4.20 star(s) 29 Votes


Active Member
Dec 2, 2017
I honestly doubt it. The drugs are in everything, from the bathwater to the food, and the more you consume the easier it is to have you consume more. In order for the player character to avoid it you'd have to take him out of the ship.

Sure, but if they can force/train/brainwash you they'll simply feminize you as well through force, trained obedience or brainwash. Avoiding transformation in this setting would end the game before day 1 is over, it'd be a easter egg ending at best.
Eh, I could see the character getting off the ship and going to an embassy or not returning to the ship during the first and subsequent excursions. After all, the whole we'll tell your girlfriend that broke up with you and whose relationship has been on the rocks for a long time before the cruise that you cheated on her with this woman so give me your phone and follow the schedule thing is not a strong reason for anyone to be subjected to what the player character is subjected to. Granted, the subtext of this game is that the chemical changes a person to what they secretly always wanted to be regardless of their conscious decisions which to me is just handwaving. I can see tiplick making a fight back option soon though with being able to drug others on the ship. In my eyes the problem with most sissification games is that the player character must be an oblivious idiot even with a high IQ stat. I got to a point in this game where now the character wakes up every morning with the VR helmet on. At some point you would think they would do something to try and stop that but they think nothing of it. It's like Chaz from No Man's Sky watching all of his base managers turning into brain dead turnips and thinking nothing of it.

Secretary has the same problem with the player character being a brain dead slug.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
I've gotten used to just assuming this dev is using us as alpha testers with all of their ".0" major updates. Then they come back with a "fixed" update that corrects the major bugs after about a week or so. However even after that, I have yet to see a "fixed" update that corrects all of the unbalanced macros. Also the older content with loose ends stays just like that. Take for example the "chloe" link on deck 7 sticking around after that side quest is taken care of. It results in a null passage that can only be backed out of by the builtin Twine "back" button.

The author also continues to put in live links in their new content in spite of the fact that it is bad netiquette and prone to bit rot as the web changes. There's no telling whether this is part of some plan to monetize the game somehow at some point. There's no telling whether this will piss off some third party to the point where they get revenge by dropping in some trojan behind the link. I and others here refuse to click on this stuff, yet the entire Penny Arcade game gallery that just debuted in this latest release is just online links that they pasted in.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2018
Yes, sure but the option isn't even there because the character is written to be a dumbass.
You're right, but anyone slightly smart would bail before even entering the ship. The game wouldn't exist if that was the case so it wasn't really a design choice.


Dec 20, 2017
For some reason with the Lab and everything I always throught that a Dom/Chad route of this game will be like a New Game+ where maybe we get a mistery package from (ourselves Future Sissy) that contain something to go contrary of the sissy route with the classes changing on how to be dominanting or something. And with sending photos of ourselves fucking womans to the girlfriend (yeah a reversal of what happen normally).kek


Game Developer
Jan 13, 2020
For some reason with the Lab and everything I always throught that a Dom/Chad route of this game will be like a New Game+ where maybe we get a mistery package from (ourselves Future Sissy) that contain something to go contrary of the sissy route with the classes changing on how to be dominanting or something. And with sending photos of ourselves fucking womans to the girlfriend (yeah a reversal of what happen normally).kek
I feel like that would make a much better sequel than a "New Game +". I could see it now, something coming out where MC's best friend, the one who bought the tickets, was behind getting MC on the trip so "The Company" could study the drug effects on him. So at the end MC decides to manipulate things, with the help of Tara, to get his friend on the next trip. Thinking the same sissification will happen to him, but the opposite happens and he is turned into like the Alpha of Alphas.
Apr 7, 2019
Walkthroughs are all wrong, all of them say that taste test 2 first answer is cheese but two of the answers are cheese so not helpful at all.
The correct answer is Swiss not Mozzarella.
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4.20 star(s) 29 Votes