Completed because, while it is buggy, it has all intended features.I don't know about the rest of you, but how can this game be "Completed"??? I am getting a lot of crashes and many other bugs that should have been dealt with before it was in a completed state. Here are the things that I am getting:
1. The game will constantly crash. This happens a lot, especially in the later game. I have a large station with hundreds, maybe even thousands of people doing things in it. If I switch to another window, the game will go into a wait state and will not recover. I will be building something and the game will either crash or go into a wait state. I will be in another area of the game (slave management, research, galaxy map, etc) and it will either crash or go into a wait state. All these issues should have been dealt with prior to it being in the completed stage, as these are all game breaking issues.
2. When I go into the galaxy map, it will zoom all the way in and will start in some other part of the galaxy and then quickly move to my station. It should either start zoomed out or it should start in the location and "zoomed state" as to where I left it the last time I was in that map. Also while in the map, I should be able to launch an attack, have it resolve, and then launch another attack. What it is doing is I launch a full attack and then I have to go back to the station screen for it to resolve and then go back into the galaxy map screen to launch another full attack.
3. With the all the different clothing options available, all of them has clipping on every body type present. This can get very annoying and looks bad for something that is supposed to be completed.
4. One of the Artifacts, the golden dick, will not place on the map. Plus it reads as "spacedickName" with "spacedickDesc" as the description for it.
5. It gets annoying that when I place something down, that I have to delete it to be able to move it to another location, especially if I make the room larger and it ends up being in the middle of the room at this point.
6. There needs to be a scroll options for the "Notifications" bar. I don't know how many of these notifications I have, but I constantly get "Slave Born" on them and if I have no vats to put the new slave in to grow (make more money if you don't sell them as babies), the notifications bar gets filled with those notices and I can't do anything unless I build more vats, which gets annoying. If I had some kind of scrolling option, I could find the ones that say the kid has finished in the vat, get them out of it and have it available for new babies, let alone be able to get the even notices taken care of.
7. There needs to be a way to build on top of what you have already built, being able to add stairs and elevators and such to get people to the next levels.
8. When you have progressed a good deal into the game and you get extra options on the new slaves you acquire, if you choose one of those options (say like "Make Immortal" and all those types of options), you loose all the new slave's information, like her Agility, Strength, etc. Either this should have a permanent box on this screen so that it will always show the slave's stats, or there needs to be a way to go back to that screen so that you know what else you might need to choose from those options.
9. When in the Slave Menu, the list doesn't show all the stats of the slaves. I know it is at least missing "Agility". Should be an option that show all the stats, or replace one stat with another or something along those lines.
10. What is Rules Assistant? I've tried to use it, but there doesn't seem to be an option to "Publish" said rule. But, then again, there is no tutorial to show you how to use it.
11. When you go into the screen where it shows your new slaves you have acquired in whatever way you have acquired them, many times the camera is zoomed in and is pointing at like their stomach or legs. Either the camera or the slave needs to be at a specific location and when this is activate, it should not end up zoomed in.
That is all I can remember right now. If I find any more, I'll be sure to post them.
Addressing 3 specifically, this is a Unity issue, several Unity games on here have it.