
Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
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Hey Aaryn! I was really pleased that you enjoyed the game enough to consider subscribing [well - up until I broke your heart, anyway!:cry:] I played an early version of Straight, and although I don't usually like slow-burn romances and day-planners, I thought it was good.

On the shaving: The game's very referential, and a major trope of military conscription movies is getting 'buzzed' (all the way from Full Metal Jacket to Stripes]. Because this is a fast-moving sci-fi comedy, I also get quite a lot of play with what I can do - meaning that you won't have to wait for their hair to grow back naturally!

As far as content goes, it's different strokes for different folks [I like hairy and shaved myself]. The only thing I'd take real issue with in your review is the suggestion that the models look like any others on this forum without their hair... Each is very carefully designed to be both unique and in keeping with my overall aesthetic, and to represent demographics rarely seen in other games [e.g. there's a real dearth of sexy Asian men, gingers and main-cast black women elsewhere... not to mention the aliens and AI's!] I'd challenge you to find any characters on site that look like mine - hairless or not.

I hope that you're open to checking in on subsequent updates - I've got some exciting plans ahead, and it's always useful to hear from an established dev.
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
For MC the logical choice would be Anna as he already was using her holopicture to ease his loneliness. As for me - from the already introduced characters - I'd choose Kex (or Fatima).

And btw you could do a TNG like storyarc where holodeck malfunctions and is running amok and safety is off so when you start some action is goes (much) further than anticipated or in the completely wrong direction (or better, it could be random). Also, if there are going to be some enemies/villains in the game interacting with them in a sexual/romantic way for a longer periods of time (or very often) in a holodeck could diminish MC's aversion towards them (for some period of time perhaps?). That could be used for the plot somehow, like he'll lose option to respond with extreme measures against certain villanous character for some time or when he'll try to do so he'll have a short recollection of some holo-action so he'll waver or he'll be more susceptible to suggestion from them.

And another, similar idea would be place/planet in a similar fashion as Star Trek's episode "Shore Leave", but more in a vein of "Forbidden Planet".
A Kex fan :alien: ... I think you're going to like meeting her brood-sisters later on!
I like the holo-malfunction idea... How about dozens of sex-crazed Fatima holoclones running berserk around the ship? (Gotta catch 'em all!) I imagine she's be quite pissed off when she finds out it was your sex programme that caused it...:eek:
I'm also intrigued by the 'aversion-lowering' concept... I really think that could work well.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 4, 2017
Hey Aaryn! I was really pleased that you enjoyed the game enough to consider subscribing [well - up until I broke your heart, anyway!:cry:] I played an early version of Straight, and although I don't usually like slow-burn romances and day-planners, I thought it was good.

On the shaving: The game's very referential, and a major trope of military conscription movies is getting 'buzzed' (all the way from Full Metal Jacket to Stripes]. Because this is a fast-moving sci-fi comedy, I also get quite a lot of play with what I can do - meaning that you won't have to wait for their hair to grow back naturally!

As far as content goes, it's different strokes for different folks [I like hairy and shaved myself]. The only thing I'd take real issue with in your review is the suggestion that the models look like any others on this forum without their hair... Each is very carefully designed to be both unique and in keeping with my overall aesthetic, and to represent demographics rarely seen in other games [e.g. there's a real dearth of sexy Asian men, gingers and main-cast black women elsewhere... not to mention the aliens and AI's!] I'd challenge you to find any characters on site that look like mine - hairless or not.

I hope that you're open to checking in on subsequent updates - I've got some exciting plans ahead, and it's always useful to hear from an established dev.
Well, If you're not into the romance-type stuff, steer clear of my project because it got craaaazy romantic and I don't even know how or why...Characters write themselves, man.

Nah, I get the military-esque shaving part (believe me, I know allllll about that) and I guess I could see things growing back in time but from a storytelling standpoint, I'd ask what the point was in the first place. That shit just tore me up, bro. Like, a buddy saw this game and elbowed me in the ribs so I checked it out. It's good, man. You got a good start. Your coding skills are far superior to what I was working with a year ago when I launched my mess-of-a-v0.01. I like the bi content, too. Honestly, it felt balanced and I didn't feel like the nods towards gay content were an after-thought. Your renders look good for early alpha, too--again, better than mine did in v0.01.

