go there in the morningHow can you go further into the graveyard, How do you bypass the graveyard keeper?
Worse thing is the lack of direction in the project having characters with almost not scenes or no scene whatsoever and adding new ones is the bane of many projects and this one is suffering from it a lotJust 4 new scenes? damn
The creator is probably slowly abandoning the game according to what I've read from some of you.
Sad, it has enormous potential to be one of the best of its genre, it's a shame they aren't paying more attention
It just seems like a bad joke at this point. How could they make this many bad decisions in a row? First it was deciding to make a second game, then it was deciding to completely ignore the main story/progression of the game, then it was the constant upload of sneak peaks for things that won't be added to the game for years, and now it's the updates that we get once every couple months that have basically nothing in them. I understand they lack staff, but then what is the point of the patreon? They have plenty of supporters and yet their progress has only gotten slower. To me its pretty clear that what the game suffers most from is a lack of proper direction. This project desperately needs a new lead because its going nowhere at this point.Worse thing is the lack of direction in the project having characters with almost not scenes or no scene whatsoever and adding new ones is the bane of many projects and this one is suffering from it a lot
which seems a joke because the patreon for this game has almost 4000 paying patreons even if they are only 1 buck for person thats enough to get enough people to work full time to keep a decent pace not 5 months , 5 damn months to add 4 scenesIt just seems like a bad joke at this point. How could they make this many bad decisions in a row? First it was deciding to make a second game, then it was deciding to completely ignore the main story/progression of the game, then it was the constant upload of sneak peaks for things that won't be added to the game for years, and now it's the updates that we get once every couple months that have basically nothing in them. I understand they lack staff, but then what is the point of the patreon? They have plenty of supporters and yet their progress has only gotten slower. To me its pretty clear that what the game suffers most from is a lack of proper direction. This project desperately needs a new lead because its going nowhere at this point.
where did u find the strap on?
they should of did what demon deals and zombie retreat did and just pre plan how many they'll add in, extra characters who serve no purpose to the game should be saved for post release or like when the game is nearly finished. sadly it does seem like they're lost in the sauce and the story is staying on the back burnerWorse thing is the lack of direction in the project having characters with almost not scenes or no scene whatsoever and adding new ones is the bane of many projects and this one is suffering from it a lot
I think this is not a mistake, but a special lock that prevents you from using the potion that the saleswoman who is in the cemetery on the saleswoman during the fight with her gave you as a reward.