Tanuki Taro

Jul 13, 2018
Ok, I think the problem is that they are not at work. You can only fire or reassign them when they are at work. If you go to the employee list of the Manage Club, do they ever show as being "IN" or showing hours worked? If they are never IN that means that they are not assigned to any room in the club so they are never working and you are probably not paying them. Editing the save file may be the only way to fix this.
How can I edit the save file to get the worker to show up to her room at the club? As it is, she simply stays home (as far as I can tell).
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Aug 5, 2018
Are the managers Professional Work, Office Work, bith, neither or something else? Are the Strippers entertainment or sex work? Is a Masseuse Skilled Labor, Professional, Physical Training, Sex, etc.
From the game files (data->jobs.txt):
  • Bar: Craft (I think this is now food prep or something)
  • Bouncer: Security
  • Business Mng: Legal
  • Cook: Craft
  • Dancer: Entertain
  • Driver: Skilled
  • Hooker: Sex
  • Host: Service
  • Janitor: Manual
  • Lifeguard: Swim
  • Market Mng: Creative
  • Masseuse: Physical
  • Office Manage: Clerical
  • Owner: Professional
  • Restroom: Manual
  • Singer: Entertain
  • Stripper: Sex
That file also contains the factors for job performance which I like to mess with a lot. Regarding making people happy, I think it's much easier to have a relationship then a lot of sex with them. I also get them to love work, weekends, nights and their particular area, as well as working out, reading and coffee for stat gains but haven't seen massive effects.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
I believe Hostess is also using the old skill calculation logic as moving that employee to the Entrance barely raised her rating.
The old calculation logic you refer was job skills that got worse when someone was trained on a particular skill. There are none like that any more. Did you see her job skill go down after training? If so then there's a bug somewhere. Note that some jobs have components that can not be trained so you can't keep raising their skill. For example, a restroom attendant skill includes negative will power and greed. So if she has positive values for those, then that will hurt how high you can get the skill up.

Also, the restroom attendants skill is mostly useless, it doesn't contribute to your revenue or satisfaction (other than the ocassional employee recognition event). There's not much point in training them.

I have a small query. Does making someone like or love the job type that they are doing have any effect on happiness, because I have been convincing my employees to like their job, as well as liking working, working weekends and working nightshifts and half of them are still miserable. Assuming it does help, some jobs are not that clear. Are the managers Professional Work, Office Work, bith, neither or something else? Are the Strippers entertainment or sex work? Is a Masseuse Skilled Labor, Professional, Physical Training, Sex, etc.

All does making Strippers/Masseuses like/love Recealing Clothing/Public Nudity, etc. help.

For the amount of time I am spending trying to get my employees to love the various opinions that I think would make them happier in their role, I am seeing very little return. It would be much quicker to just keep giving them gifts or recognizing good work, but I was hoping that once they had all the helpful opinions, they would need less maintenance and also the gifts, etc. seem to have a diminishing return, so I could only do that for so long before it would be virtually ineffective. Obviously I could keep swapping their jobs, but that doesn't always work either.

That may have been a slightly bigger query than I thought.
Yes, it has an impact, is probably one of the biggest components of happiness that you can control. Working weekends/night shift is not a factor yet, but at some point it may be. Someone else posted the job categories so not going to do that.

Some other factors that matter: do they make less money than the average at that job, does the job pay poorly relative to other jobs, is the club doing poorly relative to other clubs, do they have to share their tips, is the job too lewd for them, are they being forced to wear something they aren't comfortable wearing, have they been at the job for too long, do they want a relationship and don't have one (or vice-versa), is their will power too high, is their greed too high, is their health poor, are they too irrational, etc. Those are the things that put constant pressure on the happiness. Events also contribute, although those work both ways. Getting a raise gives a happiness bump. So does getting a gift or being recognized, or being able to rest when they are too tired.

How can I edit the save file to get the worker to show up to her room at the club? As it is, she simply stays home (as far as I can tell).
I would need a lot more info. What exactly is the issue?


