
New Member
May 28, 2017
Let me know if this link works or not. Included are 6 packs, totalling 111 characters, as well as the TXT file listing who is who if you were curious for their names.
Forewarning, I made these for myself not really to share initially so if you don't like 'em don't use 'em. :p
They do not have removed backgrounds because I don't mind having them, though they SHOULD all display well enough. The early ones were mainly experiments when I first started playing so they're not as high quality as later ones, though they're fairly niche anyway. There's also more images than you might potentially see depending on stats and whatnot because I've tried to future-proof a lot of them just in case things open up to allow better access to more RNG with images in future.
Either way if anyone gets some use out of them then I don't mind sharing them. :) (Also if Total Fluke doesn't want me to share them 'cause they're not typical PNGs or for any reason then let me know too!)

Packs are listed as "ofg" to add them to the game.

can u add something else ..not pixeldrain ..i cant download from there ..ty


Jul 31, 2017
can u add something else ..not pixeldrain ..i cant download from there ..ty
Updated my post with a Mega link as well. Idk where else to upload them, and I dunno how reliable Mega is for this sorta thing either honestly.
Also added Gofile, though they might expire 'cause I can't pay for an account lol.
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Jul 31, 2017
Hi Total Fluke, can you add a setting in the cfg file that adjusts the minimum lewdness requirements for various jobs? Or alternatively, the average lewdness of characters appearing in game?
You can probably edit that in the jobs text file in the data folder. Just have to be careful with what you change.


Mar 7, 2020
I have a drug problem. I control the cult, hold regular meetings and have a drug dealer in my contact list, and she's in my cult. But she won't sell me drugs in the talk menu or anyway else. I met her before I took over the cult and she is the only dealer in my list. Did I do something wrong?


Apr 29, 2017
my health dropped sharply from 70 to 15, what could be the reason?
Did you get in a fight?
Did you do the dirty, aka "non consentual" and the other didnt outright submit, but fought back?
That is usually a thing thats dropping your health sharply.
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Jun 11, 2017
There appears to be a bug that allows a girl to be the girlfriend of both the player and an NPC simultaneously.

As you can see from the screenshot, the girl is the player's girlfriend but also has an NPC listed as her boyfriend (the MC's name is not Harry Becker).


Here is Harry's info page to demonstrate he is not the MC, and to show the perspective from this side. Also, Harry's kind of an arsehole, wouldn't wish that on anyone!

I'm not sure how this occurred, so I'll try to explain the entire history to assist in identifying how this came about. In this example she became the MC's girlfriend first, and was employed by the MC. After a period she was persuaded to run for Commissioner, which she won, with the understanding she would vote as told. Obviously, at this point she stopped being the MC's employee. She was only the MC's girlfriend at this point. Some time after this, but within a few in game weeks at most, I received a notification inviting me to a party being thrown by Charlotte and Harry. I did not receive any notification that they had begun dating or moved in together. At this point I became suspicious and checked this screen, at that point there was no indication on the above screen that Charlotte and Harry were involved, as it said Boyfriend: "MC's name". But on Harry Becker's info page, his girlfriend was listed as Charlotte.

Hopefully you can resolve this issue, if I can assist further, please DM me.

A separate issue, is that if a sibling of the MC becomes their girlfriend, the girlfriend text appears to overwrite a lot of the sibling and incest text, and you no longer get incest descriptions during intimate encounters. This is disappointing and it would be good if you could reverse this.
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Okay, here's an idea; there needs to be a polygamy allowed law.
There's no law against it. You are allowed as many girlfriends as you can handle.

That said, it's not a bad idea to start the game with a law against it and then have the commissioner allow it. Will think about that.


I've met this interesting game recently and already started several games but never managed to play for more than a gameplay month. I have a question regarding the barista average wages (I only had a barista so far): they range between $18 to $22 per hour. Let's say 20.

