OK, so quick heads up...
So far I've only found one coding error in the new build (1.20.11) which either means that I'm extremely lucky or I missed something.
Specifically, there's one image call that's mis-labeled (11 instead of 1). Combining that with the 'unable to complete cargo mission due to message being pre-empted (changing elif to if for the cargo delivery check solves this), means that I only have two hotfixes so far.
There was one other place where I was able to click 'ignore' and continue with the game, a 'list out of range' error popped up for that one and I'd need to look at the code to see what's going on there, but since you can continue/ignore, and I've only seen that one time in my current playthrough, not an immediate priority...
I'm SURE there has to be others. If anyone else has spotted the 'error' screen at some point in the current build, feel free to call it out!
Someone mentioned a different sound clip being used in a specific place, but that's technically not an error unless it is actually causing an error, and I'm not sure where in the files this specific instance is in any case, and I'd defer to the Discord folks on this on as to whether it would need changing or not.
If I don't see anything else, either ingame or that y'all post up, I'll probably release a hotfix patch in the next day or so, and then start working on my interface mod at that point. I'm missing a LOT of the QoL improvement stuff that I added to SJx 1.10, which I personally want back asap, so I'll start working on that today.
Hey. Haven't played this game for a while so started a new game from day 25. Now I've played up to where i can rescue the princess and that was easy however for some reason her text appears in her room but model is missing, i got error message and i rolled back few times but it wasn't fixed so i chose ignore and she doesn't appear.
Found the problem new folder is missing this
IOError: Couldn't find file '01_portrait/AEGuestSpriteSeraphine_idle.png'.
I checked my build, and that image file is in the build I downloaded in the location specified. Not sure why it's not in your extracted build, perhaps check a previous build (/images/01_portrait subfolder) to see if you can copy the image into your latest build. That image gets used a lot so someone should have noticed this before now. I have SJx installed on another computer, so it's not handy atm, but if you need the image, let us know!