- Aug 24, 2021
- 354
- 852
Yeah, I have fix for people with few friends to not throw parties. Still not sure what to do if they invite 5 people and only one shows up.Parties need some work.
Rocking up as the sole attendee only to have the host be 'distant' using the Mingle function as well as speaking with them directly afterward.
There's a cheat add_room command. Open the console and check the help. You will need to get the room key from the cheatsheet.txt file.What would be the command string to add a room instantly? I have an new girl that I want to hire before the other clubs lol.
Intelligence not a factor there. It's you sociability and their will that matters most.For the improve opinion, it feels very inconsistent. I have very high intelligence, I chose it first and tried the improve opinion on a character with negative intelligence. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't do anything. Which is a little confusing. I guess there's some RNG to that as well.
I also want to mention it's a little annoying you can't take out just one of the job listings. For example I posted one for waiter and one for singer. Once I got 2 waiters, I didn't want a third, but I still needed singers. My only options were to leave both postings and go through interviews of waiters I didn't want or take out both postings and repost the singer one.
I get it, but it's just one month and $100 a pop. It's not worth all the complexity involved to make it work better.
About the same as opinion. But there's a lot of factors involved. For example, are you her boss and is she greedy? If so she may be more willing to have sex with you. Anything that involves you trying to talk someone else into doing something takes into account your sociability and their will power. How badly does she want it (is her arousal high, her lewdness also matters, and how much does she like that particular act).How much does attraction matter, I'm not sure yet. I've had sex with girls with 40 attraction before I managed to seduce ones with 100.
That's too overpowered. Might as well then show their individual traits from the start.That's perfect and exactly what I wanted to know. Would be nice if we could, through talking, get the info from the log. Not with the exact numbers, but like the top of what laws they want to vote one, maybe even just top 3. This way, it's easier to know on who to focus on.
Except is not twice as much, that's my point. Internally the -100 to 100 scale gets reset, depending on the purpose. Essentially it's mapped to a value like 0.80 to 1.20 which is then multiplied by the base amount of time. So 25 is mapped to something like 1.05 and 45 to something like 1.09. These numbers are an example how they are used, I didn't check the actual code to get the math exact. But the point is that the differences are a lot less than what a 20 point spread may seem like.I understood why you said the 10%. I was trying to point out you were using that number to point out it want's such a big RNG. While I think it is, the bigger, for the lower values. As I mentioned, getting 45 or 25 in a stats is a big difference, one being almost the double of the other. Especially for a new player, it can be frustrating and I can imagine some of them restarting the game until they get some good RNG, which I don't know if it is how you want your game to be. Maybe even just lower the RNG the more you go down the line. I mean 20 for 86-85 is decent. 20 for 45-25 or for the last one, is kind of brutal. Still your choice, as always, I will just modify the save file and get myself better stats if the RNG fucked me over.
There's no penalty for turning those down. You only offend someone when you post a job and then someone asks to interview for it and you say no. Or you go thru the interview and turn them down.
- Not wanting to hire but getting interviews. I didn't want a full staff at the start and was forced to refuse interviews or fail them. Your sister keeps sending you suggestions. It's nice to have a source of candidates if you want to fill the job but if I want only 1 bartender it forces you to either hire a second one so you don't keep offending people, or keep offending people. Maybe you can make it so your sister suggests someone, but it's not like a real application from a job posting. They don't get offended if you don't call them for an interview.
Have you looked at the charts? They don't show the exact numbers but provide trends and you should be able to figure out if things are going well or poor (and compare with the other clubs). Storing the data for each period woulld add a ton of data/memory to the game for something that no one cares about. You are the first one to ask for that data at the period level. This is not meant to be a business simulator. And I don't have the time to make it into one.
