
Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Thanks again for the explanation. Kind of figured out about expanding the club was 1 trigger so my 6th play through has just the original 10 rooms. Haven't expanded and no Mob yet. :) And I'm still making money, and no debt. But I kind of cheated and changed the starting money from 5K to 500K. hahaha. But that won't help when 3 of the other clubs have expanded. The Mob will still come eventually even with just the starting 10 rooms. This just means that you (please please) will have to come up with some kind of resolution to the Mob problem. lol. Heck, I'll even think about it further and offer some options if you want.

Please consider getting a 'Buy Me a Coffee' account so I can make a donation. You deserve some compensation and I mean deserve. I just will not under any circumstances get a Patreon account or sign up as they want to control everything about your work and limit your audience and what you can write/develop. I don't know why developers choose Patreon. Get a Paypal account and advertise donations to that bypassing Patreon altogether. Unless F95 disallows that.

Please have a great day.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm with you on Patreon, they would likely kick me out because this game has incest and that's a big no no for them. So yeah, they are non-starter for me. Anyway, I'm doing this because I enjoy it. My work has changed over the past few years and I don't get to do development any more and I miss it, so this is my hobby. I don't want to ask for money because it's not worth the hassle. But I definitively appreciate the sentiment.

And yes, I'm currently working on the mob story end. So will be out on the next patch. Basically you will be able to get the mobster to your side and hire him to do bad things.

Has the Happiness stat been rebalanced in the new release? I seem to be running into an issue where everyone's Happiness is really high, even the unemployed people. That is making it impossible for me to hire anyone, because everyone is perfectly happy where they're at and won't change jobs.
Not on purpose. I have noticed that on my current games I'm getting a lot less unhappy complaints, so it's possible that something had a side effect that's causing that. Been meaning to look into it.

I don't know how you do it right now with deciding on what a discussion might lead to you choosing an opinion but it's extremely random.
In this second playthrough of mine I got lucky and got polyamouros really quickly so I have like 10 girlfriends all happy in under one year. If you get unlucky you could spend 4-5 years trying to achieve the same result.
I understand choosing them outright is too overpowered but maybe a way to steer conversation to a different topic (like sexual preference) and then having a chance to either talk about something you already have an opinion on or discover a new one.
Any way to at least steer the conversation towards that instead of hoping the event happens, even if it's not 100% guaranteed.
First of all, the things they are willing to share with you depend on how much they like you. If someone has a negative opinion of you, don't expect them to share what their opinion of public sex is. But if you get their opinion high enough you will get them to share more interesting topics.

Then there's that crazy stalking girl that follows you around and at some point she's going to start asking you what you think of certain things. These will be the hard to get ones, as she will have a very high opinion of you (unless you've done something to piss her off). But this will be your chance to pick those opinions. It's still random, you don't know when she will ask about that or when she will ask to help her quit her job or whatever, but it will come. You have basically a chance every month for that to come up. But all the opinions she will ask about are good ones, she won't ask you what you think about Shopping or Teacher jobs.

But for example in my first playthrough I met with the morality police or how they are called in the first 2 months and could join them. In this second one I am in October and have no idea where they are or even if they are in the game yet.
As someone else said, that one is not random at all. Just check a naughty book from the library. The first time you do that you will get it 100% of the time. If you decide not to join in at that time, then it can appear randomly after you check out other naughty books.

Regarding attraction, if you are tall and someone dislikes tall people, I expect their attraction is lower (let's say 60). If you change their mind to them loving tall people, does it then jump to 80 or whatever number it would have been if they loved tall people from the start?
Yes, the jump in attraction is immediate. It probably won't be 20 points but yes, all of it happens at once.

And regarding my own character's lewdness, yes I would like to be able to grow it. I would like to be able to improve all my stats, like in an RPG type of way. I don't see that as overpowered. You start the game harder and some parts of it get easier as it progresses, but it wouldn't be a problem because the requirements of the game would get harder as well.
Why not improve lewdness if you do lewd acts, improve intelligence if you read (and maybe do some other stuff) and so on? As I mentioned in one of my posts, I increased the district lewdness from 1 to 9 but I can't increase mine? How does that make sense.
To be blunt, it doesn't matter that much. Pretty sure that if you play the game with lewdness of say 20 and with lewdness of say 80 and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. So why if it doesn't matter can you just increase it? Because it does matter to the NPC's. It matters a lot to them. If they increase their lewdness everytime they have sex, they will be way up in no time making the game trivial.

But your district point made me remember one other way that lewdness increases. When a district lewdness goes up 1 point, every resident of that district lewdness goes up by that amount. The district lewdness goes up based on the fame of the club in the district and neighboring districts.

Please take the fact that I am commenting so much, and writing all these things as a compliment to the game you made. I like it a lot, it's why I am so invested. It is just frustrating when you can't do some of the other things yet.
Thanks I do appreciate the feedback. Not everyone is going to agree with every game design decision made. But I'm willing to have a discussion about them and if nothing else explain that most things are done in certain way on purpose.

