Good afternoon.
my contribution to the scenes that deserved an addition (sorry for my bad English)
* In the kitchen, while the mother is there, go to the fridge and choose to call her, and "ask for milk", she will understand;
* With all the scenes released for each character, at lunch or dinner time, one of the girls, randomly, sits next to you, and does "something";
* Same thing as My New Life, the speech colors of the speech bubbles change according to your relationship with a certain character, with all the scenes released from each character. With everything released talk to one of them, and an extra scene is released: Debbie goes with you in the kitchen. Elizabeth goes with you to your room. Carlotta goes with you in the pantry. Ashley goes with you in the living room;
* Fix the pc, with a part that has in the pantry;
* Another scene with Debbie in the pantry;
* And one more scene for each character in the bathroom, if your relationship with them is high (except for Debbie);
* During the morning, at Carlotta's training, beat her in her game, to release an extra scene (on three levels: 1 level it shows your breasts; 2 level she gives him a blowjob; 3 level she has sex with you);
* With a high relationship with all the girls, if you don't look for them, they will look for you, never let them get close to you around other girls, and never look for a girl with another girl around. (game over automatically).