sometimes i feel like i could create a "making games for dummies" guide from witnessing all these developers doing their thing, and i don't even know how to develop a game myself. is it so hard to focus on one thing at a time? like i know the appeal is great "h-how about we make one game oabout our characters with spooky spin-off versions of horror characters, a-and then one for furries!"
but can we please finish one version before we make alpha versions of other games? it really sometimes feels like some devs are like toddlers, they can take and play with the toys all day, but never seem able to put them back. i enjoy this game from what it is, but, stuck on the sisters side-quest for the entire past year now? really?
some devs need someone that gives them a kick in the butt to focus on whats important, the deadlines huge companies put out are just as annoying, and throttle the quality, but it forces devs to finish their stuff at least and forces them not to dawdle on side-stuff.