
Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Parties need some work.

Rocking up as the sole attendee only to have the host be 'distant' using the Mingle function as well as speaking with them directly afterward.
Yeah, I have fix for people with few friends to not throw parties. Still not sure what to do if they invite 5 people and only one shows up.

What would be the command string to add a room instantly? I have an new girl that I want to hire before the other clubs lol.
There's a cheat add_room command. Open the console and check the help. You will need to get the room key from the cheatsheet.txt file.

For the improve opinion, it feels very inconsistent. I have very high intelligence, I chose it first and tried the improve opinion on a character with negative intelligence. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't do anything. Which is a little confusing. I guess there's some RNG to that as well.
Intelligence not a factor there. It's you sociability and their will that matters most.

I also want to mention it's a little annoying you can't take out just one of the job listings. For example I posted one for waiter and one for singer. Once I got 2 waiters, I didn't want a third, but I still needed singers. My only options were to leave both postings and go through interviews of waiters I didn't want or take out both postings and repost the singer one.

I get it, but it's just one month and $100 a pop. It's not worth all the complexity involved to make it work better.

How much does attraction matter, I'm not sure yet. I've had sex with girls with 40 attraction before I managed to seduce ones with 100.
About the same as opinion. But there's a lot of factors involved. For example, are you her boss and is she greedy? If so she may be more willing to have sex with you. Anything that involves you trying to talk someone else into doing something takes into account your sociability and their will power. How badly does she want it (is her arousal high, her lewdness also matters, and how much does she like that particular act).

That's perfect and exactly what I wanted to know. Would be nice if we could, through talking, get the info from the log. Not with the exact numbers, but like the top of what laws they want to vote one, maybe even just top 3. This way, it's easier to know on who to focus on.
That's too overpowered. Might as well then show their individual traits from the start.

I understood why you said the 10%. I was trying to point out you were using that number to point out it want's such a big RNG. While I think it is, the bigger, for the lower values. As I mentioned, getting 45 or 25 in a stats is a big difference, one being almost the double of the other. Especially for a new player, it can be frustrating and I can imagine some of them restarting the game until they get some good RNG, which I don't know if it is how you want your game to be. Maybe even just lower the RNG the more you go down the line. I mean 20 for 86-85 is decent. 20 for 45-25 or for the last one, is kind of brutal. Still your choice, as always, I will just modify the save file and get myself better stats if the RNG fucked me over.
Except is not twice as much, that's my point. Internally the -100 to 100 scale gets reset, depending on the purpose. Essentially it's mapped to a value like 0.80 to 1.20 which is then multiplied by the base amount of time. So 25 is mapped to something like 1.05 and 45 to something like 1.09. These numbers are an example how they are used, I didn't check the actual code to get the math exact. But the point is that the differences are a lot less than what a 20 point spread may seem like.

  • Not wanting to hire but getting interviews. I didn't want a full staff at the start and was forced to refuse interviews or fail them. Your sister keeps sending you suggestions. It's nice to have a source of candidates if you want to fill the job but if I want only 1 bartender it forces you to either hire a second one so you don't keep offending people, or keep offending people. Maybe you can make it so your sister suggests someone, but it's not like a real application from a job posting. They don't get offended if you don't call them for an interview.
There's no penalty for turning those down. You only offend someone when you post a job and then someone asks to interview for it and you say no. Or you go thru the interview and turn them down.

  • Difficulty with number of employees vs how many you need. Especially as a new player, I think I have too many employees still, after 10 months and I am barely making even with the money, even though I'm raking in loads of cash, some weekends 4-5k per day. I'm not sure how you can help with that, I know you mention at least once if not more that at the start you shouldn't hire more people. Maybe the visits number and the actual capacity could be improved. I don't know if the info is elsewhere as well, I could only see it if you are in the club at that moment of the day. Maybe even a tab with the report for the last x days, each time period. It would be nice from a management point of view. It's also not clear to me if their skills matter on how well the service is done or also on how many people they can service (both?). It makes it hard to judge when you need more employees. It's also not clear if having a singer and a dancer is better than 2 dancers for example. Or if one dancer is enough if they can service enough people. Would be nice if you could do something to improve that experience in the next updates.
Have you looked at the charts? They don't show the exact numbers but provide trends and you should be able to figure out if things are going well or poor (and compare with the other clubs). Storing the data for each period woulld add a ton of data/memory to the game for something that no one cares about. You are the first one to ask for that data at the period level. This is not meant to be a business simulator. And I don't have the time to make it into one.

