156_163_146_167 ; A porn game is entirely seperate from other genres. Why? Its quite simple:
Most games require them to be challenging to be engaging. Challenge comes from the right mix of illiciting emotions of frustration and confusion, to keep someone interested.
Whereas Porn games require them to be as simple as possible, as your focus is on masturbation, not on engagement with challenge.
Its why most games that try to be both, reward the player by failing, rather than succeeding, which doesn't make much sense from a gameplay perspective (as the point of a game is to win, in some fashion). But without having the failure sex states, people quickly get aggravated at being denied the sexual content, ragequit, and go find some other medium to assist their masturbation.
Thats why, most people are continually asking for a gallery type mode. Have the interesting gameplay, in the game, and have all the sexual content in the gallery. That way, when you play the game, you are playing to win and progress deeper, but when you are finally ready to masturbate, you stop playing, and you visit the gallery.
This game lacks a gallery and so you have to fight with the controls, the platforming, the combat, to get to the sexual content. If they separated the two apart, and put the sex scenes in a gallery and left the gameplay in the game, then people would likely enjoy this title more.