Any idea when these scenes will be releasted?
No one knows but you can sort of predict when it will come out.
So it looks like they're gonna have 7 new H-scenes in the final update along with character epilogues.
At the moment they have 2 of the scenes fully complete and 1 character epilogue.
It takes them about a week to take a scene from a sketch to an animation but considering they only finished 2 scenes in April, it seems as though they've slowed down a bit for this last update.
Assuming they continue at this trajectory, if they still have 5 more scenes to go, that puts them in mid July for finishing the last scene.
Add another month for dialogue, epilogues, and finishing touches so I would say that at the latest expect the update in early to mid August.
(I haven't read development diary #42 so I might've missed something)