Anyways, is it intentional that the family cannot be messaged via phone? I suppose it is, since they are story relevant and you shouldn't mess with them before the story gets completed, but I though I would mention it here, too.
Yes it is. After you reach the end of the investor's family story so far, they are marked as "away" so they don't wander the map and they can't be reached. Mostly so that you don't mess with them and make whatever comes next make no sense.
I don't know how feasible it is however with city councilors I really like the option to persuade them by hiring their family members but I think there is some room to expand it. For example once you have a family member working for you, it would be logical that you could leverage that to get them to vote for in your favor by either threatening to fire the family member or if the council member is less lewd to move that family member into a more extreme role in your business so like to become a stripper from a waitress sort of thing.
With that in mind perhaps you could leverage the blackmail material in the game to be more useful so that you could force them to convince a family member to work for you thus giving you more permanent leverage over them.
On an unrelated note, is there anyway to lower peoples salaries, I know in lab rats 2 (at least in the reformulated mod) you can convince workers either through a punishment or a bad review to take a lower salary, I think those would work here well also I think it might be cool if with the cult you could convince workers who join your cult to work for you for less as a part their cult work as a way to further your cults goals or perhaps even working for you for free if they are particularly devoted.
Speaking of the cult, once you gain control of it, the goals of the cult are quite different, should game restrictions on membership like people who are very lewd or hold slutty beliefs be lifted at some point with how corrupted the cult can become. Also if you have cult members working for you it should increase the chance they convert their coworkers and patrons to you club based on the number of cult members working for you.
Honestly the getting the commissioner's child to work for you happens very rarely as it requires a special kind of commissioner. Not sure it's worth to invest more time on a story that so infrequent. Also, giving you more permanent leverage is a bit overpowered and there's a way to do that that's a bit more work so it will kind of make the elect a puppet process kind of pointless.
As for the cult, that's a bit of an inconsistency that the game doesn't explain. In my mind at least, you pretend the club's purpose hasn't changed and you essentially get them to become more lewd without them realizing what's going on. So to them, they still think they are doing moral and decency stuff. The story could handle that better. As for convincing co-workers that already happens. An NPC's ability to convince someone else to join depends on the same factors as yours, and they co-workers are going to be more likely to be asked to join and to be convinced simply because they will be in the same room more often thus increasing the chances of that interaction happening. Them being co-workers will also tend to improve their opinions of each other making the convincing process more likely to happen as well.
Another bug/idiosyncrasy I encountered: a girl told me she was pregnant from me. Next day she asked me to pay to increase her fertility. I think when she is already pregnant, that shouldn't be necessary for at least a couple of months.
Oh, and while I am at it: when becoming a father, the likes for the mother's post come flooding in before the notification that the mother posted it. Maybe a small switcheroo would be nice here.
The first one since you and someone else both saw is obviously an issue, but I have no idea how. The code is pretty clear that it should only fire on non-pregnant people (and a bunch of other conditions). I have no idea how that's happening. I need to see it and I haven't. I can't force it as that bypasses the check so won't tell me anything.
The second one there's a posting made by you about the child being born that's automatic. I'm not sure if you missed the message about it or maybe it wasn't clear enough. I did rework that text recently so maybe it was the later.
Is there no longer enough books to get your work skills up to 100? ive got my sex skills up, but havent seen any work books in ages.
There's 5 books for each skill. There's no guarantee that they will get you to 100 skill level. In fact I would guess that they won't in most cases. This was always the case.
1)-So,i got this textmessage from one of my employees:
View attachment 4601900
Shouldnt it say "YOU need to do something about it"?
2)-A strange situation occured...
I have a mom and daughter working as sex workers for me,this duo bumps the clubfame from time to time which is nice.
Now to the strange part:
The mom proposes she should work also as sexworker(which she already does) to make the club more popular.
I get then an option to accept or decline the idea.
If i accept, the mom accepts all of sudden an offer from other club and leaves.
3)-Sometimes i get also invites to a game with a text like this (i am bad a this lol):
"??? is bored and wants to play a game. Will you accept the invite of ???"
So i think the ??? person is someone i havent met yet, yet no stranger is shown in my game room when i am there.
Maybe the choice of accepting the invite should transfer us to the game room?
Could work like when a Commisionar is at our club and we are transfered there if we wont to meet them?
1. Will be fixed on the next version.
2. Definitively a bug. I'll have to look into it.
3. Also reported already and will be fixed on the next version.
If there are errors it is the translator's fault my english is not the best
Mr. ??? warned me from the security office that an employee was stealing my money (too bad I hadn't hired any bouncers yet)
Then if I accept anal sex (both with women and men) if I come during the act I can cum in their ass.
I started with a hetero pg and now I'm 100% bi but she hasn't declared himself bisexual (I don't know if I have to do something or she can't declare himself bisexual).
I would like to know if in future updates it would be possible to choose the character's photos and date of birth during the initial creation, if it would be possible to decide the creation of the family type mother and father, how many brothers/sisters you could have, maybe even twins.
I have always created characters who have not attended college (I don't know if it's random or preset) you could go to class and have specializations to have a bonus in the statistics (a bit like how books work).
I just noticed that if you ask your girlfriend to talk about her boyfriend she tells me You wanted to talk to your girlfriend about her partner but she doesn't have one or you don't know them.
Sorry yeah, your translator is not great
The ??? in the bouncer message is weird. That should no happen and no idea how it is happening. Issues like that are much easier for me to track down if you either post a screen shot or enter the text exactly how it appears. As it is, what you posted is not in any game text so I can't match it to the event that may not be working.
I'll look at the cum in ass issue.
Note that MC does not declare as bi. That's probably an oversight. The only thing that prevents is that people that you are now attracted to won't proposition you.
I've explained the rationale for not letting you pick the images for your relatives before and also have posted how to cheat to change them if you don't like them. Search the thread for "cheat set_image"
I think I've found a bug not mentioned before: I have taken control of the cult and was allowed to schedule an event at the nude beach, even though this hadn't been opened in the game.
Again, that's another one I have no idea how it could happen. Are you sure it's not open? The condition is the same.
There an issue that sometimes, there's the dialog box that shows up but there's no text and two choices. If i select the first option, i go the alleyway and have paid for a sex worker. However, the girl is not a sex worker it is a bartender.
Also been reported. Sorry about that. That's an event that's not meant for you which is why it has no text.