There is some variable reuse that is failing, I skipped it by changing "if ndef $talkjada3" to "if $talkjada3 is 2" (I think that is the value there, you can check with in the JS console).Stuck in the Psychologist too.This is what happens to me.
Just open the html file with a text editor, find "if ndef $talkjada3" and replace it with "if $talkjada3 is 2".how do you do that once you open the JS console...i'm lost
She has 5 images in the 'encounters' folder (elevator1-5), 3 of which are sexy to say the least. Probably see more of her as this progresses. :>)i meet the lady in the elevator very often. First meeting she warns me not to let the women in my head and no matter which way i evolve the 2nd meeting she tells me i am nosy but no more content is this right or is there something i miss?
According to the dev, saves should be working fine for the next version, so you won't have to grind again.Save before casablanca:mega.
Didn't find my previous save and tiplick removed warp start option. So I grinded whole evening, and got to latest weeks just to stumble upon dead "Psychologist" link. Really pissed me off, i mean every update I play ends in same manner for me. I grind, grind then I get dead link. Only when next version is released I finally is able to check out content of previous update, its insane how it happened multiple times. I mean you literally only need to test your own release with happy run conditions before publishing it. Releasing updates in such state is just a disrespect for your own audience. Very dissapointing, add here how slow game is progressing, its basically crawling, those silly miniplots every time you get to new city each of them made using same blueprint, annoying interactions that interrupt you every the time you try to use lift, damn, I had 0 fun replaying this game, esp since almost all of the content I already saw before. I'll be dropping this one.
Tiplick stated in the Developer Notes that PC on male side missions are on their way, possibly as soon as 0.55.I hope you add more PC on male content.
Old save files are supported in this build. You just have to import your final save from the previous build. That's a limitation of the Sugarcube platform and how it handles saves.I am jimping out ofthis ship, these devs dont eem to be supporting older save file versions. They cant expect us to play the game from start every single time.
Idk about that, dev of Secretary found a way to load pretty much any save.Old save files are supported in this build. You just have to import your final save from the previous build. That's a limitation of the Sugarcube platform and how it handles saves.
That works in patches between major builds. Even in Secretary, when there are major build releases, the saves get wiped and you have to import a save. All you have to do is export your last save of the previous build to your hard drive, load up the new build, and then import that save to the new build.Idk about that, dev of Secretary found a way to load pretty much any save.
I went back and read the notes in the health review office again and also got some clarification from Tiplick on Discord. Looks like I was a little off with the vials and what they do:I can see Red for Estrogen and Blue for Testosterone. The Green one the girl at the Sailing Lessons talks about it being an Anti-Anesthesia. So that would account for all 3, assuming we are correct. :>)
Ah, you mean that list from 8 saves disappers, I get you now, I usually just export on HDD right away, cause 8 is too few for games with actual choices, not that Ship is one of those, but its a force of habit now.That works in patches between major builds. Even in Secretary, when there are major build releases, the saves get wiped and you have to import a save. All you have to do is export your last save of the previous build to your hard drive, load up the new build, and then import that save to the new build.
And, you lose everything from the list when your cache clears. You should always be saving games to your hard drive.Ah, you mean that list from 8 saves disappers, I get you now, I usually just export on HDD right away, cause 8 is too few for games with actual choices, not that Ship is one of those, but its a force of habit now.
and now the devs know of it too...... sigh the good moneymaker..... to round up you can also go the way without points you get a perk ;-)I found an exploit that's probably not intended.
On Jul 13th you can repeat the stage show indefinitely. If you accept the role you'll be getting 100 points each time you do it.
Probably it is only intended to get the points once maybe twice.