Is this hardcoded or something I could change in a file ? :) Sorry might be a stupid question but most of my questions are :ROFLMAO:
Sorry, it's hardcoded. Yeah, 90 days is too long and I probably should have made it shorter. Can't make ti too short cause it needs to overlap with the headliner performer events, so probably will lower it to 60 days on the next update.

I remember I saw somewhere (can't remember where now) something like each law and values for each of them, I imagine that's how much they like each of the laws, the highest number is what they are most likely to choose or something?
It would be nice if there was a way to see this when talking to them. Find out what they are most likely to vote and somehow influence it directly. So we can manipulate both parts of the voting process.
So the laws fall into 6 groups: opening hours, club features allowed, public clothing, taxes, revenue stuff and ages. Commissioners will favor the laws in the same group the same. Different attributes/likes drive their opinion of each group of laws:

* Taxes: low greed (greedy ones don't want to give tax breaks)
* Revenue: low compassion (these screw workers, so high compassion ones don't want to do it)
* Ages: low rationality (yeah, letting 18 year olds drink is never a good idea)
* Times: high will power (more hours open, more opportunity for those that aren't lazy)
* Club features: attracted to women, likes entertainment work, likes dancing, likes voyeur, likes revealing clothing, etc.
* Public clothing: likes public nudity, revealing clothing, etc.

Then there's also a lewdness check. If the law's lewdness (this can be found in the help section or in the law_types.txt file) is higher than the commissoiner's lewdness they will be less likely to vote for it.

I also want to mention that the election process is way to easy at the moment, in the sense, you have to volunteer your time for a few days for the candidate you want to win and that's it. Somehow a sex worker ran for the second election and I had no problem putting her in the seat. That should be way harder. I expect you will balance that in the future. I also couldn't find out how to see who is from what district, so I know who I should try to encourage to run ( maybe that is in the game). What I want to say is that I think it shouldn't be so hard (impossible to corrupt someone to vote for the laws you want) but so easy to just replace them with the perfect max lewd stooge that will vote whatever you want, most likely.
The district appears in the person's details under Home.

Not sure if you know this, but you can bribe commissioners. Find out what their honor is, (that one should come up pretty quicky when you get to know then better). If their honor is not too high, bribing them is the best way to get them to vote for your laws. If not you can also blackmail them. Or sway them. They more they like you the more easier they are to convince them to vote your way. In general is not until the final few laws that it should be hard to get them to pass your laws.

The Moral society is a nice mechanic. Maybe you could develop it so you get to spam it and if you invest money market so you can influence people that are not members as well. Like run ad campaigns in different districts and influence those people.
That's essentially what your club is doing. It's fame is corrupting people by raising their lewdness. The moral society allows you to pick a few characters with bad traits and make them better.

I've experimented a little more and I think what may have happened is that I failed the new porn event, and it seems to have put my save in a weird state where I can't hire new employees. What clued me in is that the porn actress in the event showed up in the dressing room event, even though I never hired her.
Hmmm, that shouldn't have happened. Any more details you can provide? Can you post jobs? Can you reassign jobs within the club?

It might just be coincidence, but for me it feels like the books have to be a higher level of lewd in the most recent update to trigger it than it did before.
It's a coincidence. None of that has changed. The first time you checked a sex skill book, she should appear 100% of the time. If you say no that time, she will appear 25% of the time after that, regardless of the book level. But must be a sex book.

So it looks like stats that you set up at the very start of the game have quite a bit of random spread and stay with you forever? And you can't work on them? To me having a quality of your gameplay decided by some RNG is an extremely bad design, not to mention you have to play some time just to realize it and even learn what these stats do as the descriptions are severely lacking, by that time you no longer have any control over them and you have to start over to change anything. Geezus why?
They have a 20 point range which is 10%. Hardly a high amount. That 10% difference is insignificant. For focus, which is probably the one with the most tangible benefit means that a 10% in focus amounts to less than 1 day in the building of the kitchen.

There's an FAQ and help files that explain the stats, but no one wants to read them before they start to play. Not judging, I'm the same way.

And for the record, the traits (will power, greed, compassion, rationality and sociabilty) stay with you the entire game but the abilities (honor, focus, intelligence, honor, lewdness). Not by much, but each has ways that they change.


Dec 8, 2021
Thanks for the kind words. I'm with you on Patreon, they would likely kick me out because this game has incest and that's a big no no for them. So yeah, they are non-starter for me. Anyway, I'm doing this because I enjoy it. My work has changed over the past few years and I don't get to do development any more and I miss it, so this is my hobby. I don't want to ask for money because it's not worth the hassle. But I definitively appreciate the sentiment.

And yes, I'm currently working on the mob story end. So will be out on the next patch. Basically you will be able to get the mobster to your side and hire him to do bad things.
You're a good man TF. Don't ever change. Should you change your mind about receiving donations, please let me know that too. You really do deserve it. Okay, enough of the sappy stuff.

