
May 12, 2020
Another pack for I'm adding. I'll make a proper central post with them all when I've made a few more.

00106 - Aria Alexander
00107 - Barbara Palvin
00108 - Gina Gerson
00109 - Tina Hot
00110 - Sara Bell

Again multiple images for most categories (25-27 images per girl). This is definitely one for the small breast fans.

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Jul 31, 2017
Recently I started a new game and found a bug. My 22 year old male MC had -100 fertility from the start and I can't improve it at a hospital. Had to start a new game.


Jul 29, 2018
So my manager forgets sometimes to order food or alcohol and i could chose punishment.
What is the best way to raise the willingness for punishment?
Liking " following orders" does little to goes only 2 point down,from -63 to -61 currently (or up,depends how you see it).
Being submissive,loving revealing clothes and disliking complaining did nothing.
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Thank you for that good info.

On a related note, if I start construction of the closet the first day I start a new game, and then don't hire anyone or open the club until its built and I hire a janitor, do I need to do maintenance myself to keep it from falling apart during that time, or can I focus on other things in that window and let the janitor handle it in March onward when I do bring them on board?
The maintenance points goes up relative to how many visitors you have. So if you have no visitors, you will have very slow accumulation but it will go up a bit. I haven't done the math or tried it, but I'd guess is probably fine. I would just keep an eye on it and if it starts going over 1000, then you can manually handle it. Once over 1000 it starts affecting fame which not only affects how many people will come when you do open, but also how easy is to hire employees.

Thank you for your reply, but I think you didn't understand the meaning of what I wanted to say. I have given the case of the girl's betrayal only as an example. Here's another example: sometimes the game randomly invites me to wish a character a happy birthday (usually these are characters with whom I have no relationship). But I can't wish happy birthday to the characters close to me, because the game doesn't give me that opportunity. If you say it's a small thing, I totally agree with you. But when more than a hundred such "small things" accumulate in one game, it becomes impossible to ignore them.
I'm not trying to find fault, on the contrary, I really like your game, that's why I'm writing about its shortcomings. It's impossible to make a good game without paying attention to the details. But as I understand from your previous posts, it's very difficult to change anything in the game, so I won't waste your time anymore. I wish you good luck.
Yeah, I don't get what you are trying to say because your two examples are completely different. I explained the issue with the girl betrayal and even said I was going to look into it. Not sure what else you want.

As for the birthday, you always get a chance to wish happy birthday to anyone you know. You have to wait for their birthday to come up though. (There's some rare situations in which the event won't fire at all, if the character is not available to be interacted with but those should be pretty rare).

Is there a specific reason for the 20k as suggested limit for dept? I can't really understand how it would be possible to not go at least that much in dept. Unless the game should be played in some specific way. Based on my quick calculations only the buildings for being able to hire singer & host cost >25k. They can't be all immediately and during the wait you probably have at least a couple workers each costing around 1500 month: The tutorial seemed to indicate at least hiring someone to bar, kitchen and janitor. And the early game profits don't really cover the expenses. So, somehow having spent less than total 40k when singer/host can be hired seems difficult. Maybe playing around with the prices could help, but I would hope the default values are OK for the beginning.

Some possible bugs:
1. The action count during a time period seems to stay between saves/loads. Move around the rooms in club, load different save and you can move around less than expected before it moves to next time period.
2. In function &should_tell_father there seems to be some issue in the else brach of if(FH) {. After the decision in that branch, it always goes to else branch even if "true" was selected. Probably because of some limitation "true" cannot be used as value? Renaming it to "true2" seemed to work. Some conflict between string&bool maybe?
3. Some people have gotten "Ex" relation between them. But I don't believe they were ever dating or anything. I even added log prints to breakup function to monitor this and never saw anything. Actually, this is probably because the stalker thing during dates adding the relation.

4. I dislike it when the there many people in one location and the person list gets displayed without the pictures. I have no idea who is who cause I identified them by their pictures... At least on 4k resolution there would have been room to handle this in some different way. But maybe that is not possible in lower resolutions. Similarly, the log window would have a lot of free room to the right, now some long messages need scrolling.
First of all it's not a hard and fast rule. It's around the amount that you start getting some more significant penalties for being in debt. Debt affects the quality of products you can buy, and the employees you can hire. I don't know exactly what the minimum expense is to get to the point you can start making money. Maybe it's 40k, but you will also be making some money during this time. I know that it can be done without going over 20k in debt. It's hard, and it may take you a few tries to do it right and it will take longer to get there than if you just go $40k in debt. And it requires you doing a ton of work yourself. There's different ways to do it, but al of them will have you in debt at some point.

