dusty stu

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2018
However, this formula is not taken into account so the odds of them showing up are still lower than normal. It only shows 25 images and if you pick a 20-year old white woman, then the odds will still be quite low as there like 100 of those in the system.
Here are three alternative ideas:
1. Just show all available girls, rather than 25.
2. Let us enter the id number and use that girl
3. Show custom girls 1st, then back-fill with others.


Sep 16, 2016
First - I found it to be a quite interesting game, thank you dev!

Now a question: how MC likes are affecting the game? Do they affect things like arousal gain in sex events? Playing a dominant MC - I should pick like/love options for dominant behavior or submissive one?

And a few suggestion:
a) Seems that starting a new game is RNG locked too and sometimes do not trigger on first change of time (hitting ">" button). I don't think it's a good idea at all honestly - just run it directly without any delays.

b) Sex mechanics shouldn't be affected by character skills so much. Because it's a ridiculous when girl doing a handjob to MC only for ~3 arousal gain (because of her starting skill around -60) then we running out of time on date. C'mon, nobody said that picking a low lewdness mean being impotent :D. Plus I highly doubt that it's fun to anyone to spam "hj/bj/sex/etc" button for same results. Seriously.
My suggestion: skill based arousal gain should be applied only for initial teasing. Once characters are in mood (moved into / lewd enough for public action) player should be in control and asked after picking of action is his goal is to cum / make partner cum or not (probably with a skill & willpower check to be able to hold out / deny partner successfully). Sexual skills in that case should affect happiness&opinion gain after orgasm.


Dec 8, 2021
Here are three alternative ideas:
1. Just show all available girls, rather than 25.
2. Let us enter the id number and use that girl
3. Show custom girls 1st, then back-fill with others.
Hi Stu, wanted to thank you for your image packs. They are great. However there seems to be a system slowing down when using the 'semi real' or almost real pack. The Real one does fine.

Also wanted to let you know that I have only the CSW and DSTU image packs installed. And the modified image line is: 'csw,dstu'.
In my last play through, almost all of your girls are in the play through. First one appeared immediately on Jan 2, 2024. By Aug 2025, 80% of your girls where in my play through.

Just thought you should know they are loading over the CSW images.

Great work on the images! Look forward to more from you :)


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Stupid question, but do I need to make a clean install or can i overwrite the previous version?
Edit: also, do custom pack go into the characters folder or the mods folder?
And I see this string:
# The character image system
image_cache_size int 300
image_modules string scw # comma separated list of image modules to use

Should I increase the image_cache_size if I have more packs or leave it as is?
Increasing the cache uses memory but makes things faster. However, images are small enough that the caching doesn't really make much of a difference. They are on average around 250kb each. I have not found a reason to change it.

Thanks again for the explanation, you truly are a cut above the rest for involvement with your users. A gentleman and a scholar!

My fitness(FIT) is always maxed out at 100 by the time June or July comes around. August 2024 at the latest. So is Endurance and Strength. It makes absolutely no difference in keeping your health from falling. Even when you start a new game and your health is 50 with no Attributes or Opinions selected AND your body type is Slim(not skinny), height is 5' 10. Weight at 202.

I would have coded it differently. Create a Global Variable(boolean) called WorkedOut. Use this to determine IF the MC has worked out either Running, Cardio at the gym, or swimming during the week. If so, no lowering of health points. However I do see the reasoning to apply a penalty for those body type that are Fat, Over weight, etc. Let's use American Football as an example: 300+ pound linemen, 250 pound line backers, etc. All healthy and under the scrutiny of the team doctor. None of these guys are on a vegan diet, healthy diet, etc. But they do have high protein diets and sometimes high carb diets.

I now have 6 play throughs that are never going to have a 'Health Baseline' above 41. I will have to start another play through just to select the appropriate things as you have explained such as vegan diet, healthy diet, etc just to raise the baseline.

I also don't like the fact that there is no way to deal with the Mob Boss at all except for fighting(which I don't mind IF health wasn't an issue). But it would be nice to be able to get a gun to kill them, or hire security to intercept them at the door. To me this is a huge negative. The game pushes the Mob Boss as an effort to allow the Boss to not only attempt to control your Club but also take advantage of the girls. In real life I would absolutely put a bullet in both their heads on their second visit. I will absolutely not give one of girls to the Boss to fornicate with. Or allow his men to be stationed inside the club. This will cause me to stop playing. The MC has to be able to permanently deal with the Mob Boss either by killing or arrest.