In terms of the shaving, if you have an older rig, it's a bitch to add anymore of anything to renders. I know, I just upgraded my 10 year old rig with Patreon cash and I can honestly say a 30 minute render got me harder than any game ever has. I used to spend 12 hours on a picture, too. I get it. Pubes are an extra step but that was something that was important to me because there's hardly any games on here that do that. Like you said: dude characters are an after-though. I felt like you spent time adjusting the shape and length and I appreciated that--hell, spent a few months trying to perfect one of my characters like that. But you also had different colors of pubes for the female characters. Just seemed like good foreshadowing and then it got burnt off. I know it's a nightmare but maybe making an option to toggle them at one point. It's a bitch cause then you gotta do extra coding and double the renders but it's something I would personally support.

I'll also apologize for any offense caused by my first feedback on the models looking common. I want to first point out that I dig the Asian guy. Someone gave my game feedback for having more diverse characters and I want to echo that to yours. Too many games are just whitewashed. Also, you don't see gingers used as much (For Elise comes to mind and your model sorta echoed hints of that MC to me). As for the alien chick in the hallway--lol, my first sexual encounter with an alien so I didn't have much to compare that too other than the weird sex that took place in Alien: Resurrection. This wasn't my kinda fetish but I"m down with it if people like it. I'm not one to judge.

Honestly, I'm likely to play your v0.02 because I want to support those whom overlap some content with me. Hell, if I enjoy it and you get a few updates in, I don't mind doing a shout-out for you on my Patreon to see if it will stir up more interest.

Just pubes man....lmao

Good luck, bro. I'm watching the thread


Engaged Member
Apr 2, 2018
A Kex fan
Alien fan in general ;) However I'm hoping for more interesting (in shapes and mentality) aliens in the future (I'd enjoy some BDSM/femdom stuff in there too ;) ). And a ship with dozen sex-crazed Fatimas (even holoFatimas) sounds like the place not to be missed.

Kex's brood sisters?! All of them at once maybe? Man, space is such a wonderful place.
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Honestly, I'm likely to play your v0.02 because I want to support those whom overlap some content with me. Hell, if I enjoy it and you get a few updates in, I don't mind doing a shout-out for you on my Patreon to see if it will stir up more interest.

Just pubes man....lmao

Good luck, bro. I'm watching the thread
Cheers Aaryn! (any offence already dissipated - I'm just quite passionate about my characters! :giggle:)

Yeah... the renders can be agony (my graphics card is so awful that I'm CPU rendering!). Have a good one!


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Alien fan in general ;) However I'm hoping for more interesting (in shapes and mentality) aliens in the future (I'd enjoy some BDSM/femdom stuff in there too ;) ). And a ship with dozen sex-crazed Fatimas (even holoFatimas) sounds like the place not to be missed.

Kex's brood sisters?! All of them at once maybe? Man, space is such a wonderful place.
Lol. Phlaxian broods have an... unusual... family dynamic. There are hundreds of siblings per hatching, and genetic purity is a big cultural issue). The males are smaller and dumber than the females (their job is pretty much to fill the breeding pools with spunk - day in, day out).
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Odin Eye Patch

Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2018
as a game how do you cater to all peoples tastes e.a straight gay and bisexual ( i know some say pansexual but when i hear that i think of some guy nobing a pan ) in the game you let players choose how much content of one sexuality you want to see or hear about i think thats a good way to do it but my question is how do you cater to everyone
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
as a game how do you cater to all peoples tastes e.a straight gay and bisexual ( i know some say pansexual but when i hear that i think of some guy nobing a pan ) in the game you let players choose how much content of one sexuality you want to see or hear about i think thats a good way to do it but my question is how do you cater to everyone
Honestly - you can't! There are so many different preferences out there it would be impossible to satisfy them all... (and there are some kinks even I'm not into!) ;)

But there is a lot that can be done. The first is to take a lot of care with character design, so that all the characters are sexy, and are widely varied (to suit as many tastes as possible). Then - as you say - there's giving players the choice of how much content they want to see (e.g. enabling/disabling bisexual content).

