@jcwiggens The line you pasted looks like it's cut off in the beginning, but add "devoted" to the section after "Female"
Full loading code is below:
transform.position = new Vector3(
(float)System.Convert.ToDouble(spl[2]), (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(spl[3]), (float)System.Convert.ToDouble(spl[4]));
/*if (spl[5] != "null")
foreach (var furn in GameObject.FindObjectsOfType<FurnitureInstance>())
if (furn.id.ToString() == spl[5])
usingFurn = furn;
quip = spl[6];
age = spl[7].ToFloat();
energy = System.Convert.ToInt32(spl[8]);
moneyStatus = (MoneyStatus)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(MoneyStatus), spl[9]);
characterName = spl[10];
recipe = spl[12];
gender = (Gender)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), spl[13]);
foreach (var entry in spl[14].Split(new char[] { '/' }, System.StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
id = new System.Guid(spl[15]);
if (id == System.Guid.Empty)
id = System.Guid.NewGuid();
hairType = spl[16];
hairColor = spl[17];
skinColor = spl[18];
//usingFurnSlot = spl[19].ToInt();
clothing = spl[20];
clothingTex = spl[21];
//Features from Transformation update
if (spl.Length > 22)
apparentAgeOffset = spl[22].ToFloat();
fat = spl[23].ToFloat();
muscle = spl[24].ToFloat();
height = spl[25].ToFloat();
breastSize = spl[26].ToFloat();
buttSize = spl[27].ToFloat();
immortal = System.Convert.ToBoolean(spl[28]);
breastImplantSize = spl[29].ToFloat();
buttImplantSize = spl[30].ToFloat();
lactationAmount = spl[31].ToFloat();
steroidAmount = spl[32].ToFloat();
lactationHormoneAmount = spl[33].ToFloat();
dietAmount = spl[34].ToFloat();
breastHormoneAmount = spl[35].ToFloat();
buttHormoneAmount = spl[36].ToFloat();
if (spl.Length > 37)
valueMultiplier = spl[37].ToFloat();
if (spl.Length > 38)
eyeColor = spl[38];
accessories = spl[39];
if (spl.Length > 40)
wearsClothes = System.Convert.ToBoolean(spl[40]);
if (spl.Length > 41)
mother = spl[41];
father = spl[42];
foreach (var c in spl[43].Split(','))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(c))
pregnantAmount = spl[44].ToFloat();
pregnantBy = spl[45];
babyRecipe = spl[46];
babySkin = spl[47];
if (spl.Length > 48)
fertilityMultiplier = spl[48].ToFloat();
if (spl.Length > 49)
vaginaVariant = spl[49].ToInt();
nippleVariant = spl[50].ToInt();
if(spl.Length > 51)
timesHadSex = spl[51].ToInt();
fightsWon = spl[52].ToInt();
fightsLost = spl[53].ToInt();
weightliftingWon = spl[54].ToInt();
weightliftingLost = spl[55].ToInt();
moviesMade = spl[56].ToInt();
slavesKilled = spl[57].ToInt();
gallonsMilkProduced = spl[58].ToInt();
timesPregnant = spl[59].ToInt();
childrenBorn = spl[60].ToInt();
yearsOnStation = spl[61].ToFloat();
racesWon = spl[62].ToInt();
racesLost = spl[63].ToInt();
intelligence = spl[64].ToInt();
sexualSkill = spl[65].ToInt();
fetish = (Fetish)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Fetish), spl[66]);
fetishStrength = spl[67].ToInt();
speed = spl[68].ToInt();