Somehow i skipped a few scenes, and i think i cant get them now. If it is possible to get them later, please tell me how, ifs its a bug that prevants me please work on it, and if i just missed the chance, please add hint in v1.50 so i will know better and not miss it there, or at least tell me what i should have done/will need to do in next playthrough. those are the scenes in question:
-The scene of practicing restraint for 3 days and then visit T'Ris in the first page of the gallery - im sure i did it but i didnt get it to stick in the gallery.
-or " hack the lock and keep a particular item from nimhe's retreival box in page 3 of the gallery.
-"Practice restraint for a few days and finish impressively" on page 7 of the gallery.
-"Practicve 'social interactions' with a naked V (SLU+5)" in page 7