Please, when you consider a route for the Mob, I really don't want to be forced into providing a girl for him to use to get rid of them. If possible. And thanks for the heads up as I wanted to continue with my other play trough's that involved the Mob.

Their next visit will involve giving them a girl. Will I still have to go through that to get rid of them or can you change that before their next visit? lol Sorry. I look forward to your resolution. Don't tell me. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised.

Have a great weekend!


New Member
Dec 19, 2021

I have changed the taboos in the user_config.dat. I do have the option to change the opinion of incest of the sister, but she kept saying that she doesn't want to change her way. The opinion is at 100 and attraction is at 21. The MC is a male. What should I do to change her way?

Jun 14, 2019
I have changed the taboos in the user_config.dat. I do have the option to change the opinion of incest of the sister, but she kept saying that she doesn't want to change her way. The opinion is at 100 and attraction is at 21. The MC is a male. What should I do to change her way?
It is not an easy change (especially if she has high willpower). First, you can work on her physical attractions towards you, she can go up to 100/50 - but not higher then 50 - without incest. Then you should begin with other lewd, but not that lewd opinions, revealing clothes, kissing, groping, sex, so on... and when she's all buttered up, you try your luck with incest (hey, it's RNG). Save-spamming could help you, too.


Jun 15, 2017

Think textual addition in sex scenes could be good, like titfuck, finish in ass, etc.

Also, is it possible to fire person via editing save file? If it is, please tell how.


Dec 8, 2019
There is a trigger for them: you go to the library and check out a too sexual (from the view of the Morality cult) book.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm with you on Patreon, they would likely kick me out because this game has incest and that's a big no no for them. So yeah, they are non-starter for me. Anyway, I'm doing this because I enjoy it. My work has changed over the past few years and I don't get to do development any more and I miss it, so this is my hobby. I don't want to ask for money because it's not worth the hassle. But I definitively appreciate the sentiment.

And yes, I'm currently working on the mob story end. So will be out on the next patch. Basically you will be able to get the mobster to your side and hire him to do bad things.
I think once you get the game more polished you should try your hand on steam. I think taking incest out of the game (if necessary, the way it is now, kind of like a mod to turn it on might be enough to have it remain the same) would be a small concession to make this available to a wider audience.

First of all, the things they are willing to share with you depend on how much they like you. If someone has a negative opinion of you, don't expect them to share what their opinion of public sex is. But if you get their opinion high enough you will get them to share more interesting topics.
I have a bunch of girlfriend with 90-100 opinion and they don't share that much. Maybe I'm not doing the right activities for them to talk to me, I don't know.
Sometimes I think just starting to ask them to an interview just to find things out, while an exploit, could be a good thing to do.

Then there's that crazy stalking girl that follows you around and at some point she's going to start asking you what you think of certain things. These will be the hard to get ones, as she will have a very high opinion of you (unless you've done something to piss her off). But this will be your chance to pick those opinions. It's still random, you don't know when she will ask about that or when she will ask to help her quit her job or whatever, but it will come. You have basically a chance every month for that to come up. But all the opinions she will ask about are good ones, she won't ask you what you think about Shopping or Teacher jobs.
I've not encountered her yet, looking forward to it.

As someone else said, that one is not random at all. Just check a naughty book from the library. The first time you do that you will get it 100% of the time. If you decide not to join in at that time, then it can appear randomly after you check out other naughty books.
I now realize that's what I did in the first playthrough. Because I learned that it's much easier to gain the sex stats from practice than by reading books, I've not taken any of those from the library in this playthrough. Although I would have expected the morality police to show up for books on stripping as well (I've read those).

Yes, the jump in attraction is immediate. It probably won't be 20 points but yes, all of it happens at once.
Glad to hear it. Is there anything else except the line with the stats (from height to eye color) that can influence attraction and I should consider when trying to improve their attraction?

To be blunt, it doesn't matter that much. Pretty sure that if you play the game with lewdness of say 20 and with lewdness of say 80 and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. So why if it doesn't matter can you just increase it? Because it does matter to the NPC's. It matters a lot to them. If they increase their lewdness everytime they have sex, they will be way up in no time making the game trivial.

But your district point made me remember one other way that lewdness increases. When a district lewdness goes up 1 point, every resident of that district lewdness goes up by that amount. The district lewdness goes up based on the fame of the club in the district and neighboring districts.
It would be nice if your own character's lewdness actually mattered. If it's low, you can't have sex in public and a bunch of other things that are connected to it. Maybe can't influence others into liking lewd things either until you are lewd enough yourself. If you could improve it with time (maybe more than other character's lewdness) it would be a progression. At the start you can do more vanilla things, if it's lower and as you increase it you can engage in more lewd activities.
Of course this is your design decision but it feel weird to have a stat that doesn't matter.

