Inspite of the fact that i still like this game - i don't really like its too damn linear storyflow. Devs made the game as a sandbox thing, and fans of sanbox style expect it would allow freedom of actions and dialog choices would do have a meaning as a tool for alternative storybrunching. But it's not.
For example, in that episode a player have made so many choces, like to drunk Mike or to let him be a watcher of her lesbian kiss, much choices of her behaviour in bar and other locations, but actually all answers of player mostly influenced on nothing, maybe just a cosmetics or different backgrounds, but in general it was progressing only by one and same storyline scenario actually, which ended under the table of the dean, no matter what a player was choosing for all the gameplay before that. Not much reasons for replaying it multiple times.

So if it goes like this - no matter what dialog options or gameplay actions a player would choose in next episode - it will lead a story to where? That's right. To a sqare hole...
I guess thats how some sandbox lovers may watch on that kind of sandboxing.