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
4) What I'm saying is that it's just dull and frustrating. The save and reload is because I have one shot, unless it's the person who works at the coffee shop, it's going to take me three real life hours before I find this person again. Now, I'm not saying lift their mechanic straight up, but I'm saying that the fact there was a mechanic is what made it fun. You can have your own, but finding a fun mechanic to make people change opinions could take this from a slightly better open sandbox to an actual fun game. And as opposed to some people have high willpower, too bad, then finding ways to bring down their willpower can be another super fun mechanic to add in as well. I know you may have the idea of making it so that some people are just unattainable, but there's entire pages of in this thread of people talking about it being annoying and frustrating, and how to manipulate the save files to do away with that. When your player base is doing that, they're trying to tell you something. And the mini game mechanic of changing their opinions and lowering their willpower could be huge to the enjoyment of the game. An actual game mechanic to give players more to work towards and be rewarded for, which adds to the enjoyment and replayablity.

I'll limit myself to the 4th point for now which is probably the most interesting one. I'm not seeing that there is a huge problem in getting to get people to change opinions. There may be an occasional hard liners, but high-willpower people are not common by any means (commissioners and club owners have higher will than normal, but outside of that most of the girls you are going to be hiring should have low will power, certainly one that's not going to be an issue). The level of frustration you seem to be having with this is hard for me to understand. I disagree that there's no mechanic. It's just more subtle and it involves different steps for different characters.

If you want to meet someone, you send your target a text before moving, ask them where they are at. If they say they are somewhere, you can go there and meet them. And then interact with them before the time passes. If they tell you they are at home you can ask them to meet you. They can then come to you or tell you where they will be and you can go there and meet them. You can do this on any period as long as you haven't moved before. There's no need to be bouncing around the map looking for people. Now if they don't respond to your texts is because they don't like you enough. Which if they don't like you enough for that they probably don't like you enough to change their opinion on stuff. So you need to work on bringing their opinion up first.

Meet people that way or simply meet the people you run into. If you go to the park and the person you want is not there, talk to whoever is there. Do the simple Idle Chat, maybe you'll get a chance to set an opinion that will come in handy later on.

All that said, there's always a good chance that something is out of balance. So if you have specific examples that something isn't as easy as it should be, please post the details and we can work thru it. I have done this with others and found bugs in the formulas that way.
Aug 9, 2018
The old calculation logic you refer was job skills that got worse when someone was trained on a particular skill. There are none like that any more. Did you see her job skill go down after training? If so then there's a bug somewhere.
See my earlier post (#677) with screenshots.


Sep 17, 2018
After flipping through this thread I love this game more and more, there's so many little tweaks you can do here and there to make it even more enjoyable (thanks to everyone and especially zargal, that right there was a game changer for me).
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Jun 3, 2017
After flipping through this thread I love this game more and more, there's so many little tweaks you can do here and there to make it even more enjoyable (thanks to everyone and especially zargal, that right there was a game changer for me).
once the modings in this game is in its defiantly going to pop off. im horrible with technical stuff but even i was able to figure out how to add and change some things to my liking. i usually cant change shit with unity unless im using saveeditor
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Active Member
Feb 3, 2018
One caveat for all you savegame editors: Age is hard-wired to some jobs in the jobs.txt file, and while you can change an employee's age below 18 (there are real-world waitresses and hostesses under 18 in the hospitality industry) it seems to set their effective skills to zero if you dip below this minimum age. Likewise changing the age ranges in the archetypes file will not produce a character under 18 regardless of the low end of the range you set. I assume this is deliberate on the dev's part to ensure there's never any underage sex, and I'm not complaining about it, it's their game and their rules.

I changed a bouncer, a bartender, and a cook to 18 years old, and it set their effective skill to zero as well, due to the minimum requirements in jobs.txt. I'm not too cheesed by it, a bartender should be old enough to serve alcohol, so that makes sense. A bouncer, well, I suppose you want them to have a certain level of maturity. But tell me there aren't any 18-year-old cooks in the real world. A minimum age of 23 seems strange for a cook job, and I'll probably tweak these values as well for my playthrough. Paramedic is another one, it's set to 26. I worked as a paramedic at 22. Many of the age requirements are just disassociated from the real world. Police Officer is another weird one, it carries a minimum age of 30. There are tens of thousands of police across the U.S. who are in their early 20s.
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Aug 15, 2022
Yes, it has an impact, is probably one of the biggest components of happiness that you can control. Working weekends/night shift is not a factor yet, but at some point it may be. Someone else posted the job categories so not going to do that.

