
Nov 1, 2017
Have you checked the girls traits? There are a few that reduce the max obedience level. I don't think age has any effect on the max obedience because I've had child, teen, and adult slaves all at 100 obedience and loyalty.
Hm...there is no special traits on the character.

Also, is the other portrait still working? Those bodies/portraits seem to work on color starting with Caps. It won't work if the color is blond instead of Blond.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Hm...there is no special traits on the character.

Also, is the other portrait still working? Those bodies/portraits seem to work on color starting with Caps. It won't work if the color is blond instead of Blond.
When a person is captured they are in a state of rebellion. Until they cease rebelling they have a reduction/cap to obedience. The amount of time they rebel for varies greatly. If you cast mind read on a slave and the result includes the line "doesn't except 'their' life in your domain" then they are still rebelling.

As for images, I have not looked into the code recently, but it certainly used to be very picky about exactly what bits of text must appear in a file name for it to be auto-assigned to people. For instance I believe I had a file the used "dark brown" in the name for hair color. The word "dark" is a trigger for dark elves (and it does not care about elf or elves at all, only the word dark).

Back to your question: do images work? Yes. Images do work. Will the images YOU have work? If you assign them manually they will work. Will they work automatically? Only if they are named in specific ways. Maybe that information is on the wiki (not looked for it). If not, you'll need to dig through the code to see what text pattern matching it uses for each type.

Oh, and as @anubis1970 said, teen has nothing to do with obedience or willingness to have sex. There is next to nothing that "age" of the person affects. It is mostly just a meaningless label.

As for wanting to have sex with you, if you are referring to the Interaction -> Sex option... No one will ever be willing to have sex with you here until after you have had sex with them. If you want them to willingly have sex with you, you must do it from within the talking menu and ask them to have sex there. And once again, if they are still "rebelling," as discussed previously, they may agree to start the sex interaction, but they will not be a willing participant even though they "agreed."


Jan 22, 2018
If anyone can answer me few questions, I would really appreciate it.
1. How to heal health and stress to slaves?
2. Any way to permanently increase "looks" stat? (Beauty mixture is apparently temporal solution).
3. Can you raise max stats? I couldn't raise mine higher than 7.
4. Are there any consequences of stress?
5. How to keep injured bandits from running away?
6. What is effect of relaxing insense during sex?

Thanks in advance.


Jan 9, 2018
If anyone can answer me few questions, I would really appreciate it.
1. How to heal health and stress to slaves?
2. Any way to permanently increase "looks" stat? (Beauty mixture is apparently temporal solution).
3. Can you raise max stats? I couldn't raise mine higher than 7.
4. Are there any consequences of stress?
5. How to keep injured bandits from running away?
6. What is effect of relaxing insense during sex?

Thanks in advance.
iirc you can raise beauty through tattoos and the lab
your slaves will regenerate health faster if they're in their own room, you can also use a healing spell
use a sundress and sedate spell to heal stress
you can stop bandits from running away by training your slaves in certain specalizations, also theres a binding spell you can learn
i don't quite remember what high stress does, i think it shows negative text in the new day log, and reduces combat ability or somethin
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May 12, 2018
If anyone can answer me few questions, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.
1. How to heal health and stress to slaves?
Health can be healed by resting, via Heal Spell, and by assigning a Nurse.
Stress can be healed by resting, via Sedation Spell, and by equipping certain clothing (Sundress, Kimono, etc)

In both cases, you get better recovery from having better luxury rooms assigned. Insufficient or Low-quality room assignments can actually damage both stress and health. A dirty mansion also impacts this, so keep things clean.

2. Any way to permanently increase "looks" stat? (Beauty mixture is apparently temporal solution).
The laboratory has an enhancment that permanently increases appearance once per character. It provides a bigger increase the lower the initial appearance stat, but can't raise it above 100.

You can also permanently increase appearance using nature tattoos.

3. Can you raise max stats? I couldn't raise mine higher than 7.
The laboratory has enhancements for permanently increasing the cap on Str and Age by 2 ea.
Magic can be increased over its maximum limit through the permanent application of magic tattoos.