If your club is not making enough money is probably because it's not bringing enough visits. That depends on satisfaction and fame. Satisfaction comes from what services you offer (more services, more satisfaction) and how skilled your workers are (more skilled more satisfaction). There's other things that impact as well, but those are the main ones, at least at first. Fame comes from how big your club is and how lewd the employees are (among other things, but those are the main ones). Lewdness matters a lot more for certain employees, like the entertainers, then the regular service workers (bartenders, waitress, hostess) and finally the ones that don't interact (cooks, janitors, bouncers). Make sure your employees are as lewd as possible (this may require firing bad ones, or moving them to less visible jobs) and are as skilled as possible (this is easy, just train them). And yes, skill also plays a part for how many customers a worker can serve (this is mostly for the service workers). But that's only a factor later in the game.

Two dancers will almost certain be better than a dancer and a singer. A better question is, is two singers better than one dancer? That depends on their skills. Two really good singers with high lewdness is going to be better than one dancer with poor skills. IN general, get high lewdness employees, and train them up. Maximize their value by putting the higher lewdness ones in the most critical positions.

  • Another problem I had was with days off. Maybe I just couldn't find an option but I would like it if I could plan a rotating schedule, like in real life. Instead of letting them have 2 days off when they want. Plan their schedules to match the necessity of more people. And during work times as well as days. So in the end you can achieve things as detailed as having one bartender in on Saturday afternoon, 2 in the evening, afterward the one that started in the afternoon ends his shift and only 1 remains for the night. And for the rest of the days if you want, have each one day on one day off. Barternder1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday and so on. This is one of the things that always exists at a place that serves food and drinks and not haing this shift scheduling can only subtract from the experience.

Pretty sure you asked for this recently too. I've looked into this but can't get the AI to do it properly (and not take forever to figure it out either). It's a very complex issue.

While playing I found an example of double booking from the girls, without me asking anything. The display is also a little messed up:
I'm aware of the display issues when there's too many entries in the calendar for one day. It's on the list to fix but haven't gotten to it. I did however put in a fix to prevent the double booking of dates. It wasn't as bad as I originally had thought and you motivated me to look into it again.

Started to have, a bit of an issue with inviting to dates with some girls. It previously worked fine with the same girls (and the same game version). The majority of the girls work fine.
Maybe she doesn't like dating? Maybe she has a boyfriend now. It could be a bunch of reasons. I would need to know everything about her personality to know why she turned you down.

I saw a post a while ago that mentioned being able to make a save before meeting someone new so you could sorta force the game to refresh the images used for that person just in case it's something you're not interested in and for the life of me I can't figure out the right timing to do it? If someone exists on the map it seems like it's already locked in that character and never changes with reloading before speaking to them so is that no longer possible? Otherwise it feels like you have to just kinda save before every map change just in case there's a new character on the next screen (at least if you wanted to change a potential character).
Sometimes the image is not chosen until the MC interacts with the character. Other times like someone said, the image is picked when they are in the same place as the MC (to put the icon in the menu). Sometimes the image is assigned when the character is created because it's created with a desired physical appearance. The bottom line is that it there's no way to guarantee this. And sometimes the character is created a bit in advance. For example, the second sister gets created around July 1st but you may not hear from her until a week has passed.


Sep 16, 2016
After playing a bit more can suggest a few things (but first and foremost - again, thank your for your game!):

a) You're using waaay too much randomness and sometimes in worst possible place - UI. Best example is visiting your girlfriend at her home and option to move on her is locked behind RNG wall. Seriously - don't do so, it's annoying like a hell. To be clear - receiving a random refuse (low arousal, tired, irrational, etc) is fine, but you should be always able to make attempt. At least on your official girlfriend :)

b) Same with "Propose relationship". Don't hide it behind a wall, make button always visible (if person is not already your girlfriend), then use a dialogue to tell conditions to the player. If you're considering about having way too many buttons - you can merge propose a friend & propose relationship into dialogue option for same button.

c) Same with Calendar. Honestly it's mostly because of your current event planner issues (RNG events could and WILL override pre-planned, that shouldn't happen) but part of UI is lying to player. Job interviews or room construction being silently delayed is very bad (first person experience lol, I spend some time decoding your savefiles when one my room suddenly stopped construction progress for a few days). That's leading to extreme confusion.