Thanks I do appreciate the feedback. Not everyone is going to agree with every game design decision made. But I'm willing to have a discussion about them and if nothing else explain that most things are done in certain way on purpose.
A discussion anyone can hope for, in the end, you should make the game you love and envision.
To be honest, I would have customized it for myself where our opinions are different, as I like to code myself but the part of the code in the tfo files is very painful to read and modify. It reminds me of assembler, which I always hate, not sure if that's generated by unity or that's the language you are using (looks generated to be honest).
If I know that something you do is by design and you meant for it to be a certain way and not change it, I can at least know the time spent customizing it for me ("modding it") would be time well spent. While if I know that some things are going to change, I can wait for you to change and polish them.

So the laws fall into 6 groups: opening hours, club features allowed, public clothing, taxes, revenue stuff and ages. Commissioners will favor the laws in the same group the same. Different attributes/likes drive their opinion of each group of laws:

* Taxes: low greed (greedy ones don't want to give tax breaks)
* Revenue: low compassion (these screw workers, so high compassion ones don't want to do it)
* Ages: low rationality (yeah, letting 18 year olds drink is never a good idea)
* Times: high will power (more hours open, more opportunity for those that aren't lazy)
* Club features: attracted to women, likes entertainment work, likes dancing, likes voyeur, likes revealing clothing, etc.
* Public clothing: likes public nudity, revealing clothing, etc.

Then there's also a lewdness check. If the law's lewdness (this can be found in the help section or in the law_types.txt file) is higher than the commissoiner's lewdness they will be less likely to vote for it.
That's a great explanation, thank you!
I remembered where I saw it now, it was in the log:
StripClubWars/tfel\ai_funcs\gov_funcs.tfl:180': Affinity of Dawn Henderson for can_open_late_fr_sa: 60.733 cat=times [643]
StripClubWars/tfel\ai_funcs\gov_funcs.tfl:180': Affinity of Dawn Henderson for topless_allowed: 42.650 cat=enter [643]
StripClubWars/tfel\ai_funcs\gov_funcs.tfl:180': Affinity of Dawn Henderson for amateur_contests: 52.650 cat=enter [643]
StripClubWars/tfel\ai_funcs\gov_funcs.tfl:180': Affinity of Dawn Henderson for low_tip_wh: 47.997 cat=rev [643]
StripClubWars/tfel\ai_funcs\gov_funcs.tfl:180': Affinity of Dawn Henderson for mid_tax_rate: -0.536 cat=tax [643]
StripClubWars/tfel\ai_funcs\gov_funcs.tfl:180': Affinity of Dawn Henderson for drinking_age_20: 33.467 cat=ages [643]
StripClubWars/tfel\ai_funcs\gov_funcs.tfl:180': Affinity of Dawn Henderson for sexy_clothing: 65.150 cat=decency [643]
What I understood for this is how much she like each of the current possible laws.
I would expect from this that Dawn either picked sexy clothing if it's always the higher value, or that most likely she picked sexy_clothing or can_open_late_fr_sa as they are quite close together in values. I would also expect that if I don't influence her or nothing changes she will never pick the one with the negative value (mid_tax_rate).

Is there any way to influence these values so we can influence what law they pick for voting next?

The district appears in the person's details under Home.
Thanks! So blind, I've seen the home but didn't corelate the cardinal points with the districts. Maybe you could make a hover over, like most other things to display the whole district name, in case there are other blind people and I'm not the only one :D.

Not sure if you know this, but you can bribe commissioners. Find out what their honor is, (that one should come up pretty quicky when you get to know then better). If their honor is not too high, bribing them is the best way to get them to vote for your laws. If not you can also blackmail them. Or sway them. They more they like you the more easier they are to convince them to vote your way. In general is not until the final few laws that it should be hard to get them to pass your laws.
Since I'm close to the beginning now, my biggest problem was them agreeing on a law, it always got voted until now once they agree on what to vote for. I've been offered some blackmail materials from the clerk but since I didn't need it yet and didn't know if they will still be in power once I need it, I didn't buy it. (I'm also still in quite some debt so I didn't want to waste the money).
Again, it still feels easier to just place the one you want in power, replace the current lewd commissioners before they even get to the type of laws where they require high lewdness. Just place women you can seduce, maybe even make girlfriends and that's it. Job done (I'm close to making my first girlfriend there, the sex worker - still funny to me- once I can convince her to like polyamory). And than just bribing them, if needed for the ones that need other stats they don't have as you mentioned above. Volunteering for a week is way easier than trying to bribe or blackmail a commissioner every time a new lewd law comes. I'm mentioning it more in the sense you might want to balance it at some point, as you created a whole system and it can be exploited and reduced to less, at the moment.

That's essentially what your club is doing. It's fame is corrupting people by raising their lewdness. The moral society allows you to pick a few characters with bad traits and make them better.
Interesting. Can you invite people to the moral society once you are leader as well? Problem with the club though is that it has a low reach, depending on the district.

They have a 20 point range which is 10%. Hardly a high amount. That 10% difference is insignificant. For focus, which is probably the one with the most tangible benefit means that a 10% in focus amounts to less than 1 day in the building of the kitchen.