- Difficulty with number of employees vs how many you need. Especially as a new player, I think I have too many employees still, after 10 months and I am barely making even with the money, even though I'm raking in loads of cash, some weekends 4-5k per day. I'm not sure how you can help with that, I know you mention at least once if not more that at the start you shouldn't hire more people. Maybe the visits number and the actual capacity could be improved. I don't know if the info is elsewhere as well, I could only see it if you are in the club at that moment of the day. Maybe even a tab with the report for the last x days, each time period. It would be nice from a management point of view. It's also not clear to me if their skills matter on how well the service is done or also on how many people they can service (both?). It makes it hard to judge when you need more employees. It's also not clear if having a singer and a dancer is better than 2 dancers for example. Or if one dancer is enough if they can service enough people. Would be nice if you could do something to improve that experience in the next updates.
If your club is not making enough money is probably because it's not bringing enough visits. That depends on satisfaction and fame. Satisfaction comes from what services you offer (more services, more satisfaction) and how skilled your workers are (more skilled more satisfaction). There's other things that impact as well, but those are the main ones, at least at first. Fame comes from how big your club is and how lewd the employees are (among other things, but those are the main ones). Lewdness matters a lot more for certain employees, like the entertainers, then the regular service workers (bartenders, waitress, hostess) and finally the ones that don't interact (cooks, janitors, bouncers). Make sure your employees are as lewd as possible (this may require firing bad ones, or moving them to less visible jobs) and are as skilled as possible (this is easy, just train them). And yes, skill also plays a part for how many customers a worker can serve (this is mostly for the service workers). But that's only a factor later in the game.
Two dancers will almost certain be better than a dancer and a singer. A better question is, is two singers better than one dancer? That depends on their skills. Two really good singers with high lewdness is going to be better than one dancer with poor skills. IN general, get high lewdness employees, and train them up. Maximize their value by putting the higher lewdness ones in the most critical positions.
- Another problem I had was with days off. Maybe I just couldn't find an option but I would like it if I could plan a rotating schedule, like in real life. Instead of letting them have 2 days off when they want. Plan their schedules to match the necessity of more people. And during work times as well as days. So in the end you can achieve things as detailed as having one bartender in on Saturday afternoon, 2 in the evening, afterward the one that started in the afternoon ends his shift and only 1 remains for the night. And for the rest of the days if you want, have each one day on one day off. Barternder1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday and so on. This is one of the things that always exists at a place that serves food and drinks and not haing this shift scheduling can only subtract from the experience.
Pretty sure you asked for this recently too. I've looked into this but can't get the AI to do it properly (and not take forever to figure it out either). It's a very complex issue.
I'm aware of the display issues when there's too many entries in the calendar for one day. It's on the list to fix but haven't gotten to it. I did however put in a fix to prevent the double booking of dates. It wasn't as bad as I originally had thought and you motivated me to look into it again.While playing I found an example of double booking from the girls, without me asking anything. The display is also a little messed up:
Maybe she doesn't like dating? Maybe she has a boyfriend now. It could be a bunch of reasons. I would need to know everything about her personality to know why she turned you down.Started to have, a bit of an issue with inviting to dates with some girls. It previously worked fine with the same girls (and the same game version). The majority of the girls work fine.
Sometimes the image is not chosen until the MC interacts with the character. Other times like someone said, the image is picked when they are in the same place as the MC (to put the icon in the menu). Sometimes the image is assigned when the character is created because it's created with a desired physical appearance. The bottom line is that it there's no way to guarantee this. And sometimes the character is created a bit in advance. For example, the second sister gets created around July 1st but you may not hear from her until a week has passed.I saw a post a while ago that mentioned being able to make a save before meeting someone new so you could sorta force the game to refresh the images used for that person just in case it's something you're not interested in and for the life of me I can't figure out the right timing to do it? If someone exists on the map it seems like it's already locked in that character and never changes with reloading before speaking to them so is that no longer possible? Otherwise it feels like you have to just kinda save before every map change just in case there's a new character on the next screen (at least if you wanted to change a potential character).