Let me know if this link works or not. Included are 6 packs, totalling 111 characters, as well as the TXT file listing who is who if you were curious for their names.
Forewarning, I made these for myself not really to share initially so if you don't like 'em don't use 'em.

They do not have removed backgrounds because I don't mind having them, though they SHOULD all display well enough. The early ones were mainly experiments when I first started playing so they're not as high quality as later ones, though they're fairly niche anyway. There's also more images than you might potentially see depending on stats and whatnot because I've tried to future-proof a lot of them just in case things open up to allow better access to more RNG with images in future.
Either way if anyone gets some use out of them then I don't mind sharing them.

(Also if Total Fluke doesn't want me to share them 'cause they're not typical PNGs or for any reason then let me know too!)
Packs are listed as "ofg" to add them to the game.