Some other factors that matter: do they make less money than the average at that job, does the job pay poorly relative to other jobs, is the club doing poorly relative to other clubs, do they have to share their tips, is the job too lewd for them, are they being forced to wear something they aren't comfortable wearing, have they been at the job for too long, do they want a relationship and don't have one (or vice-versa), is their will power too high, is their greed too high, is their health poor, are they too irrational, etc. Those are the things that put constant pressure on the happiness. Events also contribute, although those work both ways. Getting a raise gives a happiness bump. So does getting a gift or being recognized, or being able to rest when they are too tired.
I have one that is being a particular pain in the arse at the moment. She is my girldfriend. She has a lewdness of 100. She loves Sex Work, Working and most of the sex options. She was a stripper and her happiness would go up and down quite randomly, so I reassigned her as a Sex Worker, which she agree to. I bumped her wages to the appropriate level and now she will be OK for a couple of days and then her happiness will just drop by 20-30 the next day. She has only been a Sex Worker for 8 days, so that's not an issue.

She does have a Willpower of 38 and Rationailty of -23, but I have a less lewd Sex Worker with 64 Willpower and she isn't a problem.


Jan 22, 2018
So far the only things that I have modified, other than character image files, are the user_config.dat file and the save file. The only things I changed in the save file were MC stats. I will try what you have suggested above. I assume from that that the tfo file is created when the game starts and overrides the tfl file.
Maybe you can help me, since it is regarding the saves. I can only progress so far in this game. I gave it another shot with the 4h download, but it does the same.

Starting the game, I can save 4-5 times. After that, I usually get an infinite spinning hourglass when I try to save.

I can keep playing until the game hits a glitch, usually at the end of a day...where I get the hourglass again. I have to shut it down and restart it. But it doesn't have an updated auto save and I basically go back to the last time it would let me save.

My save info file for this latest version looks like this.

slot 0 1 3721 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 10:34 PM" 0.4h
slot 1 1 3867 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 11:36 PM" 0.4h
slot 2 1 3981 "Club Pan" "Tue Apr 2 2024 09:38 AM" 0.4h
slot 3 1 3639 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 10:07 PM" 0.4h
slot 4 0
slot 5 0
slot 6 0
slot 7 0
slot 8 0
slot 9 1 3851 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 11:30 PM" 0.4h

On "slot 4", in the actual runtime/save-files folder, there is an actual save. But it isn't listed in the save info file and if I try to ed it it, the save info file defaults back to what it looks like above. Editing the save info file looks easy enough, if I knew what the 4 digits before the Club name are...or where to find them.

IDK..a fun game, but if this is as far as I can go, its worthless to continue.


Aug 15, 2022
Maybe you can help me, since it is regarding the saves. I can only progress so far in this game. I gave it another shot with the 4h download, but it does the same.

Starting the game, I can save 4-5 times. After that, I usually get an infinite spinning hourglass when I try to save.

I can keep playing until the game hits a glitch, usually at the end of a day...where I get the hourglass again. I have to shut it down and restart it. But it doesn't have an updated auto save and I basically go back to the last time it would let me save.

My save info file for this latest version looks like this.

slot 0 1 3721 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 10:34 PM" 0.4h
slot 1 1 3867 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 11:36 PM" 0.4h
slot 2 1 3981 "Club Pan" "Tue Apr 2 2024 09:38 AM" 0.4h
slot 3 1 3639 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 10:07 PM" 0.4h
slot 4 0
slot 5 0
slot 6 0
slot 7 0
slot 8 0
slot 9 1 3851 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 11:30 PM" 0.4h

On "slot 4", in the actual runtime/save-files folder, there is an actual save. But it isn't listed in the save info file and if I try to ed it it, the save info file defaults back to what it looks like above. Editing the save info file looks easy enough, if I knew what the 4 digits before the Club name are...or where to find them.

IDK..a fun game, but if this is as far as I can go, its worthless to continue.
I don't think I'm best equipped to help you, I don't really have a clue about any of the coding side. TotalFluke, the game developer is about most days, so hopefully he can help.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
See my earlier post (#677) with screenshots.
I saw that and that by itself is not necessarily abnormal as I explained in my response. If you have more details I'll look further into it.

