Not to metion you can't even look up Mature women porn without seeing 99% of it being NTR. I don't mind a women going years and years with no sex and her husband basically doesn't care about her anymore, cheating. It's those 'O I was blackmailed and mind-broken" or "my husband didn't have sex with me every second of my life, I'm going to go get gangbanged" or even "Random guy shows up and has a 60ft dick, so much better than my husband". NTR is just way to big of a fetish for them and I'm like, ah Japan... encouraging men to stay single, while your population slowly dies. The irony. Elves too, you cannot look up Elve porn without it being 99.9% rape. Anything going against the fetish, is actually the fetish now ironically, due to how rare the stuff is.