Well, for my part TBH I usually play games — adult or not — for the story more than anything. (Puzzle games, etc., are fun sometimes too, so there are ofc exceptions.) Given that, while I did say it was rough for me to see
Nemy's reaction, start getting invested in her, and then feel badly about the nightmarish situation for her, I still am doing a second playthrough with her awake. I enjoy seeing where that takes things in the story, even if in this case it only provides a different character and side story and doesn't affect the main story in the slightest.
BTW, I forgot to mention it earlier, but does the photo
not get added to the main laptop gallery if you choose to accept
Camila's dare and announce publicly that you're a huge pervert? Because after I do that, I see the envelope icon go orangish again, but when I open the gallery that photo isn't there. And then, if I
return to the conversation with Camila and click her photo a second time the envelope goes orangish again. And again, in the gallery, I don't see it. Sorry if you already know about this; I didn't search this thread to see whether it's been reported for you.