so you would rather not just have a passive extra 1k every month on top of your job for like zero effort? not everybody's rich bruh, I would love to pay rent via star wars screenshots lol
Ok so first off it's not "passive" if they are regularly posting messages and posting update photos...that by definition is "active". "Passive" would be when Sabudenego said he had a family emergency and had to pause development on his game and then proceeded to not communicate anything for half a year while keeping the patreon up until finally closing it.
Second, If they are actually "scamming" people they are putting in more effort than they are getting compensated for. "1K a month" is not actually 1K a month due to taxes. If you do the math 1K a month is around $7-6 an hour...after taxes it's like $4-3 an hour. If they are actually "scamming" people they have to not only keep their story consistent forever, need to only know things that an unrelated person would know, need to access the forum and approach the comments in a completely different way. They have to keep ALL these things consistent or else the "scam" is revealed.
They need to be EXTRA careful after the staff member outright called them out but funnily enough they proceeded to retract their original claim and walk it back to an "I think/I am pretty sure" turning the situation into an unprovable he said she said situation.
This is not to say that the creator is the alleged scammer but what im saying is..if they are they are pretty shit at scamming people. Especially if they have an actual job outside of developing the game. Imagine using your only free time outside of do more work...and get paid an absolute garbage rate. You would make more working at a Target or Walmart and fucking around for 3/4 of the day.