Somnay said:
You must be registered to see the links
The colour of the text is all wrong,half of the time it seems to disappear due to the background therefore I'm missing a lot of the story because of this!
Yup in some background REALLY hard read, White on a White... Just add background for text, if someone want see full image, just press button H or MidMButton.
In the location where you have installed the game , go to folder renpy > common and find the file 00console.rpy then right click on it and Open with Notepad (make sure you un-check the box Always use this app to open .rpy files) and find config.console = False then change False to True and save.
After you done all that Shift + O in game to open console.
Girls name=Points
Itc A really help because, expression status showup only in start of the game.WTF. I dont have enof points only in the end, i just try, and it work.
And, about Animation,,, hmm it look like creator forget add half of image in Gif, It look Good, but, anim just feel like half missing. Thk for create game anyway