I found a workaround.Can't close phone after using tinder for the first time. Return goes back to the match.
Use the message system and read the last one again, it put me directly back into the cabin
I found a workaround.Can't close phone after using tinder for the first time. Return goes back to the match.
Under development
Laptop password? tried the old one it didnt work.
Do not remember what the Red vial does, but the Green one keeps you semi-awake during the weekly 'exam' if you take it just before you go in there. Not sure how useful to YOU it is since the NPC also comments that you not being completely out seems to make the 'enhancements' more intense.Does anyone know if there's any difference between red and green vials? I've always thought they did the exact same thing, but not entirely sure about it.
How can I do this on Mozilla? After I put the given command on the console tab I can't edit the values that appear.press F12 (if you use Chrome) to open console in your browser
type in SugarCube.State.active.variables
then press enter
press small triangle to the left
list of variables will open
increasing "oral" and "anal" stats over 2 change their description in "appearance" but nothing more
ps Sorry for my bad English)
You type in (or select as you type) the whole line with the variable at the end in FireFox.How can I do this on Mozilla? After I put the given command on the console tab I can't edit the values that appear.
yes same herePosting here as I did in TFGames...There is a bug when you try to visit the psychologist in v0.5. All you get is a blank screen. Hope the bugfix will be quick, because I am really enjoying the game!
There's some added info that you can get from the medical visit in ch 5 if you take the green vial before hand. I didn't quite understand all of what was written but I believe that the red vial contains estrogen and the green vial contains testosterone. There was also some info that stated that taking the compounds with sugar (glucose) increases the effects of the vials.Does anyone know if there's any difference between red and green vials? I've always thought they did the exact same thing, but not entirely sure about it.
I can see Red for Estrogen and Blue for Testosterone. The Green one the girl at the Sailing Lessons talks about it being an Anti-Anesthesia. So that would account for all 3, assuming we are correct. :>)There's some added info that you can get from the medical visit in ch 5 if you take the green vial before hand. I didn't quite understand all of what was written but I believe that the red vial contains estrogen and the green vial contains testosterone. There was also some info that stated that taking the compounds with sugar (glucose) increases the effects of the vials.
There was another set of data that talked about blood types affecting susceptibility to the vials (surprise: our blood type makes us highly susceptible). I didn't seen anything to give any indication what the blue vials do. Also, I may have the green and blue vials mixed up. I'm slightly color blind and I understand that blue=testosterone would make good sense.
I went to casino instead psychologist appointment at 17-00 and played until 20-00Stuck in the Psychologist too.This is what happens to me.
I'm playing on Firefox and not having any issues, it might be on your end.Game constantly crashes Firefox
WOW feminization 76!!! how at this time!??? I tried one run with every point spent in Yoghurt at some point sub/dom was gone and nutrition too, no more numbers, but feminization i got slightly above 50 and yes i always ran from my punishment to hide in the red fog