There's an FAQ and help files that explain the stats, but no one wants to read them before they start to play. Not judging, I'm the same way.

And for the record, the traits (will power, greed, compassion, rationality and sociabilty) stay with you the entire game but the abilities (honor, focus, intelligence, honor, lewdness). Not by much, but each has ways that they change.
How is 20 points 10% ? If 85 is highest value and -15 lowest 20 points is close to 20% of that range. I know values go down to -100 but they don't for you as they don't go higher than 85 either, at least for you. It's unclear to me how your focus example translates. Let's say I pick focus third. You mean to tell me that with 45 points instead of 25, I only gain 1 day faster building?
I also want to mention that in the help section the speed of rooms built is mentioned under willpower, nothing under focus to suggest that.

Regarding the FAQ, if there's a tutorial, I wouldn't expect to have to read the FAQs before making even the first decision in the game. Maybe you can include those descriptions in the tutorial. An easy way to inform people before their first big decision. To be honest, even after reading the descriptions and playing for 10 months in this playthrough and 7 in the other I am not quite sure what influence what and how much.
This is all that is mentioned for the abilities:
In all descriptions, these and the ones for traits, it feels like they apply more to how they affect all the NPC, rather than why they are important for the MC.
For example does intelligence mean that the MC increases sex skills faster? What other skills can he increase by anything except reading books, which apparently falls under focus for some reason. I'm not sure how the evaluating skills of others means. Does it mean after the interview you can think they dance skill for example is 10 but in reality because of low intelligence you are wrong it it could be 12, or 20, or -10 ? Or does it mean when you talk to people or snoop and find out skill values, you can be wrong? Does this mean with low intelligence you can't really trust what you know of others?
For honor, is it only that the MC is better at swaying others? How much does it matter? Will a low value make it very hard to the MC to sway anyone?
For courage, since I didn't get to a point where I need fights and the MC can do whatever he want, the player decides what he is comfortable with, I don't really understand it's value and it's always the last one picked.
For focus, already covered the skill books reading speed, although we don't really know if it can mean 1-2 days difference from highest value to lowest value, or it can mean weeks. The addition information feels more clear. It means that when you talk to people, or snoop, or are on a date you can find out more things about them with higher focus? Again, now sure though how many points really make a difference.
Strength we can increase easily at the gym, so it doesn't really matter so much as we can max it.

If you go over the description of the traits, even less from what is written is applied to the MC. For willpower the only things that seem to matter are the minimum energy to do stuff and faster room building.
Compassion only seems to matter so other high compassionate people have an affinity to the MC.
Rationality seems to have no effect on the MC.
Greed seems to affect happiness when you spend money? Not sure how happiness influence the MC as he will not quit his job. It's also very easy to increase.
Sociability looks by far to be the most important. Since most of the game is interactions with others and trying to sway them.

You also mentioned here and in the game (can't remember if tutorial or help files) that you can increase the abilities by your actions but not by much. What does that mean? 1-2 points per year with the right decisions? 10 points max for a whole playthrough? Since you said even 20 points don't matter that much why would anyone be incentivised to try and raise them?

Since we play the whole game through the MC's perspective, it would be really nice to be able to change and raise all stats in a meaningful way. Through gameplay, not by cheating to get max stats or whatever.

I'm not sure why you dislike that idea, you think that a character after 5 or 10 year of gameplay having higher stats would be overpowered ? I mean you already played so much at that point. Grew the club, increased your influence. I expect harder challenges come as well. Why not start to be better yourself.
You could still cap every stat if you really think someone with 90 in all traits and abilities would be op. Maybe the last picked could go up to 50, the next to 60 and so on, I don't know. Again, this is your game and you of course know a lot more than us what goes on behind the scenes and how much stats matter. You also know your plans for the future. With the current information I just don't understand it. (I also like the RPG part of the game and in most RPGs you can increase all stats to some extent).

On a different note, I want to mention some bugs I keep encountering.
One is planning. If you make date plans on the same date, it says both check calendars and plan but you can easily get swamped with dates on the same date, even the same time slot. Even you already have something planned, shouldn't it mean it plans the date on a different day?
Another bug is with the fixed plans themselves. From interview to dates. Let's say you have an interview in the morning. I am in my office that morning and nothing. I have to spend some time, sometimes going to noon or later for the game to trigger and tell me I have an interview planned for the morning and take me there. Same with dates. I can be in the cafe in the morning and not trigger the date.
Another one is text messages taking you out of the current context. I noticed it mostly at parties You are at a party, you get a text message and then you are out of the party. I think it happened some other times as well but can't remember the context at the moment.
There were 1 or 2 more but can't remember them at the moment, I will write them down when next encountered so I can mention them here.
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Jul 11, 2017
I just took over the cult, how do I manage and corrupt it? I haven't gotten a prompt since.

Also, these fan made image sets. Where do you put them so they'll work?