As I've told you before, I absolutely love this game however I'm finding more and more deal breakers the longer the time has progressed in the game. Please consider the Health Issue and Please consider providing a way to permanently deal with the Mob Boss before he starts trying to fuck your club and your girls.
I take your example of NFL players, but I'm sure that you realize those are total outliers and not typical at all, and the system does not model them. For now the thin/fat extremes will have lower health than those with more normal body types which I think is sufficient. The health value wasn't meant to get too high because if it gets too high the injuries won't matter to some people. It typically ranges around 20-30 for most characters. I just checked a couple of saves and the highest I found was in the low 30s. Anyway, it is possible that this needs to be rebalanced, so I will look into it.

But your main point is not so much health but dealing with the mobsters. That's old story line which I never finished and I keep putting it off. Even if you win a fight, they will be back next month and odds are you will lose (the dude you fight has good health and really good fighting skill). I have since then reworked the fighting mechanic to make it easier to win (you should be able to outlast him if you have decent energy when they show up). Giving you a gun so you can shoot them takes the game in a direction I'm not interested in but I will try to come up with way to end it.

How long is the «cooldown» from hiring an agent till u actually get a job ? I feel like i simmed through a couple of months without anything.. when I ask it symays he is working on it. Anyone know?
It's around 90 days, same as how often the movie opps come around. I may shorten it the next update.

So its been a while since I played this but how do you hire dancers? The council legalized them, I can interview them but no option to hire. Is there a special room? if so how to unlock it? I have a dressing room and 2 singers but it won't let me hire dancers
When you say no option to hire, what do you mean? Are you posting jobs for Dancer? If not and you are interviewing random people they may not be qualified to be dancers. If you get to the interview spot where you pick a job and dancer is not in it, either they are not qualified or they would not take the job under any condition.

TotalFluke can you make a list of all the law_type_keys ? some of them are hard to guess when using dev_mode.
if this list already exists, can you tell me where i can find it?
thanks in advance
Oh man, this is missing from the cheatsheet. I will need to add it to it. Until then you can find them in the data/law_types.txt file.

Ok, so that wasn't the problem.
Any idea then why no more voting on laws for so long?
It's been at least a month if not more and on the Calendar nothing appears for at least 6 more months.
So every so often, the commision vote gets messed up because something weird happened. (In some cases is the overlap of the election and the commission vote). But there are other causes that I haven't been able to pinpoint. However, when that happens you may miss a vote, two at the max and the system recovers. Only the next vote appears on the calendar so I wouldn't worry about that.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Ok, I decided to just test the game out and spam pass time and sleep to see if anything changes.
In august (the elections were in may) finally they tried to vote again, so after 3 months, and they are for the third time in a row at a standstill, and are not able to agree on what to vote on. Is there any way to influence this part of the vote, on what to vote for, or am I just forced to spam and waste away months of game time waiting for the random factor to give me a break and let me progress in the game.
I like the game at first, I don't mind the grind aspect of it, but it feels bad to have to just spam away days not being able to do anything, just waiting for a vote, and then seeing that they can't decide on what to vote for. (3 on dancers allowed, 3 on some more opening hours and one on random crap for the third time now.) I talked to all 7 of the commissioners and 6 of them agree they will vote for the dancers allowed law but I imagine that's in the second stage, if it passes this random crap. Can anyone tell me anything different or do I just have to suffer through it ? It honestly just make me not want to play the game anymore until at least a few iterations have passed. I don't want to play this game just to spam gym and relationships.

There's also not clear how you can increase your own lewdness, I did a lot of lewd stuff, some in public and it didn't move a finger from the starting value. I can't even imagine , if I can't change my own value how I can change the value for others.

For all the good the game has, it has a lot of bad as well, at the moment, it looks like more bad than good (which is sad because I was looking for a management type game to waste some time on).


