Kind of a technical question, not sure if it qualifies as a bug report - how are "younger/older" opinions supposed to work? The description in the help file indicates that it should be based on pure relative age (not age grouping like the images rely on), but it does not seem to actually be applying everywhere it should be. Example: my character is 22, one bartender is 23 with likes:Young at 1, and shows a 3.8 opinion mod listed for it. MC's sister is 25 with the same level of like and no opinion modifier shown, while another commissioner age 35 has likes:Young 1 as well and does display the modifier, and my janitor age 30 has the *same* level and fails to display any opinion mod.
Should I be bothering to grind this opinion onto older characters or is there some other modifier I am not seeing that prevents it from applying? Worth noting the sister started with Incest:0 without my intervention, so in theory that should not be blocking it from applying in her case. If I find 18 year olds, would giving them likes:Older apply that modifier to basically everyone else in the game?
First of all you are correct that it applies on the age difference, not the age bucket. So if you are 30 a 40 year old who likes Younger will like you more while a 25 year old that likes Younger will not. Note that these modifiers have no negative either, so in that example, the 25 year old will not like you less.
But the attraction modifiers have some issues. They are only set when they meet for the first time. So changing someone to like Young or Old won't help you. It will change the opinion of those who they meet later but not you since they already met you. The issue you have with your sister is that when you met, she probably didn't like incest, in which case she was not attracted to you, so none of these attraction values were applied. Having to change these modifiers whenever someone's opinion changes would be extremely cumbersome. The impact of these values on opinion is very small and I'm not even sure why I put them in given that they don't work right. I may just get rid of this at some point.
And to be clear, the attraction value does change after you change the opinion. So while your age is not affecting your sister's opinion of you, it will affect her attraction to you.
Yeah Janitors are massively important. Otherwise, you end up spending two time cycles a day cleaning instead of actually doing things that are fun.
On a related note, I've noticed that the last couple of times I started over, the storage room didn't get completed until March, despite me starting the process on Jan 1 and it says that it takes 41 days. Is this something that's variable?
The 41 days is the average time to complete. There's a random component which models the "randomness" of the people doing the work. That can change it by +/- 20% or so. There's also a how good you are at managing things (your focus ability) which also affects how slow/fast it happens. (The randomness of this is one of the most realistic things in the game)
Interesting game with great potential. But the more I play it, the more I start to feel like some kind of outcast. Unlike the rest of the characters, I can't get married, I'm homeless and have to live in my office, I can't even organize a party with friends at least once a year on my birthday, and so on. But these are all small things. The most disappointing thing is that I was deprived of the opportunity to react and influence the events taking place in the game. I'll give just one example: if, with the help of a private investigator or in any other way, you find out that your girlfriend cheated on you, you won't even be able to talk to her about it. Whether this conversation will lead to positive results or make things worse is another matter, but you should have the opportunity. Now you have only two options: either leave your girlfriend, or silently accept her betrayal and pretend that everything is fine. Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of such strange situations in the game, when events occur, but you can't react to them in any way.
Technically, you don't have to pretend everything is fine. You can say no to her when she asks for your time. You can try to convince her that cheating is bad, that the person she cheated with you is a jerk, etc. But there's NPC scene where they confront someone that cheated on them, I'm sure you have been on the other end of it. But it's not open to the MC but I don't remember why. I'll take a look to see if it makes sense to do that.
The game is in its early days and Fluke hasn't started to flesh it out that much. What you have for this early a game, from a singular dev is pretty good. Patience young padawan.

Love the idea of being able to organise parties yourself.
I appreciate the kind words, but "early days" is not quite accurate

. I've been working on this for almost 2 years, earlier if one counts a prior version of a similar game that I abandoned in favor of this one. It's been over a year since the first version was made public in this forum. I'm not planning to stop working on it, but for the most part I wouldn't expect any huge changes from here on out. As the game progresses it becomes harder to add new things without breaking existing ones.
One of the issues for parties is that I don't have a good interface for selecting multiple guests. There's a number of situations were that comes into play and they are all handled in a cumbersome way. (For instance the picking girls to help in the car wash). I'd prefer a way to select multiple people from a list but incorporating that with the current system has proven to be a challenge.
Q. can you actually make money atm in the game from start?? or you only lose money you buying staff like tutorials says around $20 for hire. & normal booze 1000 didn't mess with price. then set jobs evening to evening <-may not do anything but last ditch effort. but here point paying staff $680 week. or what ever.. & then paying utilites $750 what ever. per week.. you do all maintenance once at day but your always losing money per week. make only 50 to 70bucks a night... am i not getting something here or what.
or is game rigged like that you'll only lose money so have to cheat play past 20000 ==legit played 20hours literally can never make money.
I don't like to say it's rigged, but yes, you will lose money for about one year of game time, depending on how fast you get the commissioner to pass the singers law. You will lose money until hire singers and have an entrance with a hostess. You can go into debt, but as long as you do go much past $20k you will be fine. Don't expand any more than you need to and don't hire anyone extra until you get a singer and hostess.