d) Check for Photos basically non-usable. You're limited in storage AND deleting old photos taking a whole time period? Basically 2 periods for clearing old ones and checking socials for new ones??? Ridiculous. Same with job posting - canceling it shouldn't take a whole period.

e) Friendship. Friendship seems to provide a permanent opinion bonus. Issue that you can't became a friend with your girlfriend while it still applied (and not overridden by GF status). IMHO it either need a fix or something like RNG event to be able to became friends with your own GF. Because currently you have "a proper route for min-max" and that's sick (IMHO).

f) Small sex issues :cool::
- No kink-shaming and I don't want to be rude but seriously, do something with female obsession to penetrate male ass in pure straight relationship. At least low willpower girl with "love" to be submissive - IMHO shouldn't trigger it. But currently it happen.
- What is with mass voyeurism in that damned city? Every roommate is happy to watch since day 0 and you can't stop them from doing it. Even if you'd triggered "move into bedroom" - nah, they're following us. Exhibitionism of MC is not everyone kink so IMHO game should provide us an option here.
- Game do not count Hand & Oral stuff once you're moving to actual sex in encounter. So basically "like" of it is almost entirely useless and you will not gain opinion boost. It's a little annoying (plus allowing much more annoying min-maxing with milking opinion by denying your partner).
- Threesome event is still breaking randomly even if rarely.

A small suggestion: quick search option for Contact list would be insanely sexy :) If it's too hard to do - at least give me an ability to mark as favorite instantly when you're meeting a character first time. Once you have 60+ character in list it's a huge pain.
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Active Member
Aug 24, 2017
What's the maximum employee count? I have around 20 employees and can't seem to hire anymore. Is there a cheat to increase maximum number of workers?


Aug 29, 2016
I saw a post a while ago that mentioned being able to make a save before meeting someone new so you could sorta force the game to refresh the images used for that person just in case it's something you're not interested in and for the life of me I can't figure out the right timing to do it? If someone exists on the map it seems like it's already locked in that character and never changes with reloading before speaking to them so is that no longer possible? Otherwise it feels like you have to just kinda save before every map change just in case there's a new character on the next screen (at least if you wanted to change a potential character).
If you are in to save editing, you can always remove the imagenumber from the save.
When you load it again the game will find a new image.

Not YrBroom

Feb 9, 2023
What's the maximum employee count? I have around 20 employees and can't seem to hire anymore. Is there a cheat to increase maximum number of workers?
Building locker rooms or employee lounges adds to your maximum. If you look under Mange Club and it says something like "Employees: 20/20" then you're at your current max. Absolute maximum is something like 55 when your club is fully built out. (Also see 'Room Types' under the help menu.)


Jul 31, 2017
If you are in to save editing, you can always remove the imagenumber from the save.
When you load it again the game will find a new image.
I tried this but maybe I did something wrong 'cause afterwards the contacts list just gets stuck empty with a loading icon unless I order it by "relation" only for some reason haha.
Your first sister also seems to be "created" in the same moment as your player character which makes it a pot luck on whether or not they're someone you even kind of like or not as well as rolling a decent main character image.
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Aug 29, 2016
I tried this but maybe I did something wrong 'cause afterwards the contacts list just gets stuck empty with a loading icon unless I order it by "relation" only for some reason haha.
Your first sister also seems to be "created" in the same moment as your player character which makes it a pot luck on whether or not they're someone you even kind of like or not as well as rolling a decent main character image.
I give an example. Btw I use Notepad+
This is part of the line
clubSTX-2978 STX-1SOHscw00022SOHbizcasSOHfunSOH2980SOHwill-15.199

Only remove scw00022. It should look like.
clubSTX-2978 STX-1SOHSOHbizcasSOHfunSOH2980SOHwill-15.199
Save it in Notepad++ and load it in the game.
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Nov 20, 2018
Maybe she doesn't like dating? Maybe she has a boyfriend now. It could be a bunch of reasons. I would need to know everything about her personality to know why she turned you down.
That may be, but the message box is also empty during those invites. That's why I thought about it being a possible bug.


Here is the save. Everyone in the Kitchen has this issue.


New Member
Apr 7, 2019
I can post jobs and reassign within the club, but no one ever asks for an interview, and whenever I ask anyone to interview, they always say that they're happy where they are. I'm also pretty heavily in debt, over $200k, would that have to do with it?
I am also having this issue. I saw someone else mention a bugged pornstar scene, which I think I also had. After that scene I completely lost the ability to hire anyone. Even my unemployed 100/100 girlfriend who loves working won't work for me.