New Member
Apr 13, 2020
Hmmm, that shouldn't have happened. Any more details you can provide? Can you post jobs? Can you reassign jobs within the club?
I can post jobs and reassign within the club, but no one ever asks for an interview, and whenever I ask anyone to interview, they always say that they're happy where they are. I'm also pretty heavily in debt, over $200k, would that have to do with it?
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Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
Also, is it possible to fire person via editing save file? If it is, please tell how.
It is possible, but hard. I wouldn't even try as several lines need to be modified and it's very easy to corrupt your save if you get it wrong.

I just took over the cult, how do I manage and corrupt it? I haven't gotten a prompt since.

Also, these fan made image sets. Where do you put them so they'll work?
Once a month you will get the opportunity to schedule a meeting. Then you can corrupt them. The images sets all go under the characters folder. Each fan made image set should be in its own folder which should be the same as the set id. Then you need to add the set id to the image_modules line in the config file (preferably the user_config.dat file). Search this thread for "image_modules" and you should find more details.

I can post jobs and reassign within the club, but no one ever asks for an interview, and whenever I ask anyone to interview, they always say that they're happy where they are. I'm also pretty heavily in debt, over $200k, would that have to do with it?
Ah that's it. If your debt is too high, most people will not want to work for you since they won't trust you will be around for long. There's no hard limit, just makes it less likely. Someone with very low rationality may still be hireable but you don't really want those as employees. Some debt is fine but once it gets over 50k it's starts really affecting what you can do. If you don't have a viable staff you may not be able to get out of that hole.


Game Developer
Aug 24, 2021
a lot of good stuff removed
Let me start by saying that I truly appreciate your feedback and all the time you've spend trying to understand the game.

However, lot of these talks are like this I want my character to get better and I want those improvements to really matter. I'm sorry but that's not this game. The point of this game is not a minmax game in which you are constantly grinding to get all your skills as high as possible because there's a huge payoff when you do. There's some of that sure, with endurance and your sex skills. I get that some people are used to games like this and may want to play like that. And you can, to some degree. And asking to change things to fit this model is wasting everyone's time because it's too late for that.

Also the part where you described how every trait matters to the MC is spot on, you may have the whole thing figure out already. I think rationality matters for something but I don't remember what so it's probably not very significant.

Now for the other questions you had, here are some answers (w/o context cause it would take me too long to include it).

* People in the interview may not share some of the more intimate opinions if they don't like you enough either. And you can't ask for a specific one, only the category. So prepare to be disappointed a get a lot of opinions about luxury clothing. You can get their values their traits and abilities, so that can help a bit. Specially when you are trying to decide who to support in an election.
* All of the factors that apply to attraction are the ones listed in the Height line plus age, gender and whether you are family (for those that don't like incest). Also, if they have a very high or low opinion of you more than 50 or less than -50, that also affects attraction a bit.
* There's some randomness in which law the commissioners vote for (that avoids deadlocks). Not enough to make up a 30 point difference, but the close ones yes. The values shown includes what you and other club owners may have attempted to talk them into it. So you can change those values a little bit at a time by trying to convince them to vote for a specific law. To affect which law they pick next, you just have to change their opinions to be more in line with the law you want to pass. This may not be enough for some of the ones most against it. But can help with the more undecided ones.
* I'll add a tooltip to the home district. That's a good idea.
* The blackmail materials are good until you use them (can only be used once) or when the target is voted out.
* Yes, you can invite people to the moral society when you are the leader. Note that they will only accept if they have low will and low lewd
* 20 points out of -100 to 100 is 10%. While the range you can have is narrower, all the math is based on the range being -100 to 100. I get focus and will power confused at times (and for most NPCs they are highly correlated). The help files are done by hand so they are wrong. I'll fix it.
* Some of the text is done to add flavor, not to be taken literally. Dates (and all things that are scheduled) are done without actually checking the scheduler. As much as I want to make that right, the logic to do so is extremely hard and haven't been able to make it work. So it's best not to think about those details too much.
* Certain events require you (or the other participants) to be in a specific place or state for them to trigger. And they can trigger at any time during the day. So they appear in the calendar in the morning, but it really means that they will happen any time of the day. Dates should be scheduled at specific times though, so I have not seen that issue with dates. (The time is based on the location of the date).
* The party/text does seem like an actual bug. I will look into that one. Some of it is correct, like you get a text inviting you to go to someone's home while you are at the party, you will leave the party. But it shouldn't do that unless you agree to go somewhere else.[/QUOTE]
Aug 9, 2018
Parties need some work.

Rocking up as the sole attendee only to have the host be 'distant' using the Mingle function as well as speaking with them directly afterward.
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May 29, 2020
I just took over the cult, how do I manage and corrupt it? I haven't gotten a prompt since.