One caveat for all you savegame editors: Age is hard-wired to some jobs in the jobs.txt file, and while you can change an employee's age below 18 (there are real-world waitresses and hostesses under 18 in the hospitality industry) it seems to set their effective skills to zero if you dip below this minimum age. Likewise changing the age ranges in the archetypes file will not produce a character under 18 regardless of the low end of the range you set. I assume this is deliberate on the dev's part to ensure there's never any underage sex, and I'm not complaining about it, it's their game and their rules.

I changed a bouncer, a bartender, and a cook to 18 years old, and it set their effective skill to zero as well, due to the minimum requirements in jobs.txt. I'm not too cheesed by it, a bartender should be old enough to serve alcohol, so that makes sense. A bouncer, well, I suppose you want them to have a certain level of maturity. But tell me there aren't any 18-year-old cooks in the real world. A minimum age of 23 seems strange for a cook job, and I'll probably tweak these values as well for my playthrough. Paramedic is another one, it's set to 26. I worked as a paramedic at 22. Many of the age requirements are just disassociated from the real world. Police Officer is another weird one, it carries a minimum age of 30. There are tens of thousands of police across the U.S. who are in their early 20s.
First of all, yes, everyone in this game will be at least 18 years old. I have one rule and that's it. Anything else is fair game, but there will be no underage characters in the game. That's hardcoded in the main code and changing values in the data files to below 18 will not work (unless I missed them!).

Second, some jobs like paramedics aren't relevant for the game, they are just to add flavor and I honestly didn't spent much time figuring out what ages to set for those to get sensible results. I'll lower the paramedic and policeman right now. I'll take a pass at them and see if there are others worth changing. I have no issues with cook at 23. You do want that person to have the logistics experience with running a kitchen. (It's true that we could have assistant cooks that are much younger but that's adding way too much detail).

I have one that is being a particular pain in the arse at the moment. She is my girldfriend. She has a lewdness of 100. She loves Sex Work, Working and most of the sex options. She was a stripper and her happiness would go up and down quite randomly, so I reassigned her as a Sex Worker, which she agree to. I bumped her wages to the appropriate level and now she will be OK for a couple of days and then her happiness will just drop by 20-30 the next day. She has only been a Sex Worker for 8 days, so that's not an issue.

She does have a Willpower of 38 and Rationailty of -23, but I have a less lewd Sex Worker with 64 Willpower and she isn't a problem.
Happiness should never drop that much unless there was a catastrophic event, like getting hurt or raped. I'm trying to think of what else could do that and that's all I come up with. What's her opinion of marriage, family and onyourown. If she hates the first two and loves the third, that could add up some negativity to it. (Not sure enough to add 20/30 in one swing, but enough to make it impossible to keep her happy). Another option to try is to get her to like junk food/alcohol/drugs. Those "vices" make people happy. Junk food has the least potential for side effects so try that one first. Willpower/rat are within normal ranges and should not be an issue. What about greed? If her greed is high she may still feel underpaid even if she isn't. This is probably some edge case so I'm kind of interested in what's happening here.

Maybe you can help me, since it is regarding the saves. I can only progress so far in this game. I gave it another shot with the 4h download, but it does the same.

Starting the game, I can save 4-5 times. After that, I usually get an infinite spinning hourglass when I try to save.

I can keep playing until the game hits a glitch, usually at the end of a day...where I get the hourglass again. I have to shut it down and restart it. But it doesn't have an updated auto save and I basically go back to the last time it would let me save.

My save info file for this latest version looks like this.

slot 0 1 3721 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 10:34 PM" 0.4h
slot 1 1 3867 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 11:36 PM" 0.4h
slot 2 1 3981 "Club Pan" "Tue Apr 2 2024 09:38 AM" 0.4h
slot 3 1 3639 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 10:07 PM" 0.4h
slot 4 0
slot 5 0
slot 6 0
slot 7 0
slot 8 0
slot 9 1 3851 "Club Pan" "Mon Apr 1 2024 11:30 PM" 0.4h

On "slot 4", in the actual runtime/save-files folder, there is an actual save. But it isn't listed in the save info file and if I try to ed it it, the save info file defaults back to what it looks like above. Editing the save info file looks easy enough, if I knew what the 4 digits before the Club name are...or where to find them.

IDK..a fun game, but if this is as far as I can go, its worthless to continue.
The second number is whether is used or not so make it a 1, the other number is internal date number of when the game was at. It's only used to display it to you on the load screen so you can pick any value you want (or you can fish it out of the save file itself its the 5th field in the "World" line of the save file, usually the first line in the file).