Jul 11, 2017
Connecting your stats to your player image is silly. at the very least there should be a character sheet in game. Instead I'm trying to guess which opinion changes will help attraction.

Also, if you can convince girls to be bi, then you should be able to convince them to become straight or les.

Also, the game crashes like every 30- 45 minutes for me and the damned autosave doesn't work. My current autosave is from 3 days ago. Its incredibly frustrating to constantly lose your progress.

Dont get me wrong, I dig the game but it could be so much better.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
After playing a bit more can suggest a few things (but first and foremost - again, thank your for your game!):

a) You're using waaay too much randomness and sometimes in worst possible place - UI. Best example is visiting your girlfriend at her home and option to move on her is locked behind RNG wall. Seriously - don't do so, it's annoying like a hell. To be clear - receiving a random refuse (low arousal, tired, irrational, etc) is fine, but you should be always able to make attempt. At least on your official girlfriend :)
The make out option appears after two other options have taken place, like watching a movie or talking. However, you may not get the opportunity if your GF dominates the conversation. In general, it's her house so she will be mostly in charge. Every once in a while you will get a chance to pick what do to, but it's when she allows it. And she may ask you to leave before it gets to that point. In reality the hangout scene was not meant for the official gf which is why it's not available right from the start. I get how this doesn't feel right. I'll look into take that into consideration.

b) Same with "Propose relationship". Don't hide it behind a wall, make button always visible (if person is not already your girlfriend), then use a dialogue to tell conditions to the player. If you're considering about having way too many buttons - you can merge propose a friend & propose relationship into dialogue option for same button.
This is something I struggle with. Giving every possible option can be too much. But I understand the lack of feedback of why its missing. Merging it with propose friendship is a good idea though. Will look into that. (The main reason to not show it is mostly for performance reasons. If it's hidden it's faster for NPCs not to have to consider that option. The options listed to the MC follow the same logic as the NPC and the more options there, the slower the game will run)

c) Same with Calendar. Honestly it's mostly because of your current event planner issues (RNG events could and WILL override pre-planned, that shouldn't happen) but part of UI is lying to player. Job interviews or room construction being silently delayed is very bad (first person experience lol, I spend some time decoding your savefiles when one my room suddenly stopped construction progress for a few days). That's leading to extreme confusion.
I don't understand what Room construction has to do with this. That's not in the calendar and it's not delayed due to any other events. Construction progress only updates once a week, so if you check it every day you may not see any changes for a few days. The valid point is that interviews are scheduled for "daytime" without any specific time set. The calendar shows these entries in the morning even though they can happen at noon or in the afternoon. This is provide flexibility in case there were conflicts with multiple things scheduled for the same time. And there was no calendar view at that time. I need to revisit the interview scheduling.

d) Check for Photos basically non-usable. You're limited in storage AND deleting old photos taking a whole time period? Basically 2 periods for clearing old ones and checking socials for new ones??? Ridiculous. Same with job posting - canceling it shouldn't take a whole period.
You are probably right. Will look into it. At least the deleting photos shouldn't but it may be impossible to separate that from the posting photo to social media which should use a time period.

e) Friendship. Friendship seems to provide a permanent opinion bonus. Issue that you can't became a friend with your girlfriend while it still applied (and not overridden by GF status). IMHO it either need a fix or something like RNG event to be able to became friends with your own GF. Because currently you have "a proper route for min-max" and that's sick (IMHO).
I'm not sure what you mean by this. There's no permanent boost to opinion for being friends. I actually had to look it up because it kind of makes sense that there should be but there isn't. There is however a boost (is not permanent though) for agreeing to become bf/gf.

