
Fixed an error that was causing the Incubus realm to not spawn correctly, making the player fall into the void.
Also added a visual FX that gives trajectories when you are throwing objects.
Update 06/02/2020
The level has been broken up into sections that dynamically load as needed. This should ease memory use, but I've noticed small hitches
when a new area loads in, and I'll have to work to reduce that.
I also added a title screen and some music. The current music is pulled from a collection of western music, but hopefully I can
get something commissioned in the future.
Meridiana's knife attack does more damage, and ends much faster. Her gun likewise does more damage now. This is stuff that will
continue to be tweaked.
The bird goblins now have a crossbow, and monster AI has been minorly tweaked. I plan to do some major tweaks, but for now they
attack and patrol and that's fine.
Added a changed time stop spell, a spell to fling world props at enemies, as well as set the wand to freeze enemies(for now).
Clicking the middle mouse button or right control stick on the controller will toggle Meridiana's second sight, which allows you
to see enemies and interactable objects in the world.
The keyboard or controller button layout can be viewd in the options menu.
There is currently a bug that pops up if you tap or hold right click while casting a spell, to get out of this, just do a dash/dodge.
If any of the puzzle traps don't unlock in the undeground section, you can use push to get the box on the trigger correctly.
I do plan do change it after this build so that it doesn't rely on physics.