Why have debt at all and not give everyone $100k to start? Cause I wanted people to go thru in-debt phase.

1. Yes, the partial actions that you take are not included in the save file. If you want to save scum then you can get a bunch of free actions. Not going to worry about it.
2. Thank you. You are right, "true" will cause issues when used as a key in that situation. The $ans == "true" actually maps to $ans == true, which is true if $ans is not null, so $ans == "true" is true for any non-blank value of $ans. Amazing catch!
(I did check the code for any other instances of this and fortunately this was the only one)
3. Correct, the stalkers are added with that relationship. (I thought there was another case that did that too, but can't find it now).
4. Yeah, the smaller boxes would cause some names to get scrunched up too much to be readable on some screens. I've toyed with making the images appear in a hover, but can't seem to get that right. As for the message log, yeah it would be easy to do, but so few messages are that long that i don't like that huge black spot.

I am confused by Autosave and Quicksave/Load.
Autosave seems to make a save that occurs on the INT Day after start, aftwards, I don't see it save again. (EX, Autosave listed as1/11/2025, current date is 3/25/2025, INT Days is 10) I am assuming there should be a more recent autosave in the example.
I understand quicksave will save to the last save slot saved to, and Load will load from the last save slot loaded from, is this intentional? (EX Sequence, last loaded from saveslot 6, last saved to save slot 7, quicksave will save to saveslot 7, then when I goto quickload, it loads from save slot 6)
I am doing something wrong or need to change settings?
If you do a manual save, it won't autosave for 10 days after that. As for the quick load/save, no that appears to not be working right. If you do a quick load, if should load the last game that was saved, or if no game was save the last game that was loaded. If you do a quick save, it should save it on top of the last game that was saved or if not on the last game that was loaded. Actually this is too messy. I'm going to create separate quick save/load slots instead like every other game does.

found this command in the cheatsheet "int &get_preg_val(Person P1, string s1)" but it returned error when i try to use it. Can the command be used in the console to get the father id or was it just there in the cheatsheet?

also, is there another way to trigger a paternity test other than relying on the girl to want to do it herself?
You can't use those commands directly from the console. You need to write code in a TFL file and then run that. You can add a function like this to util.tfl for example:
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
(not sure if that's going to show up right)

There's no way to force a girl to do the paternity test if she doens't want to.

Recently I started a new game and found a bug. My 22 year old male MC had -100 fertility from the start and I can't improve it at a hospital. Had to start a new game.
Hmmm, that shouldn't happen. -90 should be the worst, unless you disabled pregnancies or you are infertile (which only applies to women at this point). Will take a closer look.

So my manager forgets sometimes to order food or alcohol and i could chose punishment.
What is the best way to raise the willingness for punishment?
Liking " following orders" does little to goes only 2 point down,from -63 to -61 currently (or up,depends how you see it).
Being submissive,loving revealing clothes and disliking complaining did nothing.
Managers should check the inventory every day. But that doesn't always work that way. The main reason for it is that they have other things to do. They don't know how to prioritize, so if they are working for a missing server, they may not be able to manager the inventory. So reduce their duties, they less they have the less distractions they will have. Doing other work also tires them, so if they are tired they won't be able to do any job.

Managers also only work Tue-Sat. So if you run out of alcohol on Sunday, they won't be around on Monday to deal with it. So you need to keep an eye on it. If they are at work on the day the low alcohol message appears, they should look into it, but that depends on their job skill. The better they are at their job, the less chance that they miss it.

Unfortunately none of the punishing will make them any better at their job. I may need to fix that. You will need to do training on them. Is the only thing that will make a difference. And still at 100 job skill they won't be perfect.


Nov 23, 2023
I've noticed that I can never get more than one idiot k.. per commissioner. Is this on purpose or am I just getting unlucky.
My favourite kink is incest, so this is one of my go to things to get extra interactions of that type.

