I do not see any good thing with the women becomming pregnant at this very moment.
If the Dev add it. It better be a good reason and handled very well.
But for now I will not go as far as saying we need it. We really dont need it.
But If it is handled really well yeah sure we can have it in there for my sake no biggy.
But if it is handled horribly. I rather it not being there.
So the real issue is with this is always how should the story than progress? So pregnancy if you take the crime route is a bad idea.
Cause your kids is kinda a target.
So I do not see this is a viable option at this very moment at least.
If the Dev add it. It better be a good reason and handled very well.
But for now I will not go as far as saying we need it. We really dont need it.
But If it is handled really well yeah sure we can have it in there for my sake no biggy.
But if it is handled horribly. I rather it not being there.
So the real issue is with this is always how should the story than progress? So pregnancy if you take the crime route is a bad idea.
Cause your kids is kinda a target.
So I do not see this is a viable option at this very moment at least.