I decided to take that one step further by introducing a whole range of optional kinks and traits, and ensuring that you can skip sex scenes with any character that doesn't float your boat without a main-storyline penalty... Although clearly you're going to get the most out of the game if you've gone full perv and shagged them all!:p

My Fantasies option allows for some extra room on that - e.g. Bi players can see a bit of M/M action in an otherwise F/M scene or see characters in unlikely sexual situations. It also gives a showcase to some of the upcoming characters, storylines and kinks!:love:

I'm also going to put up various polls on Patreon to see which characters/scenarios people would like to see more of... (as well as checking the boards on f95, of course!;)) Once I've finished MC's induction scene, this will include character design!

As far as overall update schedules go, balances obviously have to made. For instance: in the next major update the main events are a sex scene with the Computer and some Femdom with Sergeant Kex (i.e. majority straight content, though still with optional endings for M/M fans;)). I'll then fill in the scenes with some minor-updates (content depending on feedback and whatever turns me on at the time!)… For instance, giving the (female) Computer a male alternative for M/M players, additional Fantasies for all active kinks/traits, a short video about the history of SpaceCorps for fellow sci-fi fans...:geek:

Basically, the overall plan is to make a really big game, stacked full of content for pretty much any taste! It's gonna take a while, but I love doing it!


Active Member
Game Developer
May 4, 2017
Honestly - you can't! There are so many different preferences out there it would be impossible to satisfy them all... (and there are some kinks even I'm not into!) ;)

But there is a lot that can be done. The first is to take a lot of care with character design, so that all the characters are sexy, and are widely varied (to suit as many tastes as possible). Then - as you say - there's giving players the choice of how much content they want to see (e.g. enabling/disabling bisexual content).

I decided to take that one step further by introducing a whole range of optional kinks and traits, and ensuring that you can skip sex scenes with any character that doesn't float your boat without a main-storyline penalty... Although clearly you're going to get the most out of the game if you've gone full perv and shagged them all!:p

My Fantasies option allows for some extra room on that - e.g. Bi players can see a bit of M/M action in an otherwise F/M scene or see characters in unlikely sexual situations. It also gives a showcase to some of the upcoming characters, storylines and kinks!:love:

I'm also going to put up various polls on Patreon to see which characters/scenarios people would like to see more of... (as well as checking the boards on f95, of course!;)) Once I've finished MC's induction scene, this will include character design!

As far as overall update schedules go, balances obviously have to made. For instance: in the next major update the main events are a sex scene with the Computer and some Femdom with Sergeant Kex (i.e. majority straight content, though still with optional endings for M/M fans;)). I'll then fill in the scenes with some minor-updates (content depending on feedback and whatever turns me on at the time!)… For instance, giving the (female) Computer a male alternative for M/M players, additional Fantasies for all active kinks/traits, a short video about the history of SpaceCorps for fellow sci-fi fans...:geek:

Basically, the overall plan is to make a really big game, stacked full of content for pretty much any taste! It's gonna take a while, but I love doing it!

IMO, it's a solid plan. Something I learned somewhat early on is that ideas make you feel amazing but then actually trying to implement those ideas as a solo game developer is a bitch. You end up making cuts and prioritizing things. While these games are in their infancy, it's easy to bite off more than you can chew. I did that with a few scenes in my game. Luckily, my supporters were patient when I had to renege and simplify things. But, too many simplifications can wear on you as a designer cause sometimes then can feel like failures. Then supporters get frustrated because updates take too long. It's a stressful balance. My solution to that is to consider my entire game right now a rough draft. When it's finished, I'll go back and basically do a director's cut and improve things. You can always add more things in later and it's easier to do when you're not jumping through your ass still trying to write the main storyline. Pace yourself man.