As "DyreMezza" above asked.
" What is the best way to raise the willingness for punishment?"
"Liking " following orders" does little to goes only 2 point down,from -63 to -61 currently (or up,depends how you see it).
Being submissive,loving revealing clothes and disliking complaining did nothing."
I also would like to know how to do this, as it's frustrating that you're given the option to punish, but most of the time they just quit rather than accept it. Also, it's not just the Managers that do this, it's all staff that almost always refuse punishment.


Apr 29, 2017
There's no way to force a girl to do the paternity test if she doens't want to.
THAT should be mandatory and not a choice, as paternity fraud is a thing and has to be considered a heavy crime with serious consequences.
If they dont want to, its usually because they have something to hide and just want the one with the best possible outcome to play daddy...even with highest possible chance that he really isnt.

Anyways, i might have another bug:

coming from a 1.07 save continued into 1.08 about a year later i had to fire a constantly getting down in the bathroom by drugs host guy, coz he didnt listen and got aggro when i wanted to help him get off that stuff...then he somehow managed to get it on with my little sis, working in my most competitive club, which i couldnt let happen and have her possibly dragged down with him...

What did i do..well i hired the mobsters to get rid of him forever (paid over a hundred K for that)...well thing is, he kept sitting in the list, just without option to contact him, but about a month or so later he was back and still on with does that work?^^


Feb 3, 2018
Hello TotalFluke

I have read that you mentioned the game is hard to improve at this stage, and you’ve reached a point where making changes could break a lot of things.

So I’m not sure what your ambitions are for the game or if you still intend to make notable improvements to it. I was actually a bit saddened to hear that because the game’s potential, if you were able to continue developing it, is just incredible.

That being said, without knowing if these suggestions are easily achievable or unrealistic based on the code you’ve implemented, here are a few ideas for small improvements or additions that would greatly enhance my gameplay experience. They mostly involve providing additional information, and I’m wondering if it would be possible to integrate them:

+ The children of the character: Unless I’m mistaken, there’s no place where we can see the number of children the main character has. Even better, it would be great to know which other characters the main character has had children with. For example, it would be helpful to find this info on each character’s contact sheet. Ideally, there could even be a column dedicated to this in the "My Contact List." Or maybe on the main character’s contact sheet, you could group related information. Even more ideally (though I imagine this is impossible), being able to give names to the main character’s children would be a nice touch.

+ The skills of our employees in the club: Again, unless I’m mistaken, the skills of our employees don’t improve automatically unless we train them. It seems logical that after working in the club for two years, for example, someone working at the bar would be a much better bartender than when they were first hired ;-) If I’m not mistaken, skills during intimate acts improve over time. So I imagine the employees’ skills could also gradually improve as days pass, even if it’s very slow! Of course, if we want it to happen faster, we can always use training for that :). Once the club is well developed and we have many employees, it becomes quite tedious to improve all their skills in order to optimize the club. Having them improve a little automatically would be a great addition for immersion.

+ Probably difficult to implement: The ability to access a character's contact sheet during an interaction to remember the history of actions and intimate acts you’ve had with them. Right now, you can only access this information by going through the "My Contact List." It would be helpful to influence the current action by remembering past interactions :)

+ Similarly, in the "Contact List," if there were a column indicating the number of times you've had intimate relations with a person, that would also be an interesting statistic to have.

These are just small bonuses, but they would greatly increase the appeal of the game in my opinion. I don’t know if they’ll resonate with you or not. I might think of other ideas if I continue to invest more time in the game. Anyway, congratulations on getting the game to this point already!

Edit: A quick question as well: I’ve noticed that when the character is in light clothing, they stay that way as time passes. It’s also a bit inconvenient to have to put on decent clothing every time. Is there a way for the desired outfit to be automatically put on as time passes?
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
As for the birthday, you always get a chance to wish happy birthday to anyone you know. You have to wait for their birthday to come up though. (There's some rare situations in which the event won't fire at all, if the character is not available to be interacted with but those should be pretty rare).
Thought more about this and figured I hadn't seen those birthday messages popup as often as they should. So looked into it, and there's indeed a bug that's preventing them from appearing. I honestly don't know how it broke. Anyway, will be fixed on the next version.

I've noticed that I can never get more than one idiot k.. per commissioner. Is this on purpose or am I just getting unlucky.
My favourite kink is incest, so this is one of my go to things to get extra interactions of that type.

