- Aug 24, 2021
- 354
- 852
Thanks for the kind words. I'm with you on Patreon, they would likely kick me out because this game has incest and that's a big no no for them. So yeah, they are non-starter for me. Anyway, I'm doing this because I enjoy it. My work has changed over the past few years and I don't get to do development any more and I miss it, so this is my hobby. I don't want to ask for money because it's not worth the hassle. But I definitively appreciate the sentiment.Thanks again for the explanation. Kind of figured out about expanding the club was 1 trigger so my 6th play through has just the original 10 rooms. Haven't expanded and no Mob yet.And I'm still making money, and no debt. But I kind of cheated and changed the starting money from 5K to 500K. hahaha. But that won't help when 3 of the other clubs have expanded. The Mob will still come eventually even with just the starting 10 rooms. This just means that you (please please) will have to come up with some kind of resolution to the Mob problem. lol. Heck, I'll even think about it further and offer some options if you want.
Please consider getting a 'Buy Me a Coffee' account so I can make a donation. You deserve some compensation and I mean deserve. I just will not under any circumstances get a Patreon account or sign up as they want to control everything about your work and limit your audience and what you can write/develop. I don't know why developers choose Patreon. Get a Paypal account and advertise donations to that bypassing Patreon altogether. Unless F95 disallows that.
Please have a great day.
And yes, I'm currently working on the mob story end. So will be out on the next patch. Basically you will be able to get the mobster to your side and hire him to do bad things.
Not on purpose. I have noticed that on my current games I'm getting a lot less unhappy complaints, so it's possible that something had a side effect that's causing that. Been meaning to look into it.Has the Happiness stat been rebalanced in the new release? I seem to be running into an issue where everyone's Happiness is really high, even the unemployed people. That is making it impossible for me to hire anyone, because everyone is perfectly happy where they're at and won't change jobs.
First of all, the things they are willing to share with you depend on how much they like you. If someone has a negative opinion of you, don't expect them to share what their opinion of public sex is. But if you get their opinion high enough you will get them to share more interesting topics.I don't know how you do it right now with deciding on what a discussion might lead to you choosing an opinion but it's extremely random.
In this second playthrough of mine I got lucky and got polyamouros really quickly so I have like 10 girlfriends all happy in under one year. If you get unlucky you could spend 4-5 years trying to achieve the same result.
I understand choosing them outright is too overpowered but maybe a way to steer conversation to a different topic (like sexual preference) and then having a chance to either talk about something you already have an opinion on or discover a new one.
Any way to at least steer the conversation towards that instead of hoping the event happens, even if it's not 100% guaranteed.
Then there's that crazy stalking girl that follows you around and at some point she's going to start asking you what you think of certain things. These will be the hard to get ones, as she will have a very high opinion of you (unless you've done something to piss her off). But this will be your chance to pick those opinions. It's still random, you don't know when she will ask about that or when she will ask to help her quit her job or whatever, but it will come. You have basically a chance every month for that to come up. But all the opinions she will ask about are good ones, she won't ask you what you think about Shopping or Teacher jobs.
As someone else said, that one is not random at all. Just check a naughty book from the library. The first time you do that you will get it 100% of the time. If you decide not to join in at that time, then it can appear randomly after you check out other naughty books.But for example in my first playthrough I met with the morality police or how they are called in the first 2 months and could join them. In this second one I am in October and have no idea where they are or even if they are in the game yet.
Yes, the jump in attraction is immediate. It probably won't be 20 points but yes, all of it happens at once.Regarding attraction, if you are tall and someone dislikes tall people, I expect their attraction is lower (let's say 60). If you change their mind to them loving tall people, does it then jump to 80 or whatever number it would have been if they loved tall people from the start?
To be blunt, it doesn't matter that much. Pretty sure that if you play the game with lewdness of say 20 and with lewdness of say 80 and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. So why if it doesn't matter can you just increase it? Because it does matter to the NPC's. It matters a lot to them. If they increase their lewdness everytime they have sex, they will be way up in no time making the game trivial.And regarding my own character's lewdness, yes I would like to be able to grow it. I would like to be able to improve all my stats, like in an RPG type of way. I don't see that as overpowered. You start the game harder and some parts of it get easier as it progresses, but it wouldn't be a problem because the requirements of the game would get harder as well.
Why not improve lewdness if you do lewd acts, improve intelligence if you read (and maybe do some other stuff) and so on? As I mentioned in one of my posts, I increased the district lewdness from 1 to 9 but I can't increase mine? How does that make sense.
But your district point made me remember one other way that lewdness increases. When a district lewdness goes up 1 point, every resident of that district lewdness goes up by that amount. The district lewdness goes up based on the fame of the club in the district and neighboring districts.
