Really? Playing the one character who is an absolute shitball, and has no redeeming qualities? Even fucking Gaston was an idiot who had good intentions.
Jefferson is certainly twisted and demented in his views, for sure. However, I don't quite get that same level of creepiness in his character in this interpretation, except at the beginning. For the most part of the game so far, he's been pretty straight forward with his advice and an actually
somewhat supportive figure to these young girls. Of course that could also be just him playing more tricks.
I think his gaining this new power could be a somewhat redeeming element and development to his character. Plus, if you've played this most recent version, it's not like all is forgiven with his past. He's still very much haunted by his actions. I think they're putting in an
interesting protagonist, as opposed to a merely like-able one. That's just my opinion about it.