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
IMO, it's a solid plan. Something I learned somewhat early on is that ideas make you feel amazing but then actually trying to implement those ideas as a solo game developer is a bitch. You end up making cuts and prioritizing things. While these games are in their infancy, it's easy to bite off more than you can chew. I did that with a few scenes in my game. Luckily, my supporters were patient when I had to renege and simplify things. But, too many simplifications can wear on you as a designer cause sometimes then can feel like failures. Then supporters get frustrated because updates take too long. It's a stressful balance. My solution to that is to consider my entire game right now a rough draft. When it's finished, I'll go back and basically do a director's cut and improve things. You can always add more things in later and it's easier to do when you're not jumping through your ass still trying to write the main storyline. Pace yourself man.
Thanks Aaryn :). I agree, I had an unsuccessful go at making a game before this... [it was way too embarrassing to even consider for public release]. It did teach me some valuable lessons about controlling my ambitions, though - especially after I wrote 2000 lines of imagemap code just to control a single sex scene!:cry:

For SpaceCorps, I decided that I needed to prioritise artwork, story and choice - those are the things I care about when I'm playing a game - and to leave the fancy programming tricks for later.

PS I like the idea of Straight!: Director's Cut... just don't go all Ridley Scott and release 7 different versions of the same movie!


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
forgot "pomegranate tits" tag HAHAAAA!!!!
Hey Thunder! Saw you upvoted SpaceCorps on the featured game thread - awesome! :love:

Really grateful for the boost - even if the mods rolled in and squashed the thread! It means a lot to know people are enjoying the game :)


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
Hey Thunder! Saw you upvoted SpaceCorps on the featured game thread - awesome! :love:

Really grateful for the boost - even if the mods rolled in and squashed the thread! It means a lot to know people are enjoying the game :)
i take the blame for that thread being locked down...i guess i did not read the OP well enough to realize the thread was not for we the players to suggest on..but to discuss what the mod's had voted on...and my ability to ramble away ruined the fun for everyone..my bad....BUT..i stand by my recommendation of this game :p
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Does the game end in the Decon1 chamber for now?
Hey Rockd - the current issue of the game ends when ‘to be continued’ comes up in the decon chamber (if the game ends any earlier, you’re usingte unfixed version of v0.1a, and need to download the update from the first page of this thread). Hope this helps!
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
i take the blame for that thread being locked down...i guess i did not read the OP well enough to realize the thread was not for we the players to suggest on..but to discuss what the mod's had voted on...and my ability to ramble away ruined the fun for everyone..my bad....BUT..i stand by my recommendation of this game :p
Cheers ;)


Jul 27, 2018
Any chance we could get a teaser post on Patreon (perhaps with a release date included) for the Christmas minor update?

Could we also possibly get some development logs? Perhaps you could write up about some of the challenges or decisions you've made. As time goes on, maybe look at if theirs anything you had to cut or significantly change from your original plans you could talk about.

I wouldn't mind hearing about some of your inspirations for Spacecorps XXX too. The movies, games, books or even characters that have directly (or indirectly) inspired this world. Could potentially draw some attention to a few hidden gems.
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Any chance we could get a teaser post on Patreon (perhaps with a release date included) for the Christmas minor update?

Could we also possibly get some development logs? Perhaps you could write up about some of the challenges or decisions you've made. As time goes on, maybe look at if theirs anything you had to cut or significantly change from your original plans you could talk about.

I wouldn't mind hearing about some of your inspirations for Spacecorps XXX too. The movies, games, books or even characters that have directly (or indirectly) inspired this world. Could potentially draw some attention to a few hidden gems.
Hey Swiftnissity! I'm just working up a couple of mock-ups for the Patreon teaser... The Xmas mini-update is on track for 24/25 December - and I've got a little extra surprise in store for Patrons on the 25th!

I'll start to put out proper dev-logs after the Xmas update... And I like your idea about going into the inspirations behind the game - I'll be able to unleash the inner geek! :geek:
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Is there going to be an option to launch the annoying ass pastor into outer space? :D
:ROFLMAO:! Pastor Chang's story has a fair way to go...

But I'll add it to the to-do list of Fantasies... there hasn't been a non-sexual one so far!
4.00 star(s) 176 Votes