As "DyreMezza" above asked.
" What is the best way to raise the willingness for punishment?"
"Liking " following orders" does little to goes only 2 point down,from -63 to -61 currently (or up,depends how you see it).
Being submissive,loving revealing clothes and disliking complaining did nothing."
I also would like to know how to do this, as it's frustrating that you're given the option to punish, but most of the time they just quit rather than accept it. Also, it's not just the Managers that do this, it's all staff that almost always refuse punishment.
Only one idiot kid per commissioner.

This applies to pretty much eveything in the game: if you want to convince someone of something what matters the most is: your sociability, their will power and how much they like you. You can't do anything about the first two. But you need to keep your employees liking you. It matters a lot. Not just for this but for EVERYTHING. Then after that, if they like following orders. Then what kind of relationship you have. Girlfriends, employees, close family, followers, will all get bonus to accepting it. And finally are they attracted to you.

Now in this case, it also matters their honor (higher honor will make them more willing to take it), how much they like the job which includes their salary (which matters more the greedier they are), and their opinion on the proper job (for instance a bartender should like Food Prep Work).

So if you want them to be more willing to take the punishment, make sure that they love following orders, they like you as much as possible, they like their job category and they are well paid. And here's another hint: stay away from high will power girls. They are going to be a problem and there's nothing you can do about them.

THAT should be mandatory and not a choice, as paternity fraud is a thing and has to be considered a heavy crime with serious consequences.
If they dont want to, its usually because they have something to hide and just want the one with the best possible outcome to play daddy...even with highest possible chance that he really isnt.

Anyways, i might have another bug:

coming from a 1.07 save continued into 1.08 about a year later i had to fire a constantly getting down in the bathroom by drugs host guy, coz he didnt listen and got aggro when i wanted to help him get off that stuff...then he somehow managed to get it on with my little sis, working in my most competitive club, which i couldnt let happen and have her possibly dragged down with him...

What did i do..well i hired the mobsters to get rid of him forever (paid over a hundred K for that)...well thing is, he kept sitting in the list, just without option to contact him, but about a month or so later he was back and still on with does that work?^^
To clarify the paternity test. The woman makes the decision. However, if you don't accept the kid as yours, she will decide to have the test to prove it. So you can enforce it if you want.

About that failed disappearance, I'm not surprised. There's no good way for me to get rid of an actual object in the game (like the common request to delete a room). Because of internal dependencies it is possible that the disappeared had a pending event that brought him back. It's not an easy one to find. I've seen it happy and even with my logs I can't always figure out why they came back. I just have to go thru all the code for the events that are not character driven and make sure they don't fire on a character that's "gone". (For example, the character could have a pending court case or he could be someone else's stalker, or he could be one of the movie actors, etc.)

Hello TotalFluke

I have read that you mentioned the game is hard to improve at this stage, and you’ve reached a point where making changes could break a lot of things.

So I’m not sure what your ambitions are for the game or if you still intend to make notable improvements to it. I was actually a bit saddened to hear that because the game’s potential, if you were able to continue developing it, is just incredible.

That being said, without knowing if these suggestions are easily achievable or unrealistic based on the code you’ve implemented, here are a few ideas for small improvements or additions that would greatly enhance my gameplay experience. They mostly involve providing additional information, and I’m wondering if it would be possible to integrate them:

+ The children of the character: Unless I’m mistaken, there’s no place where we can see the number of children the main character has. Even better, it would be great to know which other characters the main character has had children with. For example, it would be helpful to find this info on each character’s contact sheet. Ideally, there could even be a column dedicated to this in the "My Contact List." Or maybe on the main character’s contact sheet, you could group related information. Even more ideally (though I imagine this is impossible), being able to give names to the main character’s children would be a nice touch.

+ The skills of our employees in the club: Again, unless I’m mistaken, the skills of our employees don’t improve automatically unless we train them. It seems logical that after working in the club for two years, for example, someone working at the bar would be a much better bartender than when they were first hired ;-) If I’m not mistaken, skills during intimate acts improve over time. So I imagine the employees’ skills could also gradually improve as days pass, even if it’s very slow! Of course, if we want it to happen faster, we can always use training for that :). Once the club is well developed and we have many employees, it becomes quite tedious to improve all their skills in order to optimize the club. Having them improve a little automatically would be a great addition for immersion.