I could think of a ton of reasons for it to fail while loading a file, but saving makes no sense. Maybe there's something corrupted in the data files caches. Go to the runtime/tfel directory and delete all the subdirectories under it (you would see names like ai_funcs, common_actions, common_decisions, etc.). If that doesn't work, next time it happens, grab the debug log (at C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\LocalLow\Total Fluke Studios\Player.log) and send it to me via private message and maybe I can figure out what's going on.
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Aug 15, 2022
Happiness should never drop that much unless there was a catastrophic event, like getting hurt or raped. I'm trying to think of what else could do that and that's all I come up with. What's her opinion of marriage, family and onyourown. If she hates the first two and loves the third, that could add up some negativity to it. (Not sure enough to add 20/30 in one swing, but enough to make it impossible to keep her happy). Another option to try is to get her to like junk food/alcohol/drugs. Those "vices" make people happy. Junk food has the least potential for side effects so try that one first. Willpower/rat are within normal ranges and should not be an issue. What about greed? If her greed is high she may still feel underpaid even if she isn't. This is probably some edge case so I'm kind of interested in what's happening here.
Her Greed is 41. She likes marriage, loves family, dislikes onyourown. Having switched her back to stipper, she is currently back up to 57 happiness, but she tends to go up to around that level with no interaction from me and then drops back down. I'm not sure how far it drops down, because last time when it got down to 13 was when I switched her to Sex Worker. I then spent time getting her happiness back up to about 40 and that's when it dropped to 18 in one day. I didn't interact with her and it stayed at 18 for 2-3 days then dropped to -13 the next day. Over then next few days it dropped to -27, which was when I switched her back to Stripper. I'll leave her for the moment, while she's still happy and, if I run into problems, I'll try changing the opinions you mentioned.


Aug 15, 2022
I just thought, I have another question. Why is it that when you are converting a gay character to bi, some of them turn bi when they get to 100% and others stay at gay (bi 100%), at which point you can no longer adjust their sexual orientation.

Also is it possible to start a relationship with someone who is already in a relationship and, if not, will your honor take a hit, if you try to make them split up with their partner by making up nasty rumors.

I'm still not sure what is considered honorable. If someone asks if I cheated, when I wasn't in a relationship or even if I was in a polyamorous relationship, I would say that wasn't cheating, but would that be classed as a lie, if I deny cheating when I did have sex with someone. Also, if I see my girlfriend masturbating, is taking a video of it dishonorable, because I wouldn't think she'd want me to ignore her.

Sorry, I guess that's more than one question.
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Aug 15, 2022
Are you getting fed up with my questions yet?

This is a good one. All of my strippers suddenly dropped to 0 skill, like overnight as far as I can tell. They are also losing happiness. Any ideas?

I was going to try reassigning someone else to be a stripper to see if they also had 0 skill, but I can't reassign anyone at the moment, because I have 55/55 staff. Can we change that, please? I don't see why we should have to fire someone, so we can get others to change jobs, when we have enough spaces for a particular job. I think the only jobs I have that are fully staffed at the moment are The Managers, Lifeguard, Bouncer and Janitor.
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Aug 15, 2022
It gets weirder. I bit the bullet and fired one of my waitresses, but I can't reassign anyone to be a stripper. Even if I reassign a stripper to another job, I still can't reassign anyone to be a stripper or reassign the one that was a stripper back to being a stripper. It's like when you change someone from singer to stripper and can't change them back, because the stipper supercedes the singer. So, is there a limited time that strippers are still allowed, before they all have to be Sex Workers? If so, I didn't notice anything that made that clear.

Edit: I also just checked and found that I can't post a new job search for strippers, but I can for dancers. It's as though the law that allows them has been repealed. I just checked the council office, the law is not back waiting to be voted on.
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Tanuki Taro

Jul 13, 2018
I would need a lot more info. What exactly is the issue?
While playing v0.4g, I reassigned an employee from stripper to sex worker when the law was passed and the rooms were finished, however the sex rooms were not yet active under 0.4g build (which I didn't realize at the time). Now even though she is noted as my employee and a sex worker in the general list of contacts, she doesn't appear under the club management list of employees. Since then she has stayed home and not come to the club at all. I have met up with her via text messages both at her home and at the club, but there are no work related options to fire her, reassign her, etc. (just for asking her out, making a move, etc.)

