OK, so about my personal mod...
The public version of 0.10 should be dropping not too long from now, but if a couple of you are bored or whatever and want to try out some alternate bot economics and a couple of other related things in the meantime and don't mind a bit of 'beta' mod playtesting...
View attachment 3005229
OK, so this particular screen isn't particularly remarkable, but I should note that a lot of those bots USED TO have current values in the $40-60+ K range, or possibly more...
This seemed a bit over the top to me. In my mind, making $10-20 million credits for a particularly well built bot seems somewhat reasonable, but more than that seemed excessive. So I played around with a few things...
So in this mod (if you replace three files with the ones in the attached .7z file):
1) Modifiers that affect the bot's value are now added together before multiplying the value of the bot. In the 'official' 0.9c version, base price is multiplied multiple times based on various factors (IQ, traits, uniformity, total skill level, etc.), so the multipliers are stacking. I changed this so that all modifiers are added together into a single multiplier variable, which is then applied to the price of the bot.
I did this to reduce the 'craziness' of OTT bot prices (once you assembled a bunch of Gen 3 Mil Grade bots to work in the Sex Arcade or whatever) which was resulting in insane amounts of income each night. This is more of a mid-late game issue, which is overshadowing the need to do cargo runs and such as at this point your Arcade Bots (in the 'unmodded' version) pretty much cover your income needs at that point, with lots of cash to spare.
2) I reduced the amount of space that Bio/Nano/Energy Pods require in the cargo hold, so they now take up 0.1 tons each. This was to offset the need for more pods, see below...
3) Training and Repairs now require more Bio & Nano materials as well as Energy for training. The lab can store up to 4 pod's worth each of material to help offset this a bit -this ties in to increased material requirements for more extensive repairs. This is essentially the same as in previous versions of my 0.9c mods, with one change: Activating a cortex requires 25% Bio. Note that repairs to bot parts may require more materials now...
4) If T'ris is set to Pod resupply, she will now purchase 3 Bio, 3 Nano, and 6 Energy each morning from her 'alternate source' (instead of restocking pod levels to 5 each). Just something I wanted to do...
5) Bot values are now affected by grade as well as gen level. The more parts that are at the same Gen and Grade as the Cortex currently is, the higher the uniformity bonus. You now get partial credit for having multiple parts of the same Grade and/Or Generation as the Cortex part.
6) Grade now also affects the initial IQ roll, as well as Gen level. So Mil grade cortexs will have a higher average IQ than say Basic or Sub-Par cortex parts. Essentially, the manufacturer is 'binning' the parts and using the best parts for higher grades. Minimum IQ levels are also adjusted upwards accordingly, if an IQ roll is particularly bad...
7) The Current and Max Skill level is now on a bit of a bell (gaussian) curve, and traits now affect the maximum skill level, as does grade and gen level. So Gen 3 cortex bots will have higher base skill levels than Gen 1, same for Grade.
8) The bot 'Shell' now has it's own slot, for customized shells. Existing bots can re-assign a custom shell to this slot if you get it into your lab first.
9) Note that this stuff will 'drop in' to an existing game, with some changes being applied immediately while others (such as changes that apply to new cortex activation) won't affect existing bots.
10) I made a few alignment adjustments to a few relevant bot-related screens, to take better advantage of existing space, and in the case of the Bot Manager and Sex Arcade sub-screens, reduced the need for scrolling (all 10 Arcade Bots are now shown on the screen at the same time, no scroll bar needed/shown). Note that there are some new sort buttons in the Bot Configuration & Training parts/addon screens, but these do not currently work. I haven't figured out how to get the sort options to work here, this does NOT affect the Parts Inventory screen sort options.
This is all about tweaking the gameplay experience as it related to bots, to make it perhaps more interesting/a bit less of a cakewalk in the mid/late game.
To install this mod:
backup/replace the 110_classes.rpy file in the /game/100_core folder with the one in the .7z
backup/replace the 212_init_rooms.rpy file in the /game/200_init folder with the one in the .7z
backup/replace the 760_sexbot_lab.rpy file in the /game/700_minigames folder with the one in the .7z
Then start up your Space Journey game, and the changes should be applied. You should be able to load an existing game and try things out from there,
I recommend not overwriting your most recent 'unmodded' save (i.e. the one that you want to use the Multiverse Pod for) so that you retain your progress there. This shouldn't be a big deal, just being cautious here. Worst case, uninstall my mod/replace the above three files with the originals and re-load that 'original/unmodded version' save, deleting any subsequent saves (hover over save slot and hit 'del' key to deleta a save). Then save your 'original/unmodded version' save again after you piddle around for an hour or whatever.
In any case, yeah if a couple of you want to try my silly ideas out with 0.90c while we wait for the 1.10 version to be publicly released/shared here, and provide a bit of feedback r.e. the changes (and not implemented yet new sort buttons), that'd be awesome!
Edit: Found a bug involving traits cubes and one of my changes, so I've uploaded an updated .7z with the fix.