+ Probably difficult to implement: The ability to access a character's contact sheet during an interaction to remember the history of actions and intimate acts you’ve had with them. Right now, you can only access this information by going through the "My Contact List." It would be helpful to influence the current action by remembering past interactions :)

+ Similarly, in the "Contact List," if there were a column indicating the number of times you've had intimate relations with a person, that would also be an interesting statistic to have.

These are just small bonuses, but they would greatly increase the appeal of the game in my opinion. I don’t know if they’ll resonate with you or not. I might think of other ideas if I continue to invest more time in the game. Anyway, congratulations on getting the game to this point already!

Edit: A quick question as well: I’ve noticed that when the character is in light clothing, they stay that way as time passes. It’s also a bit inconvenient to have to put on decent clothing every time. Is there a way for the desired outfit to be automatically put on as time passes?
The game is at a stage that's far enough along to have accomplished all my initial ideas and them some. It doesn't mean that there are no further improvements to be made. But at the same time, I also don't expect to add things just for the sake of adding things. Like I would add a new location or a new club room only if doing so adds something new in terms of gameplay (or be "notable" to use your term). To be more specific, the next version will add two main things: additional interactions during the cult meetings and a new gambling mechanic that will put more people in debt and create new interactions around it.

+ Correct on the number of children issue. That was sort of hacked in at the end and there's not a good place to put it, as it doesn't affect gameplay in any way. The info is tracked so I can show it. I just haven't found space for it. But that's doable. Now keeping track of which child has which parents that's a bigger problem. That requires each child to be an actual object, and if they are a "person" object then that introduces a lot of issues that I don't want to mess with. Instead I could a different type of object, but that's a lot more work. And given that it would need all the relationship code from a regular person object it can get pretty messy. So my point is, that's really hard and that's probably something that won't happen unless I have a big inspiration of how to do it (for the record I didn't think pregnancies would ever happen but eventually I thought of how to do them). There's is opinion modifier "My Baby's Father" or something like that a woman will get when you father her child. I realize that's not what you are asking, but it's all we have at this point.

+ I'm still amazed how often that one comes up. You can click on a person's name while in an interaction to show their full details screen.

+ That also is there. At the bottom there's a Sex Stats line. It shows how often you've gotten how far with that person. (If you look at your own, that's the total for all partners, but for all other people its just with you).

In general, you are responsible for your own clothing choices. There's a few exceptions, like after a sex encounter it reverts back to what you were wearing before. If you go on dates you get dressed up appropriatedly as well. (If you do an interview you also get dressed up but that was originally a bug in that I dressed the wrong person, but I left it in because it made some sense).


Jan 20, 2021
Thought more about this and figured I hadn't seen those birthday messages popup as often as they should. So looked into it, and there's indeed a bug that's preventing them from appearing. I honestly don't know how it broke. Anyway, will be fixed on the next version.

Only one idiot kid per commissioner.

This applies to pretty much eveything in the game: if you want to convince someone of something what matters the most is: your sociability, their will power and how much they like you. You can't do anything about the first two. But you need to keep your employees liking you. It matters a lot. Not just for this but for EVERYTHING. Then after that, if they like following orders. Then what kind of relationship you have. Girlfriends, employees, close family, followers, will all get bonus to accepting it. And finally are they attracted to you.

Now in this case, it also matters their honor (higher honor will make them more willing to take it), how much they like the job which includes their salary (which matters more the greedier they are), and their opinion on the proper job (for instance a bartender should like Food Prep Work).

So if you want them to be more willing to take the punishment, make sure that they love following orders, they like you as much as possible, they like their job category and they are well paid. And here's another hint: stay away from high will power girls. They are going to be a problem and there's nothing you can do about them.

To clarify the paternity test. The woman makes the decision. However, if you don't accept the kid as yours, she will decide to have the test to prove it. So you can enforce it if you want.

About that failed disappearance, I'm not surprised. There's no good way for me to get rid of an actual object in the game (like the common request to delete a room). Because of internal dependencies it is possible that the disappeared had a pending event that brought him back. It's not an easy one to find. I've seen it happy and even with my logs I can't always figure out why they came back. I just have to go thru all the code for the events that are not character driven and make sure they don't fire on a character that's "gone". (For example, the character could have a pending court case or he could be someone else's stalker, or he could be one of the movie actors, etc.)