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4. Are there any consequences of stress?
High stress at the end of the day can cause personality damage, typically around 5-10 damage per stat. It's one of the only way's I've found to drop stats down low enough for Dolls.

5. How to keep injured bandits from running away?
There's a couple ways:
1. Cast Shackle when they start to run
2. Have a Trapper in your party for a passive chance capture
3. Learn "Acid" and use it when they start to run -- assuming you have at least a couple points in magic, it's usually enough to finish off a bandit.

6. What is effect of relaxing insense during sex?
No clue! But interaction options & effects during "Meet" and "Sex" vary greatly depending on which room you are in, so it might be related to that.
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Jan 22, 2018
Just one more question if anyone can help.
Few of my slaves have rebels against me ("Due to recent events X-slave rebels against your control").
I tried punishing them, fucked them to oblivion, I put advanced brand on them, but nothing helps (some of them have both fear & loyalty high, so I don't know that cause it).
If anyone know solution or tips, please help.

Thanks in advance.


Jan 9, 2018
did you just capture them? if so throw them in jail until they stop rebelling, if your jail is full put shackles on them, sometimes they take a pretty long time to stop rebelling, also i think sedating them and healing them raises their opinion of you, and i don't remember for sure if raping your jailed people makes them stop rebelling fast or not. good luck
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Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
When you start the game, you can set your gender (man/woman/futa) and you can choose a companion, who can be your brother/sister. Not your mother, unless you edit your save (never done before).
You can meet/enslave NPCs and build your own harem, have sex with them, impregnate them (if you are a man/futa) and get pregnant (if you are a woman/futa). The game tracks the family bonds, so yes, there is incest.
Anyway, it's a RPG game with management elements: most sex scenes are only textual. If you are looking for a VN about incest and stuff, this is not the game for you.


Jan 22, 2018
I didn't make Emily Hale leave when her sister came for her and it seems I broke quest doing so.
Any way to find her sister or restart event (save editing perhaps)?

Thanks in advance.


Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
I didn't make Emily Hale leave when her sister came for her and it seems I broke quest doing so.
Any way to find her sister or restart event (save editing perhaps)?
Open the save with Notepad++ or another good editor (avoid anything made by Microsoft), find the string "sidequests" and change the number after "Emily" to 6.
Then go to the end of the file and, where you see "upcomingevent", insert:
inside the square brackets. If there are other upcoming events, put a comma between them, like that:
Save and reload, Tisha should reappear the next day.

Edit: backup your save before editing it. I haven't tested my solution.
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May 12, 2018
Just one more question if anyone can help.
Few of my slaves have rebels against me ("Due to recent events X-slave rebels against your control").
I tried punishing them, fucked them to oblivion, I put advanced brand on them, but nothing helps (some of them have both fear & loyalty high, so I don't know that cause it).
If anyone know solution or tips, please help.

Thanks in advance.
I've found the following works pretty much every time without fail, but it can be a bit game breaking. Kind of feels like cheating now.

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That works for me 99% of the time.

You can also use the Dominate Spell -- it seems to do a decent job of clearing the rebellious state overnight.
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Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
Did the devs remove the child trait in a past update? I just came back to this game after stopping for a few months.
Afaik it has never been a trait, but one of the possible ages, together with "adult" and "teen". You must enable it in the settings panel, though.
Maybe in the past the MC could be a child too: now the option is not available anymore, only NPCs can be children.
I've found the following works pretty much every time without fail, but it can be a bit game breaking. Kind of feels like cheating now.
You are not breaking the game, but the slave's mind! XD
Every time they have a mindbreak, their stats go down by at least 5 points (and up to 1/4 of the previous value): which is fine if you want to train a doll (courage, confidence <= 20) or a maid (confidence <= 40), not if you need a good companion.
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Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
@Daba if you cast mind read on your slave it not only tells you that the slave is rebelling, but also the "strength" of the rebelling. This number must be reduced to 0 for them to stop rebelling. So if you just want to experiment on your own...

read mind and make note of slave's rebel level;
save game;
do something to the slave;
read mind and see if number changed;
reload game and try something else...

