RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
I hope MC gets better at navigating the system and employing some subtlety in his responses in the future, but if you think any of the overt 'fight back' choices are serious options, you kind of completely missed the setup of the game...
Pretty much this.

This a corrupt sci-fi militaristic setting in a porn game that also has a wide range of genres. It is no wonder almost everyone above the recruits will try to use their power and influence to fuck with Jimmi, literal and figuratively speaking. :LOL:
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2019
Rani, I know you won't but, please DON'T CHANGE THE GAME. It is just a fucking game, most people that tell you "Oh hate that MC is being constantly raped" are the first ones that enjoy when they play as female MC and get constantly raped by men or women, but as we are the MC, and MC is a dude, the fact that women can take advantage or force their way in makes them feel like less of man. Amazing game, and again, if you have any kind of problem with the morals of this game, DO NOT PLAY IT, this is obviously a game that can appeal to lots of people (due to its massive list of fetishes) but it is evidently not for EVERYONE. People, if you are one of those individuals that wants, vainilla 100% consensual sex between a dude and a girl, and you want the dude to be one in control, THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOU. If you are like me, an integral person that would never ever think of raping anyone and that hates rapists, but have a twisted open mind when it comes to FICTION, GAMES (yeah, again not real life), YOU WILL LOVE THIS PIECE OF ART.
Exactly my throughts, if the MC were a woman, I am pretty sure nobody complained, I know a lot of games and don't go to point fingers here, which the female MC is basically a doll which existence is being molested/raped all the fucking game and none is the wise, but appear a game with male mc who goes molested/raped? or is different in any other way, and people get over their head about.


Active Member
Dec 2, 2019
I only really play for the m/m content but I can't say I really minded the forced stuff with females, I mean that is what the skip button is for.

Although I would definitely be more than be happy if there was a pure m/m route, but I can see why that would take loads of effort to do.

Still love the game either way! <3

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Exactly my throughts, if the MC were a woman, I am pretty sure nobody complained, I know a lot of games and don't go to point fingers here, which the female MC is basically a doll which existence is being molested/raped all the fucking game and none is the wise, but appear a game with male mc who goes molested/raped? or is different in any other way, and people get over their head about.
Doubt it.
The complaints would simply change to things like: "the female is mc so I am out of here", "it would be better with a male MC" and other stupid nonsense.

One example, there are still people who go to the Tales of Androgyny thread to cry over the protagonist being a trap. :FacePalm:

Some people just love to complain. :censored:


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2018
Well, I see, there has been some commotion recently :cool:. OK, so, guys, everybody knows, that - so far - this game as whole is the best free game of its kind far and wide. Few can disagree. That's fine, this only confirm the variability of mankind, however - putting some personal tastes aside - if taking an impartial (and logical) approach the qualities cannot be disputed and there are arguments already expressed in various reviews. There is certainly some space for making things even better, but this can be said about every game. --- One critical detail. As somebody already stated, in the last update, the version with aggressive reaction of the MC to the officer Munipanni was quite surprising. It seems to me, that MC went far beyond his "character" and there is anything to justify it. I simply do not believe this is the same person, and the other routes confirm it. May be after one year of living within the SpaceCorps, he would change and behave in different way... Nevertheless, I have enjoyed the update and I cannot wait for the second interrogation option and to the next chapter. Thank you! :)
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Active Member
Nov 9, 2017
Loved the new update and I finally managed to get around to checking out all the extra info on Rydick's path from previous update as well. Speaking of (and I'm sorry if that was all already asked but I avoided reading comments talking about last update before so as not to spoil it for myself - and I'm too lazy to go back and reread everything :p) did we by any chance already see the shapeshifter up till now? If I recall correctly we only encountered one person coming from planet Growwl, where shapeshifter was last seen and that was Krathi. Though MC would probably pick that up by his mind reading skills - though on the other hand she was the only one to trigger the transformation in him as well... Could be just the side effect of "going in heat" mode or was it something else. I suppose another candidate could also be officer Kex, since the screen during the brain boost injection said she was evil - but that of course doesn't necessarily apply to her being a damn shapeshifter and I don't really consider her a likely candidate to be honest... I could totally picture her as someone serving the demons though or something along those lines... The pastor's daughter (Gilly, I believe?) also seems unlikely, since she seems to be playing for either Righteous Path team or perhaps even for yet unseen similar faction - perhaps celestials?