Looked at in the project files and found AI log:
View attachment 3817644
it went from march to July without any votes...
I'm guessing this is the code that decides on how often it occurs, don't really understand the language yet:
View attachment 3817647
If/when I do , I will try to modify it to make it consistent.
Cool that ai_log info is really helpful. So that gap from march to july is really weird and should not happen. The main reason I can see for it is that the event that picks the law was crashing before it finished (which is why it didn't get logged). The event should fire between 12-24 days or so. So the other two examples are kind of the two extremes. But for the gap, if it crashed is probably cause there's some bad data somewhere. This can happen if you modify a save file by hand or make a change via the console and don't do it right. Or it can happen because a bug caused a commissioner to not have a favorite law or something. The answer was probably in the game log file but it's too late now to get it as whatever was preventing it is now ok.

I wish I had better answer.

As for the commissioners getting stuck on a vote, that can happen and it's frustrating when it does. In general, if there's no law selected, the next vote they will be less likely to abstain to prevent deadlocks. You are right that telling them to like a law doesn't affect the selection of the next law. However, what you can do is try to change their opinions on certain things. Use the know them better interaction a lot to find out their will power. If you have plenty of cash (which may not be the case that early in the game) you can also use the PI to do a background check on them. Anyway, find their will power and focus on the lowest one. Then get them to like things like revealing clothing, dancing, entertainment work and voyeur (although that one is hard to do). That will improve their opinion of the club entertainment options. There's also a bit of randomness involved here to shake things up a bit an avoid them getting stuck. It does seem like you were dealt is pretty bad hand with those commissioners cause passing the Dancers allowed law should not be a problem.

You lewdness does not change. You are pretty much stuck with the original value. There's a few situations that will lower it but it doesn't go up. For others, there's one way to make it go up. You need to take over the Moral Society and become the leader. Then when you have meetings, those that attend can have their lewdness go up (more if they volunteer for the exercise). However, before you can take over it, you have to be a member and that's one of the ways your lewdness can go down. But in general, lewdness for you doesn't matter as much. I would priortize intelligence and focus over lewdness when picking a new character.
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Jul 11, 2017
Increasing the cache uses memory but makes things faster. However, images are small enough that the caching doesn't really make much of a difference. They are on average around 250kb each. I have not found a reason to change it.

I take your example of NFL players, but I'm sure that you realize those are total outliers and not typical at all, and the system does not model them. For now the thin/fat extremes will have lower health than those with more normal body types which I think is sufficient. The health value wasn't meant to get too high because if it gets too high the injuries won't matter to some people. It typically ranges around 20-30 for most characters. I just checked a couple of saves and the highest I found was in the low 30s. Anyway, it is possible that this needs to be rebalanced, so I will look into it.

But your main point is not so much health but dealing with the mobsters. That's old story line which I never finished and I keep putting it off. Even if you win a fight, they will be back next month and odds are you will lose (the dude you fight has good health and really good fighting skill). I have since then reworked the fighting mechanic to make it easier to win (you should be able to outlast him if you have decent energy when they show up). Giving you a gun so you can shoot them takes the game in a direction I'm not interested in but I will try to come up with way to end it.

It's around 90 days, same as how often the movie opps come around. I may shorten it the next update.

When you say no option to hire, what do you mean? Are you posting jobs for Dancer? If not and you are interviewing random people they may not be qualified to be dancers. If you get to the interview spot where you pick a job and dancer is not in it, either they are not qualified or they would not take the job under any condition.

Oh man, this is missing from the cheatsheet. I will need to add it to it. Until then you can find them in the data/law_types.txt file.

So every so often, the commision vote gets messed up because something weird happened. (In some cases is the overlap of the election and the commission vote). But there are other causes that I haven't been able to pinpoint. However, when that happens you may miss a vote, two at the max and the system recovers. Only the next vote appears on the calendar so I wouldn't worry about that.
I figured it out, apparently the game was giving me the option to interview girls for the dancer job before it'd been legalized.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Here are three alternative ideas:
1. Just show all available girls, rather than 25.
2. Let us enter the id number and use that girl
3. Show custom girls 1st, then back-fill with others.
I'll think about it. There's problems with all those suggestions. For now editing the save file is probably the easiest way to do it.

First - I found it to be a quite interesting game, thank you dev!

Now a question: how MC likes are affecting the game? Do they affect things like arousal gain in sex events? Playing a dominant MC - I should pick like/love options for dominant behavior or submissive one?