Fact is that at start you have 4 hours per shift so your daily labour cost is around 80 bucks.
After a whole month from the "grand opening" I *never* had have more than 10 visitors (roughly 18-20 transactions) per shift in none of my games. This means that my assets are still under-employed.

Medium prices for alcohol are 4 buks, half of which go to pay alcohol purchases. So the final net sale is 2 bucks each transaction which means 40 dollar net sales income per shift, while my personnel costs me double that amount.

The break even point is 40 transactions, without calculating the business general expenses.

Like I already said I never played more than a game month so this is what I'm asking: is the break even point of 20 visits/40 transactions per shift reached anywhere in the following game months?

On a last note in this game a mere *barista* - if working 40 hours a week - is making 3800 bucks a month for wages, not counting the tips. I'm sure these figures are highly irrealistic and were thought for a better playability, but anyway: is there a tweakable template file for the general wages?


[edit] I already tweaked my barista to have a "service" ability of 100 to see if this would improve the visits. It did not happen, while she started to become more unhappy. I suppose for the under average hourly wage...
The start is slow, it will take a while. Early in the game you are only going to get a handful of customers each day and you will lose money. It will take about a year (at least until you have singers or can charge an entrance fee.
(And yes the figures aren't very realistic, and honestly the focus of the game is not the financial aspect - if that's what you are looking for you will be disappointed)

Thanks for that, but I figure there's more to it. For example, I sometimes start two rooms on the same day and when I check their progress later one will be over 30% while the other is still on 0.5%. So I'm guessing building work is allocated differentially with at least some random component but I'm wondering if anything the player does can influence it.
The two rooms are built independently of each other and the progress of one does not affect the progress of the other. The progress updates in chunks, not every week as someone suggested. You can get two updates in 3 days or no update in 10 days. The amount of progress however is proportional to how long its been since the last update, so you may get +3% after 3 days or +15% after 10 days. (This is a bad mechanic and I should fix it, but initially I worried that updating the room construction progress each day would be too big a drain on performance which probably isn't the case).

in the megapack v3 in file scw11 there's a image set labeled scw09527. I wanna use it on someone on console, but it said "invalid to said person" and the console said: invalid image file - either bad format or loose image with no master.

what do I do? I would really like to use it and the game won't let me.
I'm guessing the master (head) image for it is missing and the author either forgot to include it or didn't mean to include it. If that image is missing there's nothing you can do.

Hi Total Fluke, can you add a setting in the cfg file that adjusts the minimum lewdness requirements for various jobs? Or alternatively, the average lewdness of characters appearing in game?
The minimum lewdness for each job is specified in the jobs.txt file. You can change it there, although you would need to keep updating the file on every update. You can also increase the average lewdness of everyone by updating the abilities.txt file (in the lewdness line change the minimum from -100 to say -80 and that will move the average up 10 points). Again you would need to update that on every update. I wouldn't recommend either change, there may be some unexpected side effects about it. (A few points up or down is fine, but 20+ it may start to cause issues).

There appears to be a bug that allows a girl to be the girlfriend of both the player and an NPC simultaneously.

As you can see from the screenshot, the girl is the player's girlfriend but also has an NPC listed as her boyfriend (the MC's name is not Harry Becker).

Here is Harry's info page to demonstrate he is not the MC, and to show the perspective from this side. Also, Harry's kind of an arsehole, wouldn't wish that on anyone!

I'm not sure how this occurred, so I'll try to explain the entire history to assist in identifying how this came about. In this example she became the MC's girlfriend first, and was employed by the MC. After a period she was persuaded to run for Commissioner, which she won, with the understanding she would vote as told. Obviously, at this point she stopped being the MC's employee. She was only the MC's girlfriend at this point. Some time after this, but within a few in game weeks at most, I received a notification inviting me to a party being thrown by Charlotte and Harry. I did not receive any notification that they had begun dating or moved in together. At this point I became suspicious and checked this screen, at that point there was no indication on the above screen that Charlotte and Harry were involved, as it said Boyfriend: "MC's name". But on Harry Becker's info page, his girlfriend was listed as Charlotte.