f) Small sex issues :cool::
- No kink-shaming and I don't want to be rude but seriously, do something with female obsession to penetrate male ass in pure straight relationship. At least low willpower girl with "love" to be submissive - IMHO shouldn't trigger it. But currently it happen.
- What is with mass voyeurism in that damned city? Every roommate is happy to watch since day 0 and you can't stop them from doing it. Even if you'd triggered "move into bedroom" - nah, they're following us. Exhibitionism of MC is not everyone kink so IMHO game should provide us an option here.
- Game do not count Hand & Oral stuff once you're moving to actual sex in encounter. So basically "like" of it is almost entirely useless and you will not gain opinion boost. It's a little annoying (plus allowing much more annoying min-maxing with milking opinion by denying your partner).
- Threesome event is still breaking randomly even if rarely.
You can say no to anal sex. It shouldn't happen without them asking first. And they shouldn't ask unless they like it, so you can also change their opinion so that they don't if it's keeps happening.
Moving to the bedroom should not bring the roommate in, so that's a bug.
The hand and oral issue is where you lose me. I don't care about min-max stuff, I don't care about optimal play etc. Have said this a million times. If you are worried that you go all the way you miss a tiny opinion boost then don't go all the way. It doesn't matter enough to be talking about it.
I haven't had a 3some event break for me a while so not sure what could be causing it. I'm sure there are still bugs so I'm not saying it's working perfectly. But those are hard to fix unless I actually see them.

A small suggestion: quick search option for Contact list would be insanely sexy :) If it's too hard to do - at least give me an ability to mark as favorite instantly when you're meeting a character first time. Once you have 60+ character in list it's a huge pain.
You do know that you can mark favorite characters on the contact page? But I'll look into putting it as an option the first time you meet them too. I would tend to want more info about them that the first time I meet them to make them a favorite but I understand others wanting it that way.

That may be, but the message box is also empty during those invites. That's why I thought about it being a possible bug.

Here is the save. Everyone in the Kitchen has this issue.
Generally I can't load your saves as I'm already have the next version up an running and it's a pain in the ass to revert back to an older version to load your save. But the missing dialog box did point me to a bug which I'll fix. There's a couple of reasons they won't go out with you that is missing the text explanation. One of them is that they are not feeling well, so check their health. Although they shouldn't be at work if that's the case. So perhaps there's something else going on which I'll look at.

I am also having this issue. I saw someone else mention a bugged pornstar scene, which I think I also had. After that scene I completely lost the ability to hire anyone. Even my unemployed 100/100 girlfriend who loves working won't work for me.
The other guys issue was too much debt. Are you in debt too?

Connecting your stats to your player image is silly. at the very least there should be a character sheet in game. Instead I'm trying to guess which opinion changes will help attraction.

Also, if you can convince girls to be bi, then you should be able to convince them to become straight or les.

Also, the game crashes like every 30- 45 minutes for me and the damned autosave doesn't work. My current autosave is from 3 days ago. Its incredibly frustrating to constantly lose your progress.

Dont get me wrong, I dig the game but it could be so much better.
I'm not sure I understand the first point. The only stats that are connected to your image is the way the image looks.

The autosaves saves every 20 days by default, which may not happen in 30-45 minutes. If your game is crashing that often, something is wrong as it shouldn't do that. If the game crashes, the best thing you can do is grab the last few hundred lines from the player log file (usually at C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\LocalLow\Total Fluke Studios\StripClubWars\Player.log) and post it here. That may have a clue as to what's happening.
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Aug 29, 2016
Also, the game crashes like every 30- 45 minutes for me and the damned autosave doesn't work. My current autosave is from 3 days ago. Its incredibly frustrating to constantly lose your progress.

Dont get me wrong, I dig the game but it could be so much better.
Open Config.dat and change the line
auto_save_freq int 20
Apr 28, 2018
Where can I find the keys for the law types so I can enter them in the cheat command:

cheat enable_law law_type_key
So that I could enable laws straight away?

Don't get me wrong dev, I love your game, i just wanted to fool around with some idea i had
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Active Member
Aug 24, 2017
Building locker rooms or employee lounges adds to your maximum. If you look under Mange Club and it says something like "Employees: 20/20" then you're at your current max. Absolute maximum is something like 55 when your club is fully built out. (Also see 'Room Types' under the help menu.)
It says 22/55 and rooms 29/70. But i no longer see the option to "consider for a job" when I meet people. Anything I am missing? I also don't have the option to built additional rooms.


Feb 18, 2018
Where can I find the keys for the law types so I can enter them in the cheat command:

cheat enable_law law_type_key
So that I could enable laws straight away?

Don't get me wrong dev, I love your game, i just wanted to fool around with some idea i had
In the 'data' folder there's a file called 'law_types' that has the errrr... law types in it. Just look up the law you want and use the cheat to enable it.