Also, these fan made image sets. Where do you put them so they'll work?
about the fan images, i explained in an earlier comment:

custom characters go in the characters folder
View attachment 3816899
and you need to add their modules to config.dat
for me it'll look like this:

# The character image system
image_cache_size int 300 # number of images to keep in memory
image_modules string dstu,scw,ccw,gar,nyb,exp # comma separated list of image modules to use

if you only have custom images of the 'gar' module:
View attachment 3816908
then in config.dat it would look like this:

# The character image system
image_cache_size int 300 # number of images to keep in memory
image_modules string scw,gar # comma separated list of image modules to use


Dec 8, 2019
Let me start by saying that I truly appreciate your feedback and all the time you've spend trying to understand the game.

However, lot of these talks are like this I want my character to get better and I want those improvements to really matter. I'm sorry but that's not this game. The point of this game is not a minmax game in which you are constantly grinding to get all your skills as high as possible because there's a huge payoff when you do. There's some of that sure, with endurance and your sex skills. I get that some people are used to games like this and may want to play like that. And you can, to some degree. And asking to change things to fit this model is wasting everyone's time because it's too late for that.
Since the attributes don't matter as much as I initially thought they do, I can live with that.

Also the part where you described how every trait matters to the MC is spot on, you may have the whole thing figure out already. I think rationality matters for something but I don't remember what so it's probably not very significant.
I think they matter a little as well in the improving opinion, when you try to convince them to do a sex act they don't want to do? Although I'm not sure how much.
For the improve opinion, it feels very inconsistent. I have very high intelligence, I chose it first and tried the improve opinion on a character with negative intelligence. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't do anything. Which is a little confusing. I guess there's some RNG to that as well.

Now for the other questions you had, here are some answers (w/o context cause it would take me too long to include it).

* People in the interview may not share some of the more intimate opinions if they don't like you enough either. And you can't ask for a specific one, only the category. So prepare to be disappointed a get a lot of opinions about luxury clothing. You can get their values their traits and abilities, so that can help a bit. Specially when you are trying to decide who to support in an election.
I noticed that, you can still find out a lot of things. If someone wants an interview but I don't want to hire them, I will just ask questions until they leave. Overall, giving them and interview and asking questions is a better opinion bottom line than just refusing the interview and you get to know a lot of their stats as well.
I also want to mention it's a little annoying you can't take out just one of the job listings. For example I posted one for waiter and one for singer. Once I got 2 waiters, I didn't want a third, but I still needed singers. My only options were to leave both postings and go through interviews of waiters I didn't want or take out both postings and repost the singer one.

* All of the factors that apply to attraction are the ones listed in the Height line plus age, gender and whether you are family (for those that don't like incest). Also, if they have a very high or low opinion of you more than 50 or less than -50, that also affects attraction a bit.
Great to know. Will just focus on that if I want someone to be more attracted to me. How much does attraction matter, I'm not sure yet. I've had sex with girls with 40 attraction before I managed to seduce ones with 100.

* There's some randomness in which law the commissioners vote for (that avoids deadlocks). Not enough to make up a 30 point difference, but the close ones yes. The values shown includes what you and other club owners may have attempted to talk them into it. So you can change those values a little bit at a time by trying to convince them to vote for a specific law. To affect which law they pick next, you just have to change their opinions to be more in line with the law you want to pass. This may not be enough for some of the ones most against it. But can help with the more undecided ones.
That's perfect and exactly what I wanted to know. Would be nice if we could, through talking, get the info from the log. Not with the exact numbers, but like the top of what laws they want to vote one, maybe even just top 3. This way, it's easier to know on who to focus on.

* 20 points out of -100 to 100 is 10%. While the range you can have is narrower, all the math is based on the range being -100 to 100. I get focus and will power confused at times (and for most NPCs they are highly correlated). The help files are done by hand so they are wrong. I'll fix it.
I understood why you said the 10%. I was trying to point out you were using that number to point out it want's such a big RNG. While I think it is, the bigger, for the lower values. As I mentioned, getting 45 or 25 in a stats is a big difference, one being almost the double of the other. Especially for a new player, it can be frustrating and I can imagine some of them restarting the game until they get some good RNG, which I don't know if it is how you want your game to be. Maybe even just lower the RNG the more you go down the line. I mean 20 for 86-85 is decent. 20 for 45-25 or for the last one, is kind of brutal. Still your choice, as always, I will just modify the save file and get myself better stats if the RNG fucked me over.

* Some of the text is done to add flavor, not to be taken literally. Dates (and all things that are scheduled) are done without actually checking the scheduler. As much as I want to make that right, the logic to do so is extremely hard and haven't been able to make it work. So it's best not to think about those details too much.
Depending how the calendar is implemented I understand that could be hard to do.

