I was thinking about space combat and the lack of any kind of time controls in this game (no pause, no accelerate) and I've got an idea that I think would help.
First: Making space easier to manage. First, going to the space map should pause the game. Period. Instead of ordering raid or conquer at launch, the player should just give move orders. When you leave the space map things actually start moving. Once the ships arrive a pop-up would appear on the station screen asking what the player wants to do: Raid, conquer, or just hold position. If you later want to add things like blockades and orbital bombardment, well, now you already have the framework in place for it. Ships should also remain where sent until recalled. Do you want to keep pushing forward in a blitz or head back for repairs first? Should they hang around and defend while you save up enough to buy proper defenses for the planet?
Next: Difficulty sliders. Let players choose how aggressive & competent enemy factions are. How much starting wealth they get. How hard it is to make money & train slaves. How hard it is to keep tourists and residents happy. How big the space map is. How fast mutator machines work (growth hormones, etc). How often good or bad events trigger.
Next: Your enemies not all be buddies with each other. It shouldn't just be you against the galaxy. Let the other factions waste ships & money sparring with each other from time to time, potentially creating weaknesses to exploit or - more importantly - gaining allies for your own campaigns. People would be a lot faster to commit to war if they knew that someone powerful is backing them up.
Next: Better planet tracking. One column for "race" (which would instead just list any furry mutators in effect if those are used) the next for "hair" then "skin" and finally "breasts" and "gravity." After a while it becomes a serious pain the ass to keep track of which planet gives what in tribute. Currently the only way to check is to actually go through each planet, one by one, and check them by hand. It's tedious.
Next: Put some numbers on the furry slider. It goes from left to right, and where it stops it... does... what, exactly? There is nothing on there to show what the slider actually does. What if you want to stop at heads? What position would that be, exactly? What if you want to stop at accessories? Where is that on the bar?
Next: Real ship variety. Meaning instead of linear "bigger is better" have different ships have different strengths and weaknesses. Capital ships should be best at knocking out planet defenses but be weak against fighters & bombers. Fighters & bombers, on the other hand, should do better at raids than the larger ships simply because raids are all about speed. Think rock, paper, scissors. Fighter beats Bomber. Bomber beats Capital Ship. Capital Ship beats planets in conquest, the bigger the better but also the bigger the more vulnerable they are to fighters and bombers (this would mean that frigates and such would still serve a purpose as screening ships). Also add a carrier that increases the effectiveness of fighters and bombers when used together with them.
Next: More sex positions. Cowgirl & lotus that require high obedience. Also, is there any way to actually put the player avatar with the girls instead of just a floating disembodied penis?
Next: Drugs. Just stuff to put in slave's food that can increase obedience, along with increasing or decrease fear.
Next: Make factories mean something. Have them actually produce products and have certain new business types only unlock when you have a factory that makes them. For example, a hydroponics can opt for food (unlocks restaurant) or drugs (unlocks drug den). A factory could make tourist kitch (unlocks tourist shop), clothes (clothing store), retail goods (gift shop), weapons (gun shop), all kinds of things. As always, think Startopia.
Next: Make factories really mean something. As an alternative to just tossing cash at things, have all rooms, ships and furniture require build points. Build points can either be bought on the spot with cash (like now) or can also be stockpiled by factories dedicated to producing "station materials." Now the factory isn't producing any cash, but those build points can be used towards everything else that you might want to build (given enough BP, which takes time). So instead of "poof, new stuff!" the player could alternatively go into planning mode, lay down blueprints for items and then they can watch as their factories assemble them. So the new method would be when you go to place things blueprints appear. You can then click on them again and choose between "cash" and "BP" to actually make it with. If you currently don't have either, that's OK - it will just get added to build queue for when you do have enough.
Next: Hybrid furries. Spend an hour on E621 and you're bound to see at least one character who's species is anybody's guess - and probably a mix of several. Split the mutator up into body locations, with a different choice for each. Head, arms, legs, torso and accessories (head & tail stuff). So you could put bunny ears and antlers together, or a fox tail on a mouse girl. Trust me, fur fans will love it.
Next: Roving ships in space. Pirates, traders, colony ships... instead of being random station encounters, put them on the space map and let players decide how they want to deal with them. Intercept or ignore? And how many ships to send?