The game is at a stage that's far enough along to have accomplished all my initial ideas and them some. It doesn't mean that there are no further improvements to be made. But at the same time, I also don't expect to add things just for the sake of adding things. Like I would add a new location or a new club room only if doing so adds something new in terms of gameplay (or be "notable" to use your term). To be more specific, the next version will add two main things: additional interactions during the cult meetings and a new gambling mechanic that will put more people in debt and create new interactions around it.

+ Correct on the number of children issue. That was sort of hacked in at the end and there's not a good place to put it, as it doesn't affect gameplay in any way. The info is tracked so I can show it. I just haven't found space for it. But that's doable. Now keeping track of which child has which parents that's a bigger problem. That requires each child to be an actual object, and if they are a "person" object then that introduces a lot of issues that I don't want to mess with. Instead I could a different type of object, but that's a lot more work. And given that it would need all the relationship code from a regular person object it can get pretty messy. So my point is, that's really hard and that's probably something that won't happen unless I have a big inspiration of how to do it (for the record I didn't think pregnancies would ever happen but eventually I thought of how to do them). There's is opinion modifier "My Baby's Father" or something like that a woman will get when you father her child. I realize that's not what you are asking, but it's all we have at this point.

+ I'm still amazed how often that one comes up. You can click on a person's name while in an interaction to show their full details screen.

+ That also is there. At the bottom there's a Sex Stats line. It shows how often you've gotten how far with that person. (If you look at your own, that's the total for all partners, but for all other people its just with you).

In general, you are responsible for your own clothing choices. There's a few exceptions, like after a sex encounter it reverts back to what you were wearing before. If you go on dates you get dressed up appropriatedly as well. (If you do an interview you also get dressed up but that was originally a bug in that I dressed the wrong person, but I left it in because it made some sense).
Looking forward to the interactions you planned around the gambling mechanic would be nice if a wife can pay her husbands debt in sexual ways


Feb 3, 2018
+ Correct on the number of children issue. That was sort of hacked in at the end and there's not a good place to put it, as it doesn't affect gameplay in any way. The info is tracked so I can show it. I just haven't found space for it. But that's doable. Now keeping track of which child has which parents that's a bigger problem. That requires each child to be an actual object, and if they are a "person" object then that introduces a lot of issues that I don't want to mess with. Instead I could a different type of object, but that's a lot more work. And given that it would need all the relationship code from a regular person object it can get pretty messy. So my point is, that's really hard and that's probably something that won't happen unless I have a big inspiration of how to do it (for the record I didn't think pregnancies would ever happen but eventually I thought of how to do them). There's is opinion modifier "My Baby's Father" or something like that a woman will get when you father her child. I realize that's not what you are asking, but it's all we have at this point.

In general, you are responsible for your own clothing choices. There's a few exceptions, like after a sex encounter it reverts back to what you were wearing before. If you go on dates you get dressed up appropriatedly as well. (If you do an interview you also get dressed up but that was originally a bug in that I dressed the wrong person, but I left it in because it made some sense).
Thank you for your response. And by the way, more generally, thank you for your involvement in patiently responding to everyone; it really adds a lot of value to the interest we can have in a game.

+ Regarding the children, I think if you manage to convert them into just a "number" without giving them real existence, that would already be great. For example, on the character's contact sheet. I understand the difficulty in creating objects and multiplying connections with these new objects.

+ There was also the suggestion to gradually and automatically level up employees' skills? Maybe it’s already in place, and I haven’t noticed it because it progresses very slowly?

+ Thanks for the info on accessing the contact sheet while interacting with a character. Sorry for not finding the information myself. I do use the search function on the site as much as possible, and I followed your tutorial up to a certain point. Since I’m not very good at English, I probably skipped over the part where it was explained. That said, it’s great to have it now for a quick "memory refresh" :)

+ Regarding the clothing, it’s true that after intimate actions, you have to manually dress again each time. Being able to automatically re-dress would be really convenient. But, it’s really a minor thing, and it would just be a nice addition if it’s easy to implement.


Feb 3, 2018
Hello, Is there a tool or a pattern to follow in order to remove the STD disease from a saved file?
If you look a few pages back, or if you search for 'STD' in this thread, you should find the answer to your question.

This topic is covered in my first messages in this thread.
In summary: there is no automatic procedure to clean the disease from a save file all at once.

