I just finished the game, my head is swimming with thoughts so bear with me as I unpack them here. Sorry for the wall of text.
First of all, thank you again for telling such a deep and relatable story. I mentioned in my original comment in this thread way back in 2019 that I had never seen a fictional character express inner turmoil that was so similar to how I have felt and that remains true. This is a game I wish had existed when I were a bit younger. I know it wouldn't have fixed everything I had going on, but seeing this type of struggle play out and get resolution in an ultimately healthy way might have given me more strength when I found myself lacking it. For those reasons alone, this visual novel has become my favorite piece of gay media, and I count it among one of the best stories I've read overall. Period.
As for the ending... I don't want to go into too many details here in case someone reads this comment before getting there themselves, I definitely think this story is one that's worth fully experiencing. You made me cry dude. Not because I thought the ending was sad, but because it was over. There have been few times in my life when I got to the end of a story and I was sad to see it end, and this is the only time I've ever cried because of it. I wasn't entirely surprised by how it ended, I guessed ages ago that was where things might be heading based on that hint you put in the game. I am happy things ended up the way they did though.
Since another person mentioned the lack of a sex scene, I guess I'll leave my thoughts on that too. Am I disappointed they didn't actually fuck in the end? I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a little bit. Do I think it needs a complete sex scene to be a well executed story and romance? Nah. If you're ending the story here, then what we got is perfectly acceptable to me considering this stage of Braden and Zack's relationship and their inexperience. If you ever decided to continue their story, which from that question mark you stuck in at then end I'd wager you've at least considered, I'd very much love to see their actual first time. Sex with someone you love isn't about smut however, there's a deep emotional connection there that it feels like too many gay guys easily forget about just to chase a fleeting moment of pleasure. So if you did end up creating this scene, I hope you'd keep that part in mind as well.
I understand you are planning to do an overhaul of the beginning of the game, and at least for now this is the end. If you ever feel like continuing on with Zack and Braden I think you've left yourself plenty of material to tell yet another impactful story with them (the clusterfuck that Zack's family life appears to be an obvious angle) and personally I'd love to see what's next for the two. If not, I'm grateful for being able to witness this small part of their lives and I'm sad to see them go.
I do feel bad about not contributing to your patreon, here you've creating a fucking masterpiece that's easily become one of my favorite stories of all time, yet I'm unable to compensate you for it. If I manage to improve my financial situation at least to the point where I don't have to borrow my neighbor's wifi just to use the internet, you have my word I'll send something your way.