What do you expect? The last update was less than a month ago, one takes several months.
Most probably it will include the ending on the new planet, maybe with Alice route. The last easter egg girl needs a second scene, and on the last page are 5 more unknown scenes (1/6 on it was the 3rd Erin scene, a comission), so it will atleast take 2 updates (next would be v0.9x, I guess), maybe even a third update (last/minor additions, etc.).
Edit: What we can do is guess what scenes could be done for the last page, atleast until someone gives information about it. Bas could maybe get a sex scene, maybe something with the other cats from the temple, or additional scenes with the main characters. Since Erin got a 3rd scene, the other easter egg girls could get one too, but maybe because they are special, they are on the last page of gallery.