I opened a copy of the save file using a text editor and found her record, but since nothing looked obvious, I didn't change or save anything. It sounds as though this may not be fixable. I may just have to eat the lost employee slot (she counts as an employee even though she doesn't show up on the list). I'm clearing over a million dollars per week, so it's not a big loss or anything, just a bit annoying. I'm hoping to avoid a restart due to the length of time it takes to get all the laws passed, employees trained, etc. I have attached a copy of the save file and also a screen shot of just her record (I think). Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Her Greed is 41. She likes marriage, loves family, dislikes onyourown. Having switched her back to stipper, she is currently back up to 57 happiness, but she tends to go up to around that level with no interaction from me and then drops back down. I'm not sure how far it drops down, because last time when it got down to 13 was when I switched her to Sex Worker. I then spent time getting her happiness back up to about 40 and that's when it dropped to 18 in one day. I didn't interact with her and it stayed at 18 for 2-3 days then dropped to -13 the next day. Over then next few days it dropped to -27, which was when I switched her back to Stripper. I'll leave her for the moment, while she's still happy and, if I run into problems, I'll try changing the opinions you mentioned.
Happiness changes for two reasons. There are some things that exert a constant pressure on happiness (positive and negative), this includes their job, salary, some personality traits, etc. These are applied once a week and should change around 4-5 points at the most. Second, there are events and things that happen that change happiness by a certain amount, and those can be more significant and while you have visibility into some, not all. For example, characters get into fights all the time (probably too often) and the loser loses happiness. Getting dumped or rejected is another one that adds 5-10 unhappiness at a time.

Anyway, was looking at this last night and decided that the happiness code is old and convoluted and probably has too many bugs on it. And now I'm thinking it's too punishing. So I'm going to redo it to try avoid the more extreme results and to provide more info about why they are unhappy.

I just thought, I have another question. Why is it that when you are converting a gay character to bi, some of them turn bi when they get to 100% and others stay at gay (bi 100%), at which point you can no longer adjust their sexual orientation.

Also is it possible to start a relationship with someone who is already in a relationship and, if not, will your honor take a hit, if you try to make them split up with their partner by making up nasty rumors.

I'm still not sure what is considered honorable. If someone asks if I cheated, when I wasn't in a relationship or even if I was in a polyamorous relationship, I would say that wasn't cheating, but would that be classed as a lie, if I deny cheating when I did have sex with someone. Also, if I see my girlfriend masturbating, is taking a video of it dishonorable, because I wouldn't think she'd want me to ignore her.

Sorry, I guess that's more than one question.
Once a character gets over 90% bi, they decide on their own when to "come out" as bi. That depends on some factors but eventually they will all do it. You can't keep adjusting it because its at it's max.

You can start a relationship with someone already in a relationship if they are willing to (it's rare and would need the right combination of traits and opinions but it's doable). About honor, I wouldn't get too caught up on that. Honor here is mostly for how trustworthy you are. I guess I could have called it that as honor is mostly used to determine if people believe you. So when you lie, it goes down. There's a few places where doing honorable things help but that's mostly to avoid it always going all the way to -100. So cheating and lying about it hurts your honor, cheating and being truthful does not.

Are you getting fed up with my questions yet?

This is a good one. All of my strippers suddenly dropped to 0 skill, like overnight as far as I can tell. They are also losing happiness. Any ideas?

I was going to try reassigning someone else to be a stripper to see if they also had 0 skill, but I can't reassign anyone at the moment, because I have 55/55 staff. Can we change that, please? I don't see why we should have to fire someone, so we can get others to change jobs, when we have enough spaces for a particular job. I think the only jobs I have that are fully staffed at the moment are The Managers, Lifeguard, Bouncer and Janitor.
Ok, that's concerning. Did you had the Contact Allowed law passed and if so is still active? What was the last law that passed? I assume you didn't modify the law_types.txt file? Or try to add a law via the console?

As for changing a job when you are full, yeah I hate that I would change it if it was easier. There's some technical difficulty in making it happen and I'm stumped on how to do it. Every idea I've come up with tends to have a very bad side effect. But it's still high on the list of things to fix.
3.80 star(s) 29 Votes