I will warn that there is randomness on most anything in the game. So if you only try something once and see no effect, that is no promise that doing the same thing again will still have no effect. Need to do things a few times and kind of feel what the average effect is.

If I recall correctly, a slave being in jail gives a percentage chance of reducing strength of the rebelling by 1 per day. And the percentage is heavily influenced by how good your jailer is.
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Nov 1, 2017
i notice that the exchange feature has some bug where item gone missing. Also, if you exchange all the enchanted item at once and get only one in return (the feature say 3 for 1)?? Is this a known bug?


Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
i notice that the exchange feature has some bug where item gone missing.
In the past I had the same feeling: in some rare cases the game didn't give anything back. I never tried to track the bug though.
Also, if you exchange all the enchanted item at once and get only one in return (the feature say 3 for 1)?? Is this a known bug?
The code is not that sophisticated, we players are not supposed to exchange more than three items (I know, the UI should not allow us to select more than three items).

Edit: if you want to exchange more than three items, open "files\scripts\" with Notepad++ and replace the line:
	$shoppanel/exchange/TradeButton.disabled = itemarray.size() < 3
	$shoppanel/exchange/TradeButton.disabled = (itemarray.size() % 3) || itemarray.empty()
and the whole function:
func exchangeitemsconfirm():
	for i in ItemsForExchange:
	var newitem = globals.items.createunstackable(globals.weightedrandom(treasurepool))
	if newitem.enchant != 'unique':
		if randf() >= 0.3:
			globals.items.enchantrand(newitem, 2)
		#newitem.enchant = 'rare'
	globals.state.unstackables[] = newitem
func exchangeitemsconfirm():
	var new_items = (ItemsForExchange.size() / 3)
	for i in ItemsForExchange:
	var newitem
	for i in range(new_items):
		newitem = globals.items.createunstackable(globals.weightedrandom(treasurepool))
		if newitem.enchant != 'unique':
			if randf() >= 0.3:
				globals.items.enchantrand(newitem, 2)
			#newitem.enchant = 'rare'
		globals.state.unstackables[] = newitem


Nov 1, 2017
$shoppanel/exchange/TradeButton.disabled = itemarray.size() < 3[/code]
    $shoppanel/exchange/TradeButton.disabled = (itemarray.size() % 3) || itemarray.empty()
and the whole function:
func exchangeitemsconfirm():
    for i in ItemsForExchange:
    var newitem = globals.items.createunstackable(globals.weightedrandom(treasurepool))
    if newitem.enchant != 'unique':
        if randf() >= 0.3:
            globals.items.enchantrand(newitem, 2)
        #newitem.enchant = 'rare'
    globals.state.unstackables[] = newitem
func exchangeitemsconfirm():
    var new_items = (ItemsForExchange.size() / 3)
    for i in ItemsForExchange:
    var newitem
    for i in range(new_items):
        newitem = globals.items.createunstackable(globals.weightedrandom(treasurepool))
        if newitem.enchant != 'unique':
            if randf() >= 0.3:
                globals.items.enchantrand(newitem, 2)
            #newitem.enchant = 'rare'
        globals.state.unstackables[] = newitem
You mean if i exchange 6 item i can get 2 after i change those codes?

For chole quest, it appears stuck to me. I've already get learn the skill by paying the 25 mana but i keep coming back a few days but she doesn't appear to be missing.


Engaged Member
Jan 12, 2019
You mean if i exchange 6 item i can get 2 after i change those codes?
Yes (and nine items for three, and so on).

For chole quest, it appears stuck to me. I've already get learn the skill by paying the 25 mana but i keep coming back a few days but she doesn't appear to be missing.
Chloe disappears seven days after you give her 25 mana (due to a bug, if you advance in the main quest and you trigger some cut scenes, the event could happen sooner than intended).
The game itself will tell you when she is missing: check the second tab of the daily Quest Log, Side quests. It should say: Visit Chloe in the Shaliq.


Nov 30, 2018
new to the game:
how do i increase obedience? i read suggestions like give them luxury, or put aprodisiac to the food but no clue how to do that?

do you buy from the market and give them as items?
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