Okay, enough theorizing and talking about conspiracies, so time to take off my tin foil cap and talk about the last update. I loved the interrogation scene and must say that our lovely Indian Gestapo officer really grew on me - especially as it seemed to me she wouldn't really mind MC turning the table on her a bit during the actual sex scene. Or was all the daddy talk and her liking the MC's assertiveness just a way to sweeten the deal a bit more? Well, either way, I didn't really mind taking her job offer, especially since we'll probably get to choose what info to actually share with her and what not - and to be honest, I already knew my game is probably going to be high obedience, low RP and low tribalism, so there is that. Space Corps über alles! - and all that. :D Though to be fair, I was expecting a career as a grunt, not as a space Gestapo snitch. :LOL:

As for the whole resist/MC having enough of everybody's crap choice, it was my first choice as well, though I knew it probably won't end well. I was a bit surprised by him going full pyscho mode but it did make sense - the straw that finally broke a camel into a rapist maniac as the proverb goes. :p I'm not sorry I tried that path though, even though it went a bit further than I'd personally like, since it really was a sight to see - the MC's "squeal piggy, squeal" face was a true stuff of nightmares, right up there with killer clowns, mimes and some reality show celebrities without a makeup. I'm quite fond of hardcore maledom and I admit I was excited where that scene was going at first - since I thought it will turn out she's actually excited by MC turning the table on her ("The things I learned from porn games/films nr. 342"), right up until he asked her if she wants him to stop and she without a doubt said so, which is usually the line (well, unless the safewords are in play but let's not get distracted now, shall we? :p). Anyhow, I don't really think a special "rape warning" is needed but perhaps phrasing the choice a bit more... explicitly?, for those a bit more sensitive towards this topic wouldn't be such a bad idea. Perhaps something along the lines of: "I have enough of everyone! TIME TO MAKE THE PIGGY SQUEAL!"? :D

Loved the footjob scene and I really liked that - even though it was obvious who will be calling the shots, the whole scene still didn't go too far into the femdom territory, well unless you went with the whole cum licking thing, I suppose. Though on the other hand, I only just managed to get rid of that damn femdom card in previous update, just to get it right back a few moments later. :p But eh, some light femdom can be fun sometimes, so I suppose you are forgiven. :LOL:

EDIT: Damn, this post sure is longer than I though it will be when I started writing it. Oh well, it's not as if most people are pressed for time lately. :p
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
Now even though I play the straight path, I do see a lot less of the male populace of the game taking advantage of the MC early on and I think that might be slightly unfair to the bi/gay sided paths. Example is we go through Nurse/Kex/AI/Sarge then much later finally males who might take advantage arrive like AI/Hanzi/Rydick/Constable. Again this is as a straight path player so I may be wrong.
There is a bit less molestation on the m/m side - but that's in the process of being rectified :LOL: Basically, the first two scenes need a touch of work in the edit.
Although I would definitely be more than be happy if there was a pure m/m route, but I can see why that would take loads of effort to do.
ThankThere won't ever be a pure m/m route (since you start off straight/thinking you're straight) But I should be able to achieve an m/m playthrough with matched content for everything but the sarge wrestling scene :p
In amongst the very funny dialogue, the music for this fits perfectly I love how much more it can give to an already great scene another great update I wonder how Jimmi is going to get out of this one :LOL:
:LOL: Cis to the rescue! And thanks, Mormont.
Rani, I know you won't but, please DON'T CHANGE THE GAME. It is just a fucking game, most people that tell you "Oh hate that MC is being constantly raped" are the first ones that enjoy when they play as female MC and get constantly raped by men or women, but as we are the MC, and MC is a dude, the fact that women can take advantage or force their way in makes them feel like less of man. Amazing game, and again, if you have any kind of problem with the morals of this game, DO NOT PLAY IT, this is obviously a game that can appeal to lots of people (due to its massive list of fetishes) but it is evidently not for EVERYONE. People, if you are one of those individuals that wants, vainilla 100% consensual sex between a dude and a girl, and you want the dude to be one in control, THIS GAME IS NOT FOR YOU. If you are like me, an integral person that would never ever think of raping anyone and that hates rapists, but have a twisted open mind when it comes to FICTION, GAMES (yeah, again not real life), YOU WILL LOVE THIS PIECE OF ART.
:love: Thanks Aykonn! Yeah, fiction's fiction... all our fantasies are full of things that would repulse us in reality. Frankly, since james0sjr's sudden deep moral objections to the game only surfaced in the middle of an argument, I can only assume he's being deceitful again :LOL: Obviously, some people won't want to see guys being molested, some won't want to see girls molested, and some won't want either... why I make it all optional!
I asumed as much
But nobody said I cannot choose what information, or the validity of.
You will be free to mislead her to your hearts content!


Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
One example, there are still people who go to the Tales of Androgyny thread to cry over the protagonist being a trap. :FacePalm:

Some people just love to complain. :censored:
Lol... the main character in Tales of Androgyny is androgynous! :eek: Better start typing my complaints now! :LOL:
Well, I see, there has been some commotion recently :cool:. OK, so, guys, everybody knows, that - so far - this game as whole is the best free game of its kind far and wide. Few can disagree. That's fine, this only confirm the variability of mankind, however - putting some personal tastes aside - if taking an impartial (and logical) approach the qualities cannot be disputed and there are arguments already expressed in various reviews. There is certainly some space for making things even better, but this can be said about every game. --- One critical detail. As somebody already stated, in the last update, the version with aggressive reaction of the MC to the officer Munipanni was quite surprising. It seems to me, that MC went far beyond his "character" and there is anything to justify it. I simply do not believe this is the same person, and the other routes confirms it. May be after one year of living within the SpaceCorps, he would change and behave in different way... Nevertheless, I have enjoyed the update and I cannot wait for the second interrogation option and to the next chapter. Thank you! :)
Always a bit of drama in an update :LOL: Cheers, pilgrim!
(and yes - it's not really him... but I have seeded that it lives inside him from the start - e.g. it's possible to attack the nurse in the first scene).
Loved the new update and I finally managed to get around to checking out all the extra info on Rydick's path from previous update as well. Speaking of (and I'm sorry if that was all already asked but I avoided reading comments talking about last update before so as not to spoil it for myself - and I'm too lazy to go back and reread everything :p) did we by any chance already see the shapeshifter up till now? If I recall correctly we only encountered one person coming from planet Growwl, where shapeshifter was last seen and that was Krathi. Though MC would probably pick that up by his mind reading skills - though on the other hand she was the only one to trigger the transformation in him as well... Could be just the side effect of "going in heat" mode or was it something else. I suppose another candidate could also be officer Kex, since the screen during the brain boost injection said she was evil - but that of course doesn't necessarily apply to her being a damn shapeshifter and I don't really consider her a likely candidate to be honest... I could totally picture her as someone serving the demons though or something along those lines... The pastor's daughter (Gilly, I believe?) also seems unlikely, since she seems to be playing for either Righteous Path team or perhaps even for yet unseen similar faction - perhaps celestials?
Cheers Dreadder! I'm gonna stay :censored: about the Shapeshifter - except to say that you may have met it a couple of times, with different faces ;) Guess you'll have to watch out to see if characters weirdly don't remember things you've talked about...
Okay, enough theorizing and talking about conspiracies, so time to take off my tin foil cap and talk about the last update. I loved the interrogation scene and must say that our lovely Indian Gestapo officer really grew on me - especially as it seemed to me she wouldn't really mind MC turning the table on her a bit during the actual sex scene. Or was all the daddy talk and her liking the MC's assertiveness just a way to sweeten the deal a bit more? Well, either way, I didn't really mind taking her job offer, especially since we'll probably get to choose what info to actually share with her and what not - and to be honest, I already knew my game is probably going to be high obedience, low RP and low tribalism, so there is that. Space Corps über alles! - and all that. :D Though to be fair, I was expecting a career as a grunt, not as a space Gestapo snitch. :LOL:

As for the whole resist/MC having enough of everybody's crap choice, it was my first choice as well, though I knew it probably won't end well. I was a bit surprised by him going full pyscho mode but it did make sense - the straw that finally broke a camel into a rapist maniac as the proverb goes. :p I'm not sorry I tried that path though, even though it went a bit further than I'd personally like, since it really was a sight to see - the MC's "squeal piggy, squeal" face was a true stuff of nightmares, right up there with killer clowns, mimes and some reality show celebrities without a makeup. I'm quite fond of hardcore maledom and I admit I was excited where that scene was going at first - since I thought it will turn out she's actually excited by MC turning the table on her ("The things I learned from porn games/films nr. 342"), right up until he asked her if she wants him to stop and she without a doubt said so, which is usually the line (well, unless the safewords are in play but let's not get distracted now, shall we? :p). Anyhow, I don't really think a special "rape warning" is needed but perhaps phrasing the choice a bit more... explicitly?, for those a bit more sensitive towards this topic wouldn't be such a bad idea. Perhaps something along the lines of: "I have enough of everyone! TIME TO MAKE THE PIGGY SQUEAL!"? :D

Loved the footjob scene and I really liked that - even though it was obvious who will be calling the shots, the whole scene still didn't go too far into the femdom territory, well unless you went with the whole cum licking thing, I suppose. Though on the other hand, I only just managed to get rid of that damn femdom card in previous update, just to get it right back a few moments later. :p But eh, some light femdom can be fun sometimes, so I suppose you are forgiven. :LOL:

EDIT: Damn, this post sure is longer than I though it will be when I started writing it. Oh well, it's not as if most people are pressed for time lately. :p
:love: Your kind words are much appreciated! (and your suggestion for the rape scene warning is better than what I had planned!)

Well, you can play as a grunt or the Space-Stasi - depending on the total amount of Munipanni content you want. Sorry that femdom card keeps turning up like a bad penny, though :LOL: You'll be able to edit cards at the end of Phase 1, so it won't be permanent!

Couldn't resist the 'squeal piggy, squeal' line, though at some point I'll have to get some duelling banjos in. Glad he looked genuinely scary - I think that scene is prob the darkest in game so far and I wanted to capture a psychotic break!

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Cheers Dreadder! I'm gonna stay :censored: about the Shapeshifter - except to say that you may have met it a couple of times, with different faces ;) Guess you'll have to watch out to see if characters weirdly don't remember things you've talked about...
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure:

Going to pay attention to that too now.
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Active Member
Nov 9, 2017
Cheers Dreadder! I'm gonna stay :censored: about the Shapeshifter - except to say that you may have met it a couple of times, with different faces ;) Guess you'll have to watch out to see if characters weirdly don't remember things you've talked about...
Heh, thought you might. Damn, I guess that just means I'll be even more paranoid and attentive about the stuff characters do and say. :ROFLMAO: I do have some other guesses regarding shapeshifter as well but considering that we don't know that much yet, they are just that - guesses. :) Especially as "odd behaviour" seems to be the norm in Space Corps. :D

:love: Your kind words are much appreciated! (and your suggestion for the rape scene warning is better than what I had planned!)

Well, you can play as a grunt or the Space-Stasi - depending on the total amount of Munipanni content you want. Sorry that femdom card keeps turning up like a bad penny, though :LOL: You'll be able to edit cards at the end of Phase 1, so it won't be permanent!