01. You can protect yourself by replacing the second-to-last digit with a 0 in your line by editing with Notepad+.
02. You can avoid being reinfected and control the spread by putting 0 in the fields you find under 'Options' / 'Characters' / and the last two lines where 'STD' is mentioned.
03. You can 'miraculously heal' your favorite contacts by searching for them in your save file and, just like for your character, replacing the second-to-last digit.
(04.) I don't know if it makes a difference, but I also replace with 0 the values on the first line when 'STD' is mentioned. I feel like it's just related to the announcement of the disease. It always ends up coming back to 1 as far as I'm concerned.

However, be careful in my case: some rumors persist. In fact, I can't delete the fact that the 'doctor' my character consulted still mentions the disease and refuses to go further with the character. I changed the rumor delay from 31 to 01 in the file referenced by TotalFluke, but the rumor persists, even after a month and, in fact, even after 31 months :)

Edit: I would also add, as mentioned a few messages above, that even by putting a 0 in the two affected fields, at some point the scenario will bring up the announcement of the disease's existence. Whether it's in a game with an 'infected' save or a new game started with the values set to 0.

Here are the latest messages on the topic a few pages back:
Or simply check pages 170 to 173.

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Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
is there a way to make npc have a relationship to other npc?
If you mean: can you force it, then probably no. NPCs will enter relationships with other NPCs on their own accord though. Not as much probably as the player, who may be part of 90% of the relationships in the whole city ...


Apr 29, 2017
hi, can anyone tell me how to add all 600 models to select the main character when starting a new game? I wrote something in the configuration file, but I was able to increase the selection from 50 to only 296 models, although I specified 600
its completely irrelevant what you write in there, the models you get are the ones that you have specified for your age(range) and ethnicity, the 296 are the ones you have that fit to your criteria.
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Nov 1, 2017
its completely irrelevant what you write in there, the models you get are the ones that you have specified for your age(range) and ethnicity, the 296 are the ones you have that fit to your criteria.
thx for the answer, then another point, how to choose another ethnicity and how to add the ogf pack, because I did not see or did not notice the variants of models from this pack
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Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
thx for the answer, then another point, how to choose another ethnicity and how to add the ogf pack, because I did not see or did not notice the variants of models from this pack
Ethnicity and age are chosen from drop down menus on the first page where you also enter your name. As for adding packs, you need to include them (respectively their prefix) in the used packs file manually.


Apr 29, 2017
thx for the answer, then another point, how to choose another ethnicity and how to add the ogf pack, because I did not see or did not notice the variants of models from this pack
Your ethnicity is being chosen when you start you game, to change it, start a new game or heavily edit your save file.(Notepad++ is best used for that)

Adding packs to be recognised by the game is to edit them into the user_config (normal editor is enuff) file in the main folder, looking like that for pretty much everything:
image_modules string scw,gar,nyb,ccw,exp,lfm,old,ofg,alm
scw should be automatically in there, the other ones you use are to be edited in with a comma and no spaces, also no numbers or so, just the 3 letters they usually use.


Apr 9, 2020
Let me know if this link works or not. Included are 8 packs, totalling 160 characters, as well as a TXT file listing who is who if you were curious for their names. I added their number codes to the file too just in case you don't have Notepad++ to open it with.

Forewarning, I made these for myself not really to share initially so if you don't like 'em don't use 'em. :p
They do not have removed backgrounds because I don't mind having them, though they SHOULD all display well enough. The early ones were mainly experiments when I first started playing so they're not as high quality as later ones, and some are fairly niche anyway since I wanted to hit more demographics the game includes for characters. There's also more images than you might potentially see depending on stats and whatnot because I've tried to future-proof a lot of them just in case things open up to allow better access to more RNG with images in future. Also includes BJ/sex images where available, similar to the LFM image sets.
Either way if anyone gets some use out of them then I don't mind sharing them. :)

Packs are listed with the modkey "ofg" to add them to the game.


Note: If you downloaded prior to 22nd Jan 2025 you will have to re-download ofg6, as that is now a complete file, since I aim for 20 characters per folder.

How can I install this? I extracted to chracter folder but in game said no image file found


Sep 4, 2019
Loaded my new 1.08 save and all of a sudden people keep saying such and such is a virgin.

Last one was my barmaid who is pregnant and has had vaginal sex 10+ times?
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