I am bumping this thread a bit early, as the next update isn't available to the public yet. If you don't support Aaryn on Patreon and want the early access (it's only a weeks difference or so) just support Aaryn on Patreon. I am sure Aaryn himself will update the OP when the public update is available.
That said, I do like "Straight" enough to be a Patreon donor for Aaryn, and he is in fact the only person on Patreon I support at the moment. After playing the latest Patreon update I really wanted to complain about some story elements that are driving me nuts, so I am going to put my issues below in spoiler tags. Aaryn, if you read my complaints, please don't take them personally and I know many people have no issues whatsoever with the storytelling aspect so take my opinions and ignore them or do whatever with them. People love you and your VN, and I am just one man

. I fully intend to continue supporting "Straight."
Sorry for the giant wall of text and spoilers, I just really wanted to get my thoughts out there. Again, these are just my complaints. I am not posting much about the things I like in the story here. I think the good outweighs the bad more than enough to justify my continued support of the project. I don't hear anyone making similar complaints so I assume I am in the minority anyway, but I hope I have given Aaryn some things to think about to make his story even better than what it already is.