Couldn't resist the 'squeal piggy, squeal' line, though at some point I'll have to get some duelling banjos in. Glad he looked genuinely scary - I think that scene is prob the darkest in game so far and I wanted to capture a psychotic break!
Always glad to be of service. ;)

And I guess I'll have to do some business on the side, since I really like Munipanni. :LOL: As for the femdom, I don't really mind it in its light form that much, especially since it's almost impossible to find a decent pegging or a footjob scene without it. :/

The "squeal piggy" line was perfect and so will the duelling banjos, as for the MC's face, I think that the word "disturbing" describes it best. :LOL:
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Jun 11, 2017
Well, second update I don't need to download. It's really hard to be normal straight guy that prefer natural ways in this game. Or maybe it's just a feature of western culture? I must admit, there was some story but if you're straight and if you don't like to be dominated, then the game for you stopped after Krathi, you just need to wait some more, just like "Dating My Daughter" updates, 1 in 3 months.

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Well, second update I don't need to download. It's really hard to be normal straight guy that prefer natural ways in this game. Or maybe it's just a feature of western culture? I must admit, there was some story but if you're straight and if you don't like to be dominated, then the game for you stopped after Krathi, you just need to wait some more, just like "Dating My Daughter" updates, 1 in 3 months.
That is a really absurd complaint.
It is not like the developer decided just now to branch out on all kinds of genres, they were always there. So don't come with this "straight vanilla story" to criticize the game for something it was never meant to be. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2018
That is a really absurd complaint.
It is not like the developer decided just now to branch out on all kinds of genres, they were always there. So don't come with this "straight vanilla story" to criticize the game for something it was never meant to be. :rolleyes:
Correct! From the very beginning of the story, it is obvious that a considerable amount of hyperbole is used and strange things going to happen. I am pretty sure that everybody - who accept that MC is boy and not girl (and this can be a problem for straight guys, I know :)) - can find a fine route. However, if to be normal straight guy means to live in a house with at least three plastic milfs and bimbos and another 20 around, all of them only to please the unique man of the game, the poor MC, who just coincidentaly happened to live in such a wonderful "normal straight" world, than the aforementioned complaint is justified. Luckily, there are tons of such totally brainwashed games around :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2018
Always a bit of drama in an update :LOL: Cheers, pilgrim!
(and yes - it's not really him... but I have seeded that it lives inside him from the start - e.g. it's possible to attack the nurse in the first scene).
Yes, you are right. I would not "complain" if MC had took the table and thrown it against Munipanni to defend himself and expressed aggression, some kind of rage... But this was like turn about 180°. I would believe it if he went drugged before, implemented with alien software, whatever... :) No, Mr Vargas is a nice guy, everybody knows it. :love:
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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2019
Doubt it.
The complaints would simply change to things like: "the female is mc so I am out of here", "it would be better with a male MC" and other stupid nonsense.

One example, there are still people who go to the Tales of Androgyny thread to cry over the protagonist being a trap. :FacePalm:

Some people just love to complain. :censored:
Yes, you are right
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Creating SpaceCorps XXX
Game Developer
Mar 5, 2018
having some problems with saves, do old savs don't work? or did my compressed version got corrupted someway?
A few people seem to have had some problems with old saves - not sure why! I don't make the compressed version, but I don't think that it would affect the code.
Well, second update I don't need to download. It's really hard to be normal straight guy that prefer natural ways in this game. Or maybe it's just a feature of western culture? I must admit, there was some story but if you're straight and if you don't like to be dominated, then the game for you stopped after Krathi, you just need to wait some more, just like "Dating My Daughter" updates, 1 in 3 months.
Well, there is the opportunity to take control of sex with Munipanni at the end (normally, not the violent bad ending in the middle). I'm not sure that SpaceCorps paricularly reflects western culture, though :LOL: If it does, things have gotten worse than I thought!
does anyone have last update walkthrough?
Not made yet, adryr! I'm working on them now :)
Yes, you are right. I would not "complain" if MC had took the table and thrown it against Munipanni to defend himself and expressed aggression, some kind of rage... But this was like turn about 180°. I would believe it if he went drugged before, implemented with alien software, whatever... :) No, Mr Vargas is a nice guy, everybody knows it. :love:
He is... and that's the way I prefer to play him. Nevertheless, there is a buried edge to him (e.g. some of the fantasies, and some of the more xenophobic or authoritarian options he can pick in dialogue menus)
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