* Certain events require you (or the other participants) to be in a specific place or state for them to trigger. And they can trigger at any time during the day. So they appear in the calendar in the morning, but it really means that they will happen any time of the day. Dates should be scheduled at specific times though, so I have not seen that issue with dates. (The time is based on the location of the date).
I know that dates happen on specific times depending on location. But I had 2 girls ask me out for cafe date and have both dates planned in the morning as a result. I've also had 2 girlfriends propose threesomes on the same day which resulted in being planned for the same evening.
The fact that the timing can get screwed over can lead to some frustrating events though. Like having a date at noon but because everything gets pushed back, that noon date triggering after an evening party and forcing you to miss the date or leave the party.
I'm not sure how the place and state triggers can delay the dates. I guess a lot of the AI's are late or something. It's still weird to have something planned for the morning and having to waste time until noon to trigger it, which pushes everything later in the day. Maybe you only have time planned for that activity in the morning and once it goes past that you wouldn't really want to do it.
It also meant that I missed some planned threesomes because of it. Not sure how it happened, most of the other events trigger no matter how late but threesomes don't really.
It's not a game breaking bug but it takes away from it, since it almost always happens.

* The party/text does seem like an actual bug. I will look into that one. Some of it is correct, like you get a text inviting you to go to someone's home while you are at the party, you will leave the party. But it shouldn't do that unless you agree to go somewhere else.
It happened even if I just replied things to dirty texts or something.

I want to mention now 3 gameplay problems I had regarding club management:
  • Not wanting to hire but getting interviews. I didn't want a full staff at the start and was forced to refuse interviews or fail them. Your sister keeps sending you suggestions. It's nice to have a source of candidates if you want to fill the job but if I want only 1 bartender it forces you to either hire a second one so you don't keep offending people, or keep offending people. Maybe you can make it so your sister suggests someone, but it's not like a real application from a job posting. They don't get offended if you don't call them for an interview.
  • Difficulty with number of employees vs how many you need. Especially as a new player, I think I have too many employees still, after 10 months and I am barely making even with the money, even though I'm raking in loads of cash, some weekends 4-5k per day. I'm not sure how you can help with that, I know you mention at least once if not more that at the start you shouldn't hire more people. Maybe the visits number and the actual capacity could be improved. I don't know if the info is elsewhere as well, I could only see it if you are in the club at that moment of the day. Maybe even a tab with the report for the last x days, each time period. It would be nice from a management point of view. It's also not clear to me if their skills matter on how well the service is done or also on how many people they can service (both?). It makes it hard to judge when you need more employees. It's also not clear if having a singer and a dancer is better than 2 dancers for example. Or if one dancer is enough if they can service enough people. Would be nice if you could do something to improve that experience in the next updates.
  • Another problem I had was with days off. Maybe I just couldn't find an option but I would like it if I could plan a rotating schedule, like in real life. Instead of letting them have 2 days off when they want. Plan their schedules to match the necessity of more people. And during work times as well as days. So in the end you can achieve things as detailed as having one bartender in on Saturday afternoon, 2 in the evening, afterward the one that started in the afternoon ends his shift and only 1 remains for the night. And for the rest of the days if you want, have each one day on one day off. Barternder1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday and so on. This is one of the things that always exists at a place that serves food and drinks and not having this shift scheduling can only subtract from the experience.
Thanks again for the discussion hope these new ideas and feedback help.


Just realized something else while playing. It would be nice if we could pick the images for our sisters as well (just like for us). For example in this playthrough my first sister is a hottie but the second one... It makes me completely uninterested in her.

A filter by home would be nice. To easily see who you can propose as a candidate instead of having to go through your contacts list and check them individually. Also, a sort by Lewdness.

While playing I found an example of double booking from the girls, without me asking anything. The display is also a little messed up:
Update after the day:
All the events happened. However the meeting went in the middle, so I had an option to either leave the meeting to go to the second date (nance banks) or to miss the date. Since the events in the calendar are in a different order I hope you can imagine how this can get frustrating after some time.
Last edited:


Nov 20, 2018
Started to have, a bit of an issue with inviting to dates with some girls. It previously worked fine with the same girls (and the same game version). The majority of the girls work fine.


Jul 31, 2017
I saw a post a while ago that mentioned being able to make a save before meeting someone new so you could sorta force the game to refresh the images used for that person just in case it's something you're not interested in and for the life of me I can't figure out the right timing to do it? If someone exists on the map it seems like it's already locked in that character and never changes with reloading before speaking to them so is that no longer possible? Otherwise it feels like you have to just kinda save before every map change just in case there's a new character on the next screen (at least if you wanted to change a potential character).


Feb 18, 2018
I saw a post a while ago that mentioned being able to make a save before meeting someone new so you could sorta force the game to refresh the images used for that person just in case it's something you're not interested in and for the life of me I can't figure out the right timing to do it? If someone exists on the map it seems like it's already locked in that character and never changes with reloading before speaking to them so is that no longer possible? Otherwise it feels like you have to just kinda save before every map change just in case there's a new character on the next screen (at least if you wanted to change a potential character).
I think it changed with the update that introduced little icons next to the person's name. Once you're in the same place as them on the map, their image is chosen. You have to load a game from before you arrived at that place on the map.
So yeah, it's a bit more save-spamming now than it used to be.
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