Hopefully you can resolve this issue, if I can assist further, please DM me.

A separate issue, is that if a sibling of the MC becomes their girlfriend, the girlfriend text appears to overwrite a lot of the sibling and incest text, and you no longer get incest descriptions during intimate encounters. This is disappointing and it would be good if you could reverse this.
Cool... I always love to see these unusual situations in the wild! This is not a bug. You can have multiple girlfriends, and so can the NPCs! If you don't want them to make sure they like monogamy/hate polyamory. But they will be less acceptant of you if you do have multiple gfs.

I'm not sure what specifically you are referring to in the incest/sister/gf issue. During sex, if she's your gf, it must mean she's already cool with it, so it's not going to bring up the incest issue. If you are talking about something else, let me know.


Nov 23, 2023
I was wondering. I'm aware that if your MC is over 30 yrs old, the mother wont turn up. Is this true?

If so, can I recomment that if you choose a much older character for your MC, that a son or daughter could turn up instead of the mother, depending on your gender and sexual preferance of course.

I would like to play an older character, but there's no real motivation to do so at the moment and a son/daughter turning up would make it worth doing and could simply follow the mother story.

I hope all that made sense. :p

Also, if the MC isn't old enough to have a son/daughter or young enough to have mommy show up, it could be the ex husband/wife instead.
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Active Member
May 26, 2017
Does changing your employees opinions on work related things such as working, working weekends, working night shift, food prep, service work, etc effect their happiness, or how many days they take off and other work stuff or am I wasting my time and it's all meaningless conversation stuff?


Apr 29, 2017
There's no law against it. You are allowed as many girlfriends as you can handle.

That said, it's not a bad idea to start the game with a law against it and then have the commissioner allow it. Will think about that.
Just make sure, you dont mix up polyarmory with polygamy...

I'd like to keep my many GF's without hassle of the law, that should be out of the question.

Polygamy on the other hand, meaning having more than one wife or husband, is a whole different topic and that would be interesting to have and put into the laws.
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Nov 23, 2023
Just make sure, you dont mix up polyarmory with polygamy...

I'd like to keep my many GF's without hassle of the law, that should be out of the question.

Polygamy on the other hand, meaning having more than one wife or husband, is a whole different topic and that would be interesting to have and put into the laws.
I would prefer that neither are made illegal. What consenting adults do with other consenting adults should never be illegal. It's bad enough that I'm playing a game called Strip Club Wars and can't have strippers. Seriously I've played the game for over an (in game) year and can't get past lever 4 lewdness, let alone hire actual strippers.

If anyone has any tips, I'm all ears. I'd prefer not to cheat it though.

Just to add, I do love the game. I don't want the Dev to think I don't, even if I'm puzzled by some of their choices. I play these games to do things I can't do in real life, not that I would want to do some of the things I can do in these games. My reputation would be mud.
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New Member
Mar 1, 2019
Bug report: THIS BUG IS MY FOULT (Probably)

The cult meeting and the Amateur contest are not working in my save.

I can choose to hold a Amateur contest, but the event never happens, when the date I choose came I don't get a "worning" by nigth saying "amateur contest hapenning now, do you wanna go see that?" same with others clubs.

Same thing happens with the cult meeting. I get the "warning" to send e-mail to everyone about the meeting and a get the "warning" to go to the meeting, but, when I click to "go to the meeting" nothing happens, I just get "teleported" to the classroom but the event don't trigger. (Y.Y) I have 100+ followers it could be part of the problem maybe.

Probably it's my foult, because I edit the room txt file (locker room from 12 to 30 people and sex room from 1 to 10 people)

TotalFluke can you do something or I'm a lost cause?


Nov 21, 2021
Trying to date an employee of my club, they have 100 opinion and 100 attraction but in console when I propose a relationship I have a -14.x to desire to date me, not sure why they're so against it


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Would it be possible to have more incest-related unique responses to changing a friends sexuality?
I'll add it to the list.

