I thought of a way that you could keep getting that sweet Patreon cash even after 1.0 is done... and do it pretty much forever, and without ripping people off. How? Expansion Packs. Let people submit art for new characters (they can do it themselves, steal it from e621 or whatever) and, for a price, offer to write & animate that character into an add-on module. Pick one character per month (or whatever you feel like you can handle as a workload), $1 to vote, $10 to make a submission. It would be like Playboy back in the day - Furry Playmate of the Month. With "free mode" running you could rack up new locations, planets and (of course) new girls potentially forever. And again, no one would feel ripped off in the least & you'd have job security for life.
Seriously, think about it. I could work. SpacePaws could turn into an endless adventure - literally.