Thanks I do appreciate the feedback. Not everyone is going to agree with every game design decision made. But I'm willing to have a discussion about them and if nothing else explain that most things are done in certain way on purpose.Please take the fact that I am commenting so much, and writing all these things as a compliment to the game you made. I like it a lot, it's why I am so invested. It is just frustrating when you can't do some of the other things yet.
Sorry, it's hardcoded. Yeah, 90 days is too long and I probably should have made it shorter. Can't make ti too short cause it needs to overlap with the headliner performer events, so probably will lower it to 60 days on the next update.Is this hardcoded or something I could change in a file ?Sorry might be a stupid question but most of my questions are
So the laws fall into 6 groups: opening hours, club features allowed, public clothing, taxes, revenue stuff and ages. Commissioners will favor the laws in the same group the same. Different attributes/likes drive their opinion of each group of laws:I remember I saw somewhere (can't remember where now) something like each law and values for each of them, I imagine that's how much they like each of the laws, the highest number is what they are most likely to choose or something?
It would be nice if there was a way to see this when talking to them. Find out what they are most likely to vote and somehow influence it directly. So we can manipulate both parts of the voting process.
* Taxes: low greed (greedy ones don't want to give tax breaks)
* Revenue: low compassion (these screw workers, so high compassion ones don't want to do it)
* Ages: low rationality (yeah, letting 18 year olds drink is never a good idea)
* Times: high will power (more hours open, more opportunity for those that aren't lazy)
* Club features: attracted to women, likes entertainment work, likes dancing, likes voyeur, likes revealing clothing, etc.
* Public clothing: likes public nudity, revealing clothing, etc.
Then there's also a lewdness check. If the law's lewdness (this can be found in the help section or in the law_types.txt file) is higher than the commissoiner's lewdness they will be less likely to vote for it.
The district appears in the person's details under Home.I also want to mention that the election process is way to easy at the moment, in the sense, you have to volunteer your time for a few days for the candidate you want to win and that's it. Somehow a sex worker ran for the second election and I had no problem putting her in the seat. That should be way harder. I expect you will balance that in the future. I also couldn't find out how to see who is from what district, so I know who I should try to encourage to run ( maybe that is in the game). What I want to say is that I think it shouldn't be so hard (impossible to corrupt someone to vote for the laws you want) but so easy to just replace them with the perfect max lewd stooge that will vote whatever you want, most likely.
Not sure if you know this, but you can bribe commissioners. Find out what their honor is, (that one should come up pretty quicky when you get to know then better). If their honor is not too high, bribing them is the best way to get them to vote for your laws. If not you can also blackmail them. Or sway them. They more they like you the more easier they are to convince them to vote your way. In general is not until the final few laws that it should be hard to get them to pass your laws.
That's essentially what your club is doing. It's fame is corrupting people by raising their lewdness. The moral society allows you to pick a few characters with bad traits and make them better.The Moral society is a nice mechanic. Maybe you could develop it so you get to spam it and if you invest money market so you can influence people that are not members as well. Like run ad campaigns in different districts and influence those people.
Hmmm, that shouldn't have happened. Any more details you can provide? Can you post jobs? Can you reassign jobs within the club?I've experimented a little more and I think what may have happened is that I failed the new porn event, and it seems to have put my save in a weird state where I can't hire new employees. What clued me in is that the porn actress in the event showed up in the dressing room event, even though I never hired her.
It's a coincidence. None of that has changed. The first time you checked a sex skill book, she should appear 100% of the time. If you say no that time, she will appear 25% of the time after that, regardless of the book level. But must be a sex book.It might just be coincidence, but for me it feels like the books have to be a higher level of lewd in the most recent update to trigger it than it did before.
They have a 20 point range which is 10%. Hardly a high amount. That 10% difference is insignificant. For focus, which is probably the one with the most tangible benefit means that a 10% in focus amounts to less than 1 day in the building of the kitchen.So it looks like stats that you set up at the very start of the game have quite a bit of random spread and stay with you forever? And you can't work on them? To me having a quality of your gameplay decided by some RNG is an extremely bad design, not to mention you have to play some time just to realize it and even learn what these stats do as the descriptions are severely lacking, by that time you no longer have any control over them and you have to start over to change anything. Geezus why?
There's an FAQ and help files that explain the stats, but no one wants to read them before they start to play. Not judging, I'm the same way.
And for the record, the traits (will power, greed, compassion, rationality and sociabilty) stay with you the entire game but the abilities (honor, focus, intelligence, honor, lewdness). Not by much, but each has ways that they change.