Eg. to enable nude performers, type cheat enable_law nude_allowed. and bingo-bongo nudies everywhere (assuming your performers are lewd enough to do it)

Exercise with caution though - I think it will let you enable laws that conflict with each other (like high tip sharing and no tip sharing at the same time) but I haven't tested it.


Sep 16, 2016
Another small issue: game have a memory leaks. One that I could reproduce is that game do not clear memory properly on loading save / starting a new game. Best way to see it is via character portrait:
a) When you're meeting a brand new character first time and game roll RNG to determine a portrait to use - it's saved as being in use permanently. So reloading a save just before it allow to pick another image. That's could be a feature and not a bug (still - look dangerously close to memory leak, especially if list of portraits in use don't actualize itself for example at start of new day).

b) When you're creating a new character and picking a portrait for him - it's locked as in use so you can't create a new character with same portrait. And that's indeed a memory leak and bad thing because reloading an existing save do not fix it (pick a portrait "A" for new char -> load existing save -> start a new game -> you are still not allowed to use portrait "A").


Jul 11, 2017
The make out option appears after two other options have taken place, like watching a movie or talking. However, you may not get the opportunity if your GF dominates the conversation. In general, it's her house so she will be mostly in charge. Every once in a while you will get a chance to pick what do to, but it's when she allows it. And she may ask you to leave before it gets to that point. In reality the hangout scene was not meant for the official gf which is why it's not available right from the start. I get how this doesn't feel right. I'll look into take that into consideration.

This is something I struggle with. Giving every possible option can be too much. But I understand the lack of feedback of why its missing. Merging it with propose friendship is a good idea though. Will look into that. (The main reason to not show it is mostly for performance reasons. If it's hidden it's faster for NPCs not to have to consider that option. The options listed to the MC follow the same logic as the NPC and the more options there, the slower the game will run)

I don't understand what Room construction has to do with this. That's not in the calendar and it's not delayed due to any other events. Construction progress only updates once a week, so if you check it every day you may not see any changes for a few days. The valid point is that interviews are scheduled for "daytime" without any specific time set. The calendar shows these entries in the morning even though they can happen at noon or in the afternoon. This is provide flexibility in case there were conflicts with multiple things scheduled for the same time. And there was no calendar view at that time. I need to revisit the interview scheduling.

You are probably right. Will look into it. At least the deleting photos shouldn't but it may be impossible to separate that from the posting photo to social media which should use a time period.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. There's no permanent boost to opinion for being friends. I actually had to look it up because it kind of makes sense that there should be but there isn't. There is however a boost (is not permanent though) for agreeing to become bf/gf.

You can say no to anal sex. It shouldn't happen without them asking first. And they shouldn't ask unless they like it, so you can also change their opinion so that they don't if it's keeps happening.
Moving to the bedroom should not bring the roommate in, so that's a bug.
The hand and oral issue is where you lose me. I don't care about min-max stuff, I don't care about optimal play etc. Have said this a million times. If you are worried that you go all the way you miss a tiny opinion boost then don't go all the way. It doesn't matter enough to be talking about it.
I haven't had a 3some event break for me a while so not sure what could be causing it. I'm sure there are still bugs so I'm not saying it's working perfectly. But those are hard to fix unless I actually see them.

You do know that you can mark favorite characters on the contact page? But I'll look into putting it as an option the first time you meet them too. I would tend to want more info about them that the first time I meet them to make them a favorite but I understand others wanting it that way.

Generally I can't load your saves as I'm already have the next version up an running and it's a pain in the ass to revert back to an older version to load your save. But the missing dialog box did point me to a bug which I'll fix. There's a couple of reasons they won't go out with you that is missing the text explanation. One of them is that they are not feeling well, so check their health. Although they shouldn't be at work if that's the case. So perhaps there's something else going on which I'll look at.

The other guys issue was too much debt. Are you in debt too?

I'm not sure I understand the first point. The only stats that are connected to your image is the way the image looks.

The autosaves saves every 20 days by default, which may not happen in 30-45 minutes. If your game is crashing that often, something is wrong as it shouldn't do that. If the game crashes, the best thing you can do is grab the last few hundred lines from the player log file (usually at C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\LocalLow\Total Fluke Studios\StripClubWars\Player.log) and post it here. That may have a clue as to what's happening.
Maybe not attributes, maybe traits or characteristics. Bald, curvy, big penis etc. When you pick a portrait is has a list of properties that go with it.

The crashes start occurring once I'm deep into a game.
3.80 star(s) 27 Votes