I was wondering. I'm aware that if your MC is over 30 yrs old, the mother wont turn up. Is this true?

If so, can I recomment that if you choose a much older character for your MC, that a son or daughter could turn up instead of the mother, depending on your gender and sexual preferance of course.

I would like to play an older character, but there's no real motivation to do so at the moment and a son/daughter turning up would make it worth doing and could simply follow the mother story.

I hope all that made sense. :p

Also, if the MC isn't old enough to have a son/daughter or young enough to have mommy show up, it could be the ex husband/wife instead.
Originally the plan was to if you were an older character, the younger college sister would be a daughter. I figured I could massage that mostly with some string swapping but it turned out that wasn't the case, so it needs it's own code and that's more work. So it got in the backburner and never gotten to it. It's still on the to do list. The mom I never got to that point, but I assume that it would be a similar issue (although there's a lot less content for her so that would be easier).

Does changing your employees opinions on work related things such as working, working weekends, working night shift, food prep, service work, etc effect their happiness, or how many days they take off and other work stuff or am I wasting my time and it's all meaningless conversation stuff?
Yes, they all do. Working in general reduces the number of days they take off. The weekend/night shift affects their happiness. And the specific type of work also affects their happiness, their willingness to take less money and the customer satisfaction they generate.

is it a bug or not that the girl is already 104 percent pregnant?
That just means that they are past their due date. It's not a bug. It can go as high as 105% I think.

Just make sure, you dont mix up polyarmory with polygamy...

I'd like to keep my many GF's without hassle of the law, that should be out of the question.

Polygamy on the other hand, meaning having more than one wife or husband, is a whole different topic and that would be interesting to have and put into the laws.
Oh, I did read it wrong. Polygamy is not in the game. Given that the MC can't get married I don't see the point in adding it.

Bug report: THIS BUG IS MY FOULT (Probably)

The cult meeting and the Amateur contest are not working in my save.

I can choose to hold a Amateur contest, but the event never happens, when the date I choose came I don't get a "worning" by nigth saying "amateur contest hapenning now, do you wanna go see that?" same with others clubs.

Same thing happens with the cult meeting. I get the "warning" to send e-mail to everyone about the meeting and a get the "warning" to go to the meeting, but, when I click to "go to the meeting" nothing happens, I just get "teleported" to the classroom but the event don't trigger. (Y.Y) I have 100+ followers it could be part of the problem maybe.

Probably it's my foult, because I edit the room txt file (locker room from 12 to 30 people and sex room from 1 to 10 people)

TotalFluke can you do something or I'm a lost cause?
Ok, so the cult thing is likely an issue because of too many members. This is a simplification, but the code has a safeguard that if some operation is taking too long, it assumes something is wrong and it's stuck in an infinite loop and it kills the scene. In this case getting 100+ people to the room, and dressed and so forth may take long enough to appear as if it's stuck and the scene is killed. I suggest you kick a few out of the cult and see if it starts to work.

My guess is that the amateur one is a similar issue. If you increase your locker room to 30 people you probably have a lot of employees and it may be taking a long time to go thru them to find the proper employees to use. There's a way I can tell the system to give some operations a bit more leeway and I already do that on the cult one above, but not for the find employee ones, as it's not necessary with 60 or so employees. But if you have more than that I could see it becoming an issue.

I can give the system a bit more time to finish those tasks so will add that for the next version.

Trying to date an employee of my club, they have 100 opinion and 100 attraction but in console when I propose a relationship I have a -14.x to desire to date me, not sure why they're so against it
Here's some reasons why: if it's a student, they will be less likely to get in on relationships, specially with non-students, if you have the policy to prevent employee relationships, if there's a big age difference, if they are already in another relationship and if you are in another relationship already.


Oct 16, 2020
Question for everyone to answer,

How much are yous charging for drinks, food, coverage, and how many customers are you bringing in and what is their satisfaction?
3.80 star(s) 29 Votes