And a few suggestion:
a) Seems that starting a new game is RNG locked too and sometimes do not trigger on first change of time (hitting ">" button). I don't think it's a good idea at all honestly - just run it directly without any delays.

b) Sex mechanics shouldn't be affected by character skills so much. Because it's a ridiculous when girl doing a handjob to MC only for ~3 arousal gain (because of her starting skill around -60) then we running out of time on date. C'mon, nobody said that picking a low lewdness mean being impotent :D. Plus I highly doubt that it's fun to anyone to spam "hj/bj/sex/etc" button for same results. Seriously.
My suggestion: skill based arousal gain should be applied only for initial teasing. Once characters are in mood (moved into / lewd enough for public action) player should be in control and asked after picking of action is his goal is to cum / make partner cum or not (probably with a skill & willpower check to be able to hold out / deny partner successfully). Sexual skills in that case should affect happiness&opinion gain after orgasm.
The MC likes don't really come into play. You can pick whatever you want and there's no penalty for going against your personality. Originally I was going to add that, but never got to it and now would get everyone in this forum pissed at me if I do that. In general pick the opinion you are most likely want others to have. When you try to convince someone else to change an opinion, it's easier to do that if you already have the opinion you want them to have. So make sure you hate Conservative Clothing and love Revealing Clothing for example. (Stuff that doesn't matter I normally pick no opinion to reduce clutter).

Your (a) suggestion is a good one. It shouldn't do that and I've been meaning to find out why is doing that but keep forgetting because it happens so infrequently. Will look into it.

I'll think more about (b). You make some good points. But it may be too entrenched to make major changes like you suggest. But softening the impact is certainly worth looking into.


Sep 16, 2016
I'll think more about (b). You make some good points. But it may be too entrenched to make major changes like you suggest. But softening the impact is certainly worth looking into.
Quick & dirty suggestion: set a bare minimum arousal gain and make it relatively high for clearly sexual actions (something like 15-20 to any action directly involving genitals). It could be removed for victim of rape but overall - people tend to enjoy the sex :D


Aug 3, 2018
Club customers will take into account all club costs when deciding whether to visit a club or not. Clubs with cheaper prices will see more customer visits and those with higher prices will see less. Before it only considered cover charge.
Ah, no more cranking up drink and food prices by 800% to make easy early money >.>


-it may be impossible with the way the game is set up, but I'd like to be able to choose where the rooms in my club are, so I can adjust the layout. Which should lead to the ability to demolish rooms as well.
-I'd also like to be able to move staff into an empty "room", as well as emptying a named room, so I can pick and choose who goes into what room. Like a temp staff waiting room.
-some sort of work roster for staff, so days off can be planned.
-The security room could be bigger when the Club gets to max size.
-more bathrooms for larger clubs. One bathroom for 4 bars and three restaurants is a little unrealistic >.>
-a second entrance option when/if the amount of visitors starts to overwhelm the current one.
-some sort of resolution to the gangster issue. I don't paticuarily enjoy losing all my health every other week, even when I'm at 100 str and 100 fighting, and I have two security staff with the same stats.
Last edited:


Active Member
Sep 12, 2021
Quick & dirty suggestion: set a bare minimum arousal gain and make it relatively high for clearly sexual actions (something like 15-20 to any action directly involving genitals). It could be removed for victim of rape but overall - people tend to enjoy the sex :D
I think the arousal gain depends on the skill of the action. low skill=low gain.
But it still increases with very bad skills.
On my current playthrough, my character has -70 to every sexual skills, so the text tells me it's bad when my character does something, but the partner's arousal still increase by 1 to 2.


Dec 8, 2021
I take your example of NFL players, but I'm sure that you realize those are total outliers and not typical at all, and the system does not model them. For now the thin/fat extremes will have lower health than those with more normal body types which I think is sufficient. The health value wasn't meant to get too high because if it gets too high the injuries won't matter to some people. It typically ranges around 20-30 for most characters. I just checked a couple of saves and the highest I found was in the low 30s. Anyway, it is possible that this needs to be rebalanced, so I will look into it.

But your main point is not so much health but dealing with the mobsters. That's old story line which I never finished and I keep putting it off. Even if you win a fight, they will be back next month and odds are you will lose (the dude you fight has good health and really good fighting skill). I have since then reworked the fighting mechanic to make it easier to win (you should be able to outlast him if you have decent energy when they show up). Giving you a gun so you can shoot them takes the game in a direction I'm not interested in but I will try to come up with way to end it.
Thanks again for your quick reply. BTW, I don't condone violence using guns or in any form actually. Sorry for that comment if it was offensive. Just wishing for a way to deal with the Mob permanently. And to defend my own property and girls. The football example also was including College and High School but you are correct in as much as it's the exception.

Once I read your reply I checked all 6 of my play through's. Only 1 had 41 health. The other 5 ranged from 23 to 35. So I guess I'm lucky to have those at those health levels after your explanation.

My problem in 4 of the play through's is that I'm at the stage where the next Mob visit(4th or 5th visit), he wants me to provide a girl for him to have fun with. This is a direction the game goes in that I don't care for. I know it's sort of hypocritical as I'm in the Stripper/Backroom business but I kind of want to be the Boss of the women in my own club. I don't like being subjugated in my own place and told what to do. Nobody does. Anyway, I stopped playing these as I did not want to deal with this as is. But as it's currently coded, it's unavoidable once you get big enough.

What actually trigger's the Mob visit? By avoiding the trigger, I can start a new play through and avoid it altogether until you have a solution or resolution I should say.

I've probably have over 1000+ hours into playing. Wasn't kidding when I said I loved this game. I will continue to look forward to your releases as they come. Thanks for this game, it has given me many many hours of happy game time.


Dec 8, 2019
After starting a new game, I've played around a bit, got to September now.

I have one main problem (If there is a way to do this I couldn't find it): opinions.
I hate that I can't talk to people and find out their opinion on certain topics, like in the interview, and I can't decide how I feel on certain things and it's all random and I have for people to talk to be about stuff to decide.
I mean we have the option of trying to change an opinion but we don't have the option to find out an opinion? It makes no sense. And when finding out an opinion, if we don't have it yet, we would settle it as well.
I hope this gets implemented soon as it's not such a big change in development but it makes an impact on the game.


May 25, 2017
What is max endurance in the game? I've been training in the gym for 2 weeks now and my endurance maxes out at 75 (didn't change from the start of the game)? How many days do you need to train to improve endurance/energy?


Dec 8, 2021
What is max endurance in the game? I've been training in the gym for 2 weeks now and my endurance maxes out at 75 (didn't change from the start of the game)? How many days do you need to train to improve endurance/energy?
Max endurance is 100. When working out at the gym, only Cardio will yield an increase to endurance. Otherwise you can also increase your endurance by running in the park but running is not consistent(Might get points, might not).


Dec 8, 2019
Max endurance is 100. When working out at the gym, only Cardio will yield an increase to endurance. Otherwise you can also increase your endurance by running in the park but running is not consistent(Might get points, might not).
Any idea if how much energy you have when training makes a difference?
Also, what is the last training for in the gym?


May 29, 2020

To install all the image packs at once, which is time-consuming if done individually, I have created a megapack that contains all the "official" image packs as well as those added on the forum.

For installation:
  1. Copy the characters folder into the main game folder(click on replace all).
  2. Open the config.dat file -> press ctrl+f -> search for "image_modules string scw" -> replace with -> "image_modules string scw,ccw,nyb,exp,gar,dstu".
in dstu1 and 2, all characters are double


Dec 8, 2021
Any idea if how much energy you have when training makes a difference?
Also, what is the last training for in the gym?
Normally, your energy will go down each time you exercise. You need a minimum of 6 energy to exercise 1 time at the gym. When starting a new game, your energy is some what low and exercising will put it at zero. As you exercise using cardio, you will notice an increase to endurance but it takes time. It will also increase your energy as well.

Your endurance will go up 1 point for every 1 to 2 time(s) you exercise using Cardio at the gym until it reaches 100. Then no more points to endurance as you are maxed. Your energy will also increase.

Endurance is needed for your sexual encounters with NPC's. As well as having your energy close to maxed out. Otherwise your sexual encounter will end abruptly without satisfying your date.

As far as the last exercise at the gym: Sometimes even after using Cardio and weight lifting(Strength), you will find that your Fitness is still below 100. Some use this to get that to 100. I haven't seen where this improves anything else other than Strength